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    America’s “political racism”!

    On Friday, Dick Harpootlian, South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman, took another cheap racist shot at the state Governor Nikki Haley. “In about 18 months from now, hopefully he’ll have sent Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from,” said Harpootlian while introducing the state’s...
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    Chuck Hagel won – and so did Israel Lobby

    Tobin Harshaw, the Zionist Op-Ed editor of the NYT summed-up Chuck Hagel’s 58:41 victory in the Bloomberg on February 26, 2013: “So Chuck Hagel is finally and officially the secretary of defense. But there’s not much to celebrate. President Barack Obama has man in place, but Hagel’s disatrous...
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    Hagel and the nonexistent ‘Friends of Hamas’

    Zionist logic: “Since former Sen. Chuck Hagel refused to bid for Israel, he must be receiving money from Hamas or Iran!”. That’s the logic which drove Ben Shapiro, Jewish Breitbart News’ editor-at-large, to post a lie on February 7, 2013, titled ‘Secret Hagel Donor?: White house Spox Ducks...
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    Jewish Lobby: ‘Iran has nukes’!

    The Jewish media is not in the habits of practicing journalistic ethics when it comes to reporting about the Islamic Republic. The latest example is an article by Lee Smith published in Jewish Tablet Magazine, on february 14, 2013. In the article, the Jewish journalist claims that since “North...
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    What You gonna do if they come for yours?

    What You gonna do if they come for yours?(gun) Of course I realize how these people can manipulate these polls by finageling the wording and probably phrasings, I don't know no ones ever asked me anything, good thing I guess I'd give them a piece of my mind, they might not like :) But if this...
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    Jewish groups want regime change in Malaysia

    Recently, writing in Malasia’s top daily the New Straits Times former PM Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (born 1925) accused several American Jewish lobby groups for funding opposition political parties ahead of parliament election due in April 2013 – in order to bring-in a pro-Israel regime change in...
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    Intel Chief honored for delaying US-Iran War

    Professor Thomas Fingar (Stanford University, California), former Director of the National Intelligence Council, will receive the annual Sam Adams award from Oxford Union on January 23, 2013. Dr. Fingar oversaw preparation of the landmark 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on the Islamic...
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    Colin Powell on “Jewish Lobby” and Iran

    Yesterday, former Afro-American US secretary of state, Gen. Colin Powell, generated a big Zionist storm by defending president Barack Obama and Chuck Hagel, his nominee for next defense secretary. During an interview at ‘Meet the Press’, Powell defended both Obama and Hagel on Israel and Iran...
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    Jewish Group: ‘No blank check for Israel’

    The Jewish Voice for Peace and several Christian, Muslim, atheist and human rights groups are planning to submit a letter to Barack Obama saying “No Blank Check for Israel” during a rally and march to the White House on January 19, 2013. These and many other patriotic American citizens are...
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    Sen. Paul: ‘Time to end US aid to Israel’

    Republican Sen. Rand Paul is in Israel to gain Jewish support for his GOP presidential nomination bid in 2016. It seems he has not learned a lesson from his father Rep. Ron Paul’s failed bid for GOP presidential nomination last year because the Jewish Lobby considered him a vicious antisemite...
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    Jewish groups against Al-Jazeera coming to US

    “I wish all Arab media were like Al-Jazeera,” – Gideon Ezra, former deputy head of Israeli General Security Service, quoted in ‘Foreign Policy (FP)’, July/August 2006 issue. Abraham Foxman, a Jewish supremacist head of Israel lobby group ADL in an interview with Newsmax.TV blasted Al Gore’s...
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    Slavery, Gun control and the Jewish elites

    “Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether...
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    Kosher Rice drops out

    Abe Foxman’s Israeli Gladiator, Dr. Susan Rice, US ambassador at the United Nations, was Barack Obama’s first choice as country’s next secretary of state to replace outgoing Hillary Clinton. However, like Gen. David Petraeus, Rice also became victim of powerful Israel Lobby (AIPAC). Several...
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    US plans to hold bilateral talks with Iran!

    On November 30, the retiring US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, made an ‘antisemitic’ statement, claiming that Washington is open to bilateral talks about Iran’s nuclear program if Iran is “ever ready”. In response, Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that Tehran had already been...
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    New Yorkers to elect a Lesbian Mayor

    The results of a poll released by Quinnipiac University on November 21, 2012 – predict that Christine C. Quinn, City Council Speaker is set to replace the retiring Jewish billionaire City Mayor Michael Bloomberg next year. If that happens, Christine will become the Big Apple’s first lesbian...
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    Netanyahu: ‘Obama victory is good for Israel’

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lauded Barack Obama re-election by claiming that under Obama administration Israel-US ties had been stronger than ever – reported Israeli daily Ha’aretz on November 7, 2012. Both Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak and Israeli ambassador in...
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    Romney: ‘Chavez and Castro support Obama’

    Don’t you love the ‘Ads War’ carried out by the Israel’s American lovers these days? You will see anti-Muslim, anti-Obama, anti-Iran and anti-OWS ads with one common message; “To be a patriotic American, you must love Israel and hate Muslims”. Most of these ads happen to represent religious...
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    Amb. Stevens haunts Muslim-haters from grave

    While ignoring the anti-Islam ‘billboard war’ across the United States by the Israeli-poodles – I noticed a news item in the Think Progress Org. published on October 12, 2012, saying that a Florida chapter of the pro-gay Log Cabin Republicans had published an attack ad against the Obama...
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    [Rant] David Siegel rants and attempts to scare his employees into voting for Romney Now I've heard it all.

    The CEO Who Built Himself America’s Largest House Just Threatened to Fire His Employees if Obama’s Elected Hamilton Nolan David Siegel is the founder and CEO of Westgate Resorts, a huge national timeshare company and one of the largest resort developers in the world. In 2007 he was a...
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    Paul Roberts: President like Cynthia McKinney

    More and more Americans are waking-up to the reality that country’s political establishment (Republicans, Democratic, Tea Party or Green Party) lacks true leaders who are dignified, moral, uncorruptable and dedicated to the national interests of the United States and its citizens of all color...