
Truth feeder
Is it right to subject people to subliminal messages/images without consent?

When a person buys a self hypnosis CD or DVD, there is a warning that it should not be used by persons suffering from depression or personality disorders. And yet subliminal images/messages are used with no warning to the general public in everyday media.

The following links show that subliminal images have effect.

People can perceive subliminal messages, particularly if the message is negative, according to a UK study….

the study was funded by the Wellcome Trust.

…researchers say that their studies indicate that, in general, subliminal messages -- that is, messages that are processed by our brains but never reach our consciousness -- do indeed influence explicit attitudes and real-life political behaviour, a significant extension to what we know about the effects of non-conscious processes.
The studies, led by cognitive scientist Dr. Ran Hassin of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Psychology Department, show that the subliminal presentation of a national symbol affects not only political attitudes, but also voting intentions and actual voting in general elections


Teens Half As Likely To Smoke If They Are Wise To Subliminal Messages In Cigarette Ads….

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine study indicates.

Of course there are sceptics.
But marketing psychologist, Paul Buckley, of the Cardiff School of Management, said there was no evidence that subliminal messages work in the real world: "From a practical point of view this probably doesn't reflect what would happen in real life.

http://www.skepdic.com/subliminal.html sceptical

But studies keep coming up with this:

Now, researchers say it is becoming clearer that the rumours might have a kernel of truth: so-called subliminal messages can in fact affect our brains. Moreover, these hidden messages activate the same brain areas as do overt messages of the same nature.


Science Daily (Mar. 9, 2007) — University College London researchers have found the first physiological evidence that invisible subliminal images do attract the brain's attention on a subconscious level. The wider implication for the study, published in Current Biology, is that techniques such as subliminal advertising, now banned in the UK but still legal in the USA, certainly do leave their mark on the brain.


Kemp-Wheeler, S.M. and Hill, A.B. Anxiety Responses to Subliminal Experience of Mild Stress. British Journal of Psychology, 1987, 78, 365-374.

concluded that manifest anxiety and some features of anxiety …can be induced by subliminal experience of mild stress. (p. 365).


Even in the games we play:

As well as mental health issues there is also the question of informed consent. When you rent or buy a game/film/music media there is usually a certificate rating. This will tell you the consumer the age range deemed suitable, it may also tell you if strong language, sex or nudity or violence is contained.

Not all unconscious viewing is hidden, after it’s not like kids get sex…is it?

Some things are just too cute to be true (urggh ) (sorry couldn't get the pic to show)

We are living in a culturally induced coma.

I propose that we find away to either stop subliminal images/sounds/messages or make it an obligation to state the presence and nature of such content.