
  1. Mikado

    And BBC America...

    ...runs reruns in the mornings around 10AM eastern. They have recently started airing reruns of "Torchwood" at 9 AM est. Has anyone caught the latest Torchwood? Looking forward to seeing the Christmas special and how the new companion will fare. Also, I have been wondering if River will...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Brian Cox: BBC bosses feared alien discovery could breach editorial guidelines

    I guess they don't they truth out, it might change the world for the better!! Brian Cox: BBC bosses feared alien discovery could breach editorial guidelines Brian Cox and his Stargazing Live crew were banned from searching for life on a newly discovered planet because BBC bosses feared aliens...
  3. R

    Israeli ‘PR’ war games on Iran

    On November 5, BBC-Channel 4′s Dispatches aired Israeli PR documentary speculating that an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities will not only kill the country’s nuclear program but Iran would be defeated and demoralized with a very little damage to Israeli airforce or the public. Channel...
  4. R

    BBC markets ‘official 7/7 bombing story’

    In September 2011, ahead of the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks – the Zionist-controlled British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) arranged a road-trip for five non-believers of the official 9/11 lie, across the east coast of United States in search for ‘the truth’ about...
  5. R

    Pope Knighted the ‘most Jewish Catholic’ paedophile

    Last week, the head of Catholic Church in Britain requested the Vatican’s permission to remove posthmously Papal Knighthood awarded to the Zionist-controlled BBC television presenter, Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile (1926-2011), by Pope John Paul II in 1990 for charity work. It’s reported that...
  6. R

    Jews: ‘Jesus is a monkey’

    On Monday, Christian worshippers, once again, found another proof of Jewish hatred toward Jesus, Mary and Christians. They found anti-Christ slogan “Jesus is a monkey” written at the Catholic monastery at Latrun and the front door set on fire. The Israel police has blamed the extremist Jewish...
  7. R

    Jewish groups want compensation from Arabs

    Dan Diker, secretary-general of World Jewish Congress (WJC) says his organization is holding a conference in Jerusalem next week to seek compensation for hundreds of thousands of Jews who were forced out of Arab countries after the establishment of Israel. On September 21, the WJC along with...
  8. R

    Eretz (Israel-friendly) Kurdistan

    On August 20, 2012, Elizabeth Blade posted a 3-part article at Israel Today, entitled, ‘Quest for an Independent (Israel-friendly?) Kurdistan‘. She claims that the Arab Spring has destablized the Arab world while pitting Muslims against fellow Muslims. This has provided a golden opportunity for...
  9. R

    Indians’ undying love for Hitler

    This week, Navi Mumbai’s popular eatery ‘Hitler’s Cross’, has removed the offending photograph of the Nazi leader from the restaurant’s window though the establishment’s title remains as result of Israeli Consulate’s protest. The photograph in question show Adolph Hitler, dressed in full...
  10. R

    Gen. Dempsey: ‘Israel can’t defeat Iran’

    On Tuesday, America’s top soldier, Gen. Martin Dempsey in a news conference attended by US defense secretary Leon Panetta, said: “Israel can delay but not destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities“. Attila Somfalvi in Israeli daily YNet, interpreted Dempsey’s remark as a warning to the Zionist regime...
  11. R

    Rabbi Weinreb: ‘I’m worried about Iranian nukes’!

    On August 3, Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb in his Jewish World Review Op-Ed piece, entitled ‘Worrying about idolatry’ wrote: “I worry about the economy, and I worry about Iran’s development of nuclear weapons’. I must admit the Zionist rabbis have always puzzled me. For example, Rabbi Wolf Gunther...
  12. R

    Weinstein: ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to Israel’

    Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned Israeli attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein for recently claiming that Islam’s third most sacred site, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds (East Jerusalem) is part of Israeli territory. He called on...
  13. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke Uncensored on BBC Radio!

  14. Truth Vibrations

    will aliens invade London during the Olympics...Olympics 2012 Conspiracies & The BBC

    Here's an interesting on, BBC say aliens are going to invade during the Olympics. The BBC is focusing its new documentary about “conspiracy theorists” around the premise that aliens will invade London during the Olympics. This entire meme is clearly being pushed by the establishment to...
  15. R

    US finds isolated on sanctions against Iran

    Once again, Washington is forced to exempt China and Singapore from sanctions over purchases of oil from the Islamic Republic. Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton used her usual lie that China has “significantly reduced” its oil purchases from Iran. In reality, China imported 524,000 barrels per day...
  16. R

    Putin: ‘Israel will regret attacking Iran’

    During his recent visit to the Zionist entity, the newly elected Russian President Vladimir Putin told Israeli president Peres and prime minister Netanyahu that the Zionist regime will regret it if it launches a military strike on Islamic Republic (alone or with the US support). While discussing...
  17. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke, BBC radio, June 21st 2012

    David Icke on BBC WM talking about the BBC's refusal to have him appear on Question Time, and the global conspiracy..
  18. R

    Somalia: ’10 camels bounty for obama’

    Somalia’s Islamic Resistance Al-Shabaab has mocked Washington’s offer of $33 million for information leading to the arrest of resistance’s chief Ahmed Abdi aw-Mohamed (Abu Zubayr). On Friday, Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, a senior leader of Al-Shabaab made a counter offer of 10 camels for tip-offs...
  19. R

    Bismuth: ‘Ben Ali was good for Tunisian Jewish community

    Tunisia’s only Jewish Senator Joseph Roger Bismuth is not happy with the the ouster of Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, 18 months ago. Bismuth, is the president of 2000-strong remaining Jewish community in Tunisia. He doesn’t feel comfortable with the rise of pro-USrael ‘Islamist’...
  20. T

    See in the palm of the hand

    A study confirms that the human skin, especially the hand palm, contain many kinds of germs which differs between men and women ... A study confirms that the human skin, especially the hand palm, contain many kinds of germs which differs between men and women. We might realize why Allah, the...