1. R

    Malcolm X’s grandson murdered in Mexico city

    Malcolm Latif Shabazz 29, grandson of world renowned Afro-American Muslim human rights activist, Malcolm X (Al-Hajj Malik el Shahbaz) died in a Mexico city hospital as result of racial beating on Thursday. Mexico’s attorney general’s office said a murder investigation was under way. Malcolm...
  2. R

    FDR, holocaust and more Jewish whining

    Two Jewish authors, Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman, in 2012 book, ‘FDR and the Jews’, have claimed that American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had, indirectly collaborated with Hitler in committing Jewish holocaust. FDR’s collaboration included refusal to accept Jewish refugees...
  3. R

    Atzmon: ‘Hizballah taught Israel a lesson it would never forget’

    Israel-born British writer, author, blogger and jazz-player, Gilad Atzmon, visited Lebanon on January 2013 after 30 year when he entered the country as part of invading Jewish army. He described his second visit as a spiritually transforming experience. During his stay in Lebanon, Gilad Atzmon...
  4. R

    Jews against Christians

    Zionist Mafia never misses a chance to fabricate or blow-out Muslim hatred toward Christians or Jews living in Muslim societies. However, they will never mention the ethnic-cleansing of Christian communities in Russia, Ukraine and several other Europen countries in the past plus currently in...
  5. R

    Turkish anti-Resistance propaganda for Israel

    Forget Israeli propaganda that Turkish Muslims support Hamas because they too hate Jews. Just watch ‘Building Bridges’ – an interfaith dialogue show on Turkish television A9TV. Two of its hosts, Ece Koc and Gulsah Gucyetmez Resimler, tell their audience that Palestinian military resistance...
  6. R

    Iran bomb: The evergreen Zionist hoax

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his hysterical speech at the UN General Assembly on September 27, 2012 – amused the audience by drawing a ‘red line’ on an Iran bomb look-alike sketch he was holding in his hand. He warned the world leaders to stop Iran’s nuclear program before Iran...
  7. R

    Mitt Romney embodies ‘Jewish values’

    Noam Neusner, Dubya Bush’s former Jewish speechwriter, in an Op-Ed in Jewish daily Forward (August 29, 2012), claimed that ‘Mitt Romney is Real Tikkum Olam Candidate’. Therefore, he suggests that Jews who care for their Jewish values; individual freedom and prosperity (big banks and bailouts)...
  8. R

    Marianne Williamson: ‘Israel is not a democracy’

    America’s internationally-known author, womens’ rights activist, Marianne Williamson, is a Zionist Jew and blind supporter of Israel. She considers the Islamic Republic of Iran to be non-democratic, oppressive and its government not ‘sane’. She said she has no problem with Ahmadinejad, because...
  9. woodfoe

    Quasi Crystals

    I first heard about quasi crystal listening to Edgar Fouche's presentation. In it he talked about what the people at Area 51 were doing with these crystals. By his own admission he doesn't understand what all is being done or what is known, but he states that these crystals were used in the...
  10. R

    CIA: ‘US cannot trust Israel’

    While every US presidential hopeful and most lawmakers bend backward to prove to the Jewish lobby groups that they would defend Israeli interests more than American interests – Americans have long been victims of Israeli and Jewish espionage networks. The famous Jewish spies include the Jewish...
  11. R

    London 2012 Olympics honors Muhammad Ali

    The legendary world boxing champion, Muhammad Ali (born 1942), was honored at the opening of London 2012 Olympics on Friday night. He was honored as the Olympic flag stopped in front of him in a very ceremonial. Appearing frail, the gold medal winner in the light-heavyweight boxing division at...
  12. R

    Alice Walker: ‘Israel is an apartheid state’

    The welknown Afro-American poet-novelist-author and civil rights activist, Alice Walker (born 1944), has upset Jewish groups by refusing to give new translation rights of her 1983 Pulitzer Prize award-winning book ‘The Color Purple’ to an Israeli publisher, Yediot Books – citing Israel an...
  13. Denise

    Rik Clay... Was He Murdered for Exposing 2012 Olympics?

    1) R.I.P. Rik Clay - The Cosmic Mind: Zion 2012 Olympics June 8, 2008 Researcher Rik Clay who is behind the blog "The Cosmic Mind" joins us to discuss his findings about the Zion Olympics in London leading up to the end game year 2012. Rik presents his thesis in this very interesting two...
  14. Denise

    13 Freaky Facts About Friday the 13th

    Does Friday the 13th freak you out? If so, hold on to your rabbit's foot extra tight, because there are three of these supposedly unlucky dates in 2012, and today (April 13) is one of them. http://www.livescience.com/ 1. This year is a special one for Friday the 13ths: There are three of...
  15. R

    JFF refuses film on child abuse among Jews

    The Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival (JFF) has refused to screen renowned Hollywood producer Scott M. Rosenfelt’s film ‘Standing Silent‘. The film is about child sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community. The film, which features interviews with several victims of sexual abuse by...
  16. 100th Monkey

    Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness

    "The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release March 16, 2012 Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness EXECUTIVE ORDER NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS"...
  17. Denise

    Suppressed Cancer therapies!

    Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Oct, 2004 by Curt Maxwell Editor: Recently, some patients brought their son to see me for low back pain. I was concerned by his emaciated appearance and noticed on the intake form that he had cancer. Naturally I asked about treatment and was...
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    Shari’ah and the ‘cockfight among Zionists’

    Florida Jewish Rep. Ari Porth is certain that his anti-Shri’ah bill SB1360 will be passed by the Senate before the end of legislative session on March 9. However, what surprises the Israel-Firster Porth that his bill is opposed by fellow Jewish Rep. Elaine Schwartz and several Jewish groups like...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    The Children Who Bore Witness to Roswell: Their Tragic Stories Finally Revealed

    For many what was seen at Roswell cast a shadow the length of a lifetime. And for the two children who innocently happened on strange things fallen from the sky in 1947 that did not belong, their lifetimes were short. It is telling that the ‘first-on-the-scene’ witnesses to the unearthly...
  20. Denise

    Wikileaks Release: The Global Intelligence Files - Over 5 million emails leaked

    Winning - THE GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE FILES http://wikileaks.org/the-gifiles.html?nocache Example of one email: More here: MASSIVE LEAK REVEALS CRIMINALITY, PARANOIA AMONG CORPORATE TITANS Monday 27 February 2012 WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files...