
  1. R

    Banksters’ financial Holocaust

    I know ADL’s Guru, Israel-Firster Abraham Foxman is not going to approve the title of this post. He believes that blaming the Wall Street for America’s financial crisis is an old-fashioned anti-Semitism. While the Western powers are killing millions of inncents people in the Muslim world in the...
  2. s_coy2005

    Distractions? Whats your thoughts..?

    Almost everything is a distraction from your own true self.. THE INTERNET is a total distraction lol.. The TV. Smart phones.. Technology really is a huge distraction.. Anything that keeps your mind from your TRUE SELF, and advertises fakeism is a distraction.. Anything that distracts you from...
  3. s_coy2005

    The best way to UNHYPNOTIZE yourself

    And NOW it is IN!! The best way to unhypnotize yourself from everyday brainwashing and mindfucking.. lol plz excuse my language.. Are you ready for it? Well here it goes!! Turn off your phone, turn off your tv, and turn off your radio. Turn off technology for one FULL week, and spend time...
  4. Denise

    Brainwashing - 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

    I found this interesting, what do you think? If you're not the type to keep up with ugly, soul-killing political controversies, let me catch you up: A while back, hugely popular political commentator Rush Limbaugh lost a bunch of advertisers because he publicly called a college girl a slut...
  5. R

    Shoah: ‘Keeping alive thru sex and emotions’

    The Zionazi crowd has no moral conscience when it comes to marketing their narrative of the ‘Six Million Died’. They have used porn, comics, movies, text books, video games and campus terrorism to keep their Shoah myth alive. On March 14, 2010 – the Timesonline under the heading, What a stag...
  6. Unhypnotized

    How to brainwash a nation

    Wikileaks,conspiracy theories,political games...all part of the brainwashing...
  7. Unhypnotized

    CIA Brain Experiment Victims May Get Money

    10-19-2010 03:10 AM 'Hundreds of mentally ill patients who were subjected to barbaric CIA-funded brainwashing experiments by a Scottish doctor could be entitled to compensation following a landmark court ruling. Doctor Ewan Cameron, who became one of the world’s leading psychiatrists, developed...
  8. Unhypnotized

    David Icke - Mind Programming, Brainwashing And Mass Hypnosis

    David Icke - Mind Programming, Brainwashing And Mass Hypnosis, Part One David Icke - Mind Programming, Brainwashing And Mass Hypnosis, Part Two Source:
  9. Unhypnotized

    Green Police: Trash Inspectors To Fine Families For Compost Infractions

    Satirical Audi commercial is no joke in police state Britain Paul Joseph Watson Prison Thursday, March 18, 2010 Audi’s “green police” super bowl commercial was lauded by many as a tongue-in-cheek stab at the increasing threat of police state control measures being introduced...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Political Brainwashing On Disney Channel

    Youtube March 9, 2010 Something Must Break discovers political brainwashing in popular Disney Channel kids show The Suite Life On Deck. Source...
  11. R

    The Battle for Your Mind: Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques

    The Battle for Your Mind: Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today The Birth of Conversion: Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735. Conversion is a "nice" word for brainwashing...and any study of brainwashing has to begin with a study of Christian...
  12. Rumas

    Brainwashing & mind control techniques

    1) HYPNOSIS - Inducing a high state of suggestibility, often thinly disguised as relaxation or meditation. a. Repetitive Music (most likely with a beat close to the human heart 45 to 72 beats per minute). Most likely used during "study sessions" as the teacher will say the music helps you...
  13. R

    Climate change brainwashing (Video)

    Climate change brainwashing (Videos) More and more news coming out with information showing that we (may) be globally manipulated. Copenhagen is preparing to host experts and world leaders next month to discuss how to prevent climate change. But while they'll be looking to put new restrictions...
  14. X

    Do you think the CIA mind control project could be used to convert atheists and cure gays?

    Here is info on the CIA's mind control project:, when a lot of guys came back from the Korean war, a lot of the POWs set up communist front organizations in the United States. The CIA became interested and set up its own mind control project...
  15. R

    Understanding the NWO: America, Israel, Islam, Internationalism, Corporatism, Leftist

    Understanding the NWO: America, Israel, Islam, Internationalism, Corporatism, Leftist Wednesday, November 4, 2009 Those seeking to exert global dominance are a small band of financial elitist who seek to organize the world in a standardized, Financially-dependent format through which...
  16. R

    Kids TV hijacked by the government to promote influenza vaccination

    Kids TV hijacked by the government to promote influenza vaccination October 23, 2009 A desperate brainwashing campaign to skeptical parents to force their children to give the dangerous H1N1 vaccine accelerates. The federal government has spent $16 million U.S. dollars on a PR campaign...
  17. Unhypnotized

    DHS Video Portrays Average Americans As Terrorists

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, October 7, 2009 A new video produced in association with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI and narrated by former Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway urges people to report suspicious activity that could constitute terrorism...
  18. Unhypnotized

    2012 Ascension or Calamity??

    2012 Ascension or Calamity?? Where will you be by 2012… Ascension or Calamity As we approach 2012 things will start to speed up and the PTW will get more and more desperate. We will be subjected to more negativity with regard to 2012 and less positive. We all need to be aware and keep the...
  19. R

    University of Alabama Implements Mandatory Vaccination Program

    University of Alabama Implements Mandatory Vaccination Program Friday, July 31, 2009 New students are informed: "No vaccination, no registration at the University of Alabama." Another great learning institute a mandatory vaccination policy implemented for both new and current students who...
  20. R

    What is now on Earth? Thursday, March 12, 2009

    What is now on Earth? Thursday, March 12, 2009 The aim of the so-called credit crisis is to disrupt our economy, and our society. This is deliberately done by the same forces that the crisis in the years 30 of the last century have created. Even now, there will be a bellicose Führer up...