
University of Alabama Implements Mandatory
Vaccination Program

Friday, July 31, 2009


New students are informed: "No vaccination, no registration at the University of Alabama."

Another great learning institute a mandatory vaccination policy implemented for both new and current students who have not meningitis and MMR shots received for registration of the next academic year.

The University of Alabama recently sent an E-mail to all students to know that they must provide evidence of different vaccinations before they can be registered for the following school year.

Failure to provide such evidence will mean that students will be forced to vaccinations at the Student Health Center to take - for refusing to do so they will no longer be able to register and it can also lead to legal punishment.

The e-mail reads as follows;
All freshman and new students, regardless of classification, must have:

1) The proof of meningitis vaccination (Manactra (preferably) or Menomune)

2) If you were born after 1956, proof of two (2) measles vaccination. One of these vaccines, an MMR vaccination after 1980.

3) Acceptable proof of tuberculosis screening in the past year.

This is a registration requirement, regardless of the transfer or graduation direction.

If you do not live on campus, this is still a requirement. Please provide proof of these vaccinations and TB screening in before the move to a campus housing or on the first lesdag if you live on campus. All vaccines and TB screening are available at the Student Health Center. Failure of immunization and TB testing requirement would be your move to the residence hall room to slow down.

The e-mail also informs juniors and seniors who already live on campus that they need a meningitis shot when they have not yet received in the last four years. The advisory board provides even, "This is no ordinary childhood immunization and it was not required when you arrive at the University of Alabama began."

"The failure of the immunization and tuberculosis screening requirement by a student, regardless of classification, can lead to a disturbance in the register for a study of possible disciplinary action by the Office of Judicial Affairs," says the e-mail.

The MMR vaccine is associated with autism and Crohn's disease, despite a British government propaganda campaign to try to convince citizens that it is safe, as an effort to take children to brainwashing, many parents in Great Britain the JAB vaccine boycott.

Earlier this year, the Daily Mail the story of the 5-year-old Melody Brook highlighted, that of a healthy child to a kasplantje changed after taking the MMR vaccine.

The Meningitis Vaccine was also discredited after 5000 children were affected immediately after the vaccine in Great Britain was introduced.

There is no law in America, regardless of the rules that apply to medical practitioners, who says that you or your child has a vaccine to take whatever an executive order, mandate or policy dictates. There are no situations where you could go to jail for refusing a government vaccine under the U.S. Constitution and the law of the country.

The only way that compulsory vaccination can be applied in this context is the removal of privileges, as in the case of the University of Alabama students by excluding them from registration, while many people say that education is not a privilege but a human right. Students refuse to bid because they do not want needle in their arms is clearly discriminatory.

The only other way to introduce compulsory vaccination is through violence. Many fear that this will happen in the event of a major swine flu pandemic this autumn that the Government has assured us and the hearts that this will be inevitable.

State Health authorities have confirmed that if the government announces a mandatory vaccination program, there will be no exemptions and the program can be performed with the use of force if necessary.
CNS News reported earlier this month that a reform bill of health approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee called The Affordable Health Choices Act, for financing and establish government "intervention teams who will make home visits after to determine whether children and adults are vaccinated. They also provide "vaccination provisions."
cchs ua edu / SHC / Immunization /

Sources: Google Translate

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Military planning for possible H1N1

July 29th, 2009 in Breaking News

Military planning for possible H1N1 outbreak – CNN.com.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The U.S. military wants to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.

The proposal is awaiting final approval from Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The officials would not be identified because the proposal from U.S. Northern Command’s Gen. Victor Renuart has not been approved by the secretary.

The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no final decision on how the military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include personnel from all branches of the military.

It has yet to be determined how many troops would be needed and whether they would come from the active duty or the National Guard and Reserve forces.

Civilian authorities would lead any relief efforts in the event of a major outbreak, the official said. The military, as they would for a natural disaster or other significant emergency situation, could provide support and fulfill any tasks that civilian authorities could not, such as air transport or testing of large numbers of viral samples from infected patients.

As a first step, Gates is being asked to sign a so-called “execution order” that would authorize the military to begin to conduct the detailed planning to execute the proposed plan.

Orders to deploy actual forces would be reviewed later, depending on how much of a health threat the flu poses this fall, the officials said.
