
  1. 2

    History Channel 2's After Armageddon

    presumably for Oct. 3, don't know if they'll have it up past that. I just happened to turn the tv and was channel surfing and saw this on tv. Is it a form of pre-conditioning or do they have an idea of what's coming down the road? what do you think? After...
  2. Lady of Light

    Flying Black Triangles Sightings Recently In Detroit, Michigan as well as Other Places

    On March 29th 2013 in the skies above Detroit Michigan was sighted a large black triangle "ship" of some sort. This UFO and others like it have been spotted for many years in many locations; this one seems to be the most recent and it hits home because as most of you already know, is not far...
  3. 2

    [Must Read!] Asteroid to come close 13th/14th Sept 2012

    Well two weeks ago FX had 2012 and then Armageddon. I always wonder, if these networks are trying to tell us something. These two movies are certainly the most played this year, I think. Don't quote me. I do know that NASA awhile back stated they would not even if they knew tell us of a mass...
  4. R

    The Israel-Firsters united against Syria

    US-Israeli dual citizen, Paul Wolfowitz, talking with Fareed Zakaria at CNN on the weekend – called Barack Obama to take military action against Syrian government of president Bashar al-Assad, reiterating his earlier claim that “Syria is not Iraq”. In other words, Wolfowitz wants Americans to...
  5. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Taking The Fear Away: December 21st 2012 – It’s Not The End Of The World – Lady of Light, July 3 2012

    Lady of Light July 3rd, 2012 With the 2012 ‘end-date’ looming, it is important to talk about what’s going on. For the last couple of days, I have been bombarded with messages that I am being told to share NOW. Today (July 3rd, 2012) is the strongest push to get the ‘right’...
  6. R

    Israelization of Canadian political process

    With the election of Thomas Mulcair (born 1954) as the new leader of Canada’s third largest party, the New Democratic Party (NDP), and leader of the Official Opposition in Canada – has completed, like the nextdoor neighbor United States, the Israelization of country’s political process. Canada’s...
  7. Denise

    Ben Fulford ~ Controlled Implosion of Fed Reserve and ECB ~ February 13, 2012

    Posted on February 13, 2012 This update from Ben indicates that all is proceeding to remove the cabal heads, and to bring in a new financial system. He also discusses the evidence for the 3-11-11...
  8. Lady of Light

    Happy New Year 2012: What It All Means

    Lady of Light January 1st, 2012 Happy New Year 2012, Well, it's that time of year again, only this time, things are a little more serious. Not the kind of "serious" like what they said of 2000, but actual serious. This year holds many things in store for all of us, especially...
  9. Denise

    (Ben Fulford) 11-28-11: Chaos Prevails at Highest Levels of Govt. in the West..!

    November 28 Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and that certainly fits the situation now seen at the highest levels of power in Western civilization. In essence, the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial...
  10. Denise

    Hoax Ends As 'Doomsday Elenin' Passes By At 22million Miles Away..!

    'Doomsday Comet' Elenin to swing by earth today (well, 22 million miles away) 16th October 2011 The 'Doomsday Comet' Elenin will make its closest approach to earth today, something conspiracy theorists have long feared. The comet started breaking up in August after being blasted by a huge...
  11. Denise

    Letting Go of All You Know Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis, September 2011

    Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis, September 2011 Dear Family, We are not turning back. The future of humanity, the future direction of the human species is at stake and the ante has been raised. We are in the best of times and the worst...
  12. Denise

    strange sounds in Colorado before the earthquake

    Hikers filmed these sounds on video recording ahead of the 5.7 quake in Colorado (largest one in this area in Forty years). It sounds much like the weird noises from the Ukraine and Windsor Canada a few weeks prior, right? A thread on this is here...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    Comet Elenin Won't Kill Us, Says NASA

    Here is what NASA (Never a straight answer) have got to say about Comet Elenin: You may have seen the scary headlines. You may have read those alarming emails. But do you believe it? Just in case, NASA has issued the facts about a comet called Elenin. And no, these aren't the "facts" doomsayers...
  14. Lady of Light

    Melbourne hit by freaky fog that 'looks like Armageddon rolling in' "A SPOOKY fog creeping slowly across Melbourne is a rare freak of nature, the weather bureau says. The dense fog covered large sections of Melbourne and was affecting flights at Melbourne Airport. Passengers are advised to...
  15. V

    What does astrology say about 2012?

    december 21. 2012 is the end of the mayan calendari know that the mayans were into astrology but dont know much about their astrology. since mayan astrology is tied into the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar then maybe we can look at it to determine what this really means.the 2012 date is not signify...
  16. New UFO Hunter

    Lisa Renee vids on 2011, the "controlling forces, ET invasion etc

    Lisa presents the perspective of the 'Guardian Races': the paradigm shift, transcending fear and 'Armageddon' programs propagated by and for the 'Controlling Forces/ET' agenda, the role of the Indigo and Starseeds and the critical task of our own connection to 'Spirit/God' source.
  17. Unhypnotized

    Domino’s Pizza Receives $12 Million Government Bailout While Experts Warn of Global Food Riots

    Anthony Gucciardi January 19, 2011 While food riots have begun emerging across the globe as a result of surging food prices, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has decided to funnel 12 million dollars into the popular pizza chain Domino’s Pizza, in what...
  18. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History January 8

    8th day of 2011 - 357 remaining Saturday, January 8, 2011 LONG LIVE THE KING DAY The world welcomed a baby who was destined to truly shake it up! It was on this day in 1935 that the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll was born: Elvis Aron Presley (he later changed the spelling of his middle name to Aaron)...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Ashton Kutcher: Preparing For Armageddon

    Huffington Post Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Ashton Kutcher is in hard training for the apocalypse, but this no big screen role: he’s afraid that armageddon is coming. Speaking to Men’s Fitness, Kutcher predicts that the “end of days” is on its way, and he wants to be prepared for the...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Easy Way - Step by Step to proof PLANET X (NIBIRU) Using Your Phone Camera !!

    Proof it yourself: there's something big out there near our sun...thirteenth bak'tuns 12-21-2012! Recomended time to shot »» > 02.00 PM with cloudless sky. Important thing: Camera must be set on negative mode & zoom it to 3/4 or maximum. 1. Tools: a. Nokia phone/other phone that support...