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This week, Navi Mumbai’s popular eatery ‘Hitler’s Cross’, has removed the offending photograph of the Nazi leader from the restaurant’s window though the establishment’s title remains as result of Israeli Consulate’s protest. The photograph in question show Adolph Hitler, dressed in full military uniform with the trademark swastika armband on his sleeve.

Puneet Sabhlok, the owner of ‘Hitler Cross’ has called Jewish community’s campaign against his eatery as ‘witch-hunt’. He has claimed that there are already 12 other establishments in India with ‘Hitler’ in the title, including five in Mumbai.

Next week, Israeli consulate is scheduled to visit Indian state of Gujrat to sign business and other agreements. There is another surprise waiting for the Zionist Jew. According to the Times of India (August 27, 2012) – a mens’ clothing store in state’s capital, Ahmedabad, is named ‘Hitler’. The owner of the shop Rajesh Shah claims that the store is named after his business partner Manish Chandani’s grandfather because of his strict nature.

Last year, Abraham Foxman, head of powerful pro-Israel Jewish lobby group ADL forced Mumbai-based Zee TV to change the title of its new soap-opera ‘Hitler Didi (a strict older sister)’. The soap opera is entitled ‘General’s Didi’ now.

In 2005, Bollywood’s most famous directors, Shyam Benegal, directed a film ‘Netaji: The Last Hero’, based on the life of India’s war hero, Subash Chandra Bose, at the cost of $8 million. The movie was filmed in both India and Germany. Netaji didn’t believe in Gandhi’s methods of achieving independence for India through non-violence. He travelled to Germany during the Second World War where he met Hitler who was apparently impressed with his cause and promised to help him. Hitler, also, appointed Netaji as ‘honorary Colonel’ of the Nazi Army.

In 2010 – Bollywood film director Rakesh Ranjan Kumar angered the Israelis and their Indian Hindutva buddies by announcing the filming of a movie Dear Friend Hitler. Kumar claimed that the movie would be tribute to “Hitler’s love for India and how he indirectly contributed to Indian independence (August 15, 1947)”. Several Jewish leaders lodged protests with Indian President Pratibha Devisingh Patil and Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh against the filming of the movie.

Hitler’s Mein Kampf is one of best-seller among Indian youth. Since 2000 over 125,000 copies of it have been sold. (BBC, June 15, 2010).

Though the Zionist regime established it foothold in India during Indira Gandhi’s rule and helped her to break-up Pakistan by invasion of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) – currently, it’s not happy with India’s close relations with Iran. The powerful pro-Israel American Jewish Congress blasted New Delhi in February 2012 for not canceling its $12 billion annual trade with Tehran.

Historically, Hitler and Nazis never bothered Zionist Jews until the establishment of state of Israel in 1948. Read a review of Alan Hart’s book, ‘Zionism: The Dead End of the Opressor’ by Kim Petersen, here.

Indians’ undying love for Hitler | Rehmat's World