
  1. Denise

    Brainwashing - 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

    I found this interesting, what do you think? If you're not the type to keep up with ugly, soul-killing political controversies, let me catch you up: A while back, hugely popular political commentator Rush Limbaugh lost a bunch of advertisers because he publicly called a college girl a slut...
  2. R

    Chutzpah: ‘Peter Beinart hates Israel’

    You got to love the cock-fighting among the Jewish Zionists and the Israel-Firsters. Last week two amusing events happened. First, American academic, author and former editor of Ziocon mouthpiece, The New Republic, Peter Alexander Beinart (b. 1971) was forced to cancel East Bay Area tour to...
  3. Denise

    Suppressed Cancer therapies!

    Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Oct, 2004 by Curt Maxwell Editor: Recently, some patients brought their son to see me for low back pain. I was concerned by his emaciated appearance and noticed on the intake form that he had cancer. Naturally I asked about treatment and was...
  4. maggador

    Jesus: How the Vatican destroyed his teachings & created false religion Christianity

    This is a brief and short little historical overview over the Life of Jesus, events that took place during and after his lifetime, how the Vatican used him to push forth a false religion of lies and deceit, and where we are today Jesus was a common guy as anyone else, he just happened to be...
  5. maggador

    [Wow!] External influences on your mind and body

    Details of unseen energies and forces Those in control are using different forms of External Influences against the population. They mainly use spiritual means such as telepathy, and implements thoughts of their own into your mind that you end up believing is your own thoughts, and so on. They...
  6. R

    British ZOG bans Press TV

    As expected, the Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) of David Cameron, has hit the lowest point in ‘freedom of information’ by banning Iranian Press TV effective January 20, 2012. The ‘execution’ order came from the British broadcasting regulator Ofcom whose members come from Jewish-owned Channel...
  7. Denise

    (Ben Fulford) 11-28-11: Chaos Prevails at Highest Levels of Govt. in the West..!

    November 28 Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and that certainly fits the situation now seen at the highest levels of power in Western civilization. In essence, the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial...
  8. R

    Targeted individual experiencing mind control. I haven't started using this forum a lot yet. I don't entirely fit in, here.

    I came to this forum because I am a 'targeted individual' experiencing electronic mind control, harassment, surveillance, and stalking. I somewhat fit in here, and I also somewhat don't fit in. I fit in because this is, indeed, a place where people talk about things like mind control. But I...
  9. Denise

    Benjamin Fulford 1/1/11 Is the Rothschild banking monopoly about to be dismantled

    The situation in Europe is making it clear to all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place. What is happening is that the criminal element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at the very top of the financial system, has been cut off from their...
  10. R

    Libya and Western myth of ‘Islamists’

    In the West, Holocaust and anti-Semitism labels are applied to silence criticism of Israel, Jews and Zionism. On the other hand, the term ‘Islamist’ is applied to a Muslim who challenges the western crimes in the Muslim world or demands equal rights as religious minority in the non-Muslim world...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    Apollo Zero [Full Movie]

    A fair use film discussing the Apollo Moon Landings. "MOONTARDS are the only ones trolling this film. It's like they really have large doubts as to the apollo missions themselves & want to debunk anything&everything so their faulty belief system isn't thrown in chaos & proven to be a complete...
  12. Denise

    Al Gore Stop Eating Meat or Cut Back To Save the Earth, Pass the Steak Sauce Please

    I bet anyone out there that right after Al Gore said we should stop eating meat to stop global warming; he went home and had a New York Strip Steak for dinner. This same person tells us we should stop using so much electricity in our homes while his big mansions use many Kilowatts to power a...
  13. R

    Shoah: ‘Keeping alive thru sex and emotions’

    The Zionazi crowd has no moral conscience when it comes to marketing their narrative of the ‘Six Million Died’. They have used porn, comics, movies, text books, video games and campus terrorism to keep their Shoah myth alive. On March 14, 2010 – the Timesonline under the heading, What a stag...
  14. Denise

    CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments Docu (1979)

    Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Calif. Bill: Public Schools Must Teach Gay History in Social Studies

    RAVEN CLABOUGH New American July 7, 2011 California state legislators recently passed a bill that would make theirs the first state to require public schools to include a social studies curriculum on the contributions of gays and lesbians.*Governor Jerry Brown (left) has 12 days to sign or...
  16. R

    9/11, Bolton and Ahmadinejad

    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, US-Cuban Jewish Chairwoman House Foreign Affairs Committee says she loves John Bolton for trying to convince the White House for the last three and half year to bomb Islamic Iran before it get its first nuclear bomb. John Bolton also received a standinging ovation from the...
  17. R

    Allison in Zionist Wonderland

    It’s the story of Allison Benedikt, a film editor at the Village Voice. She was raised by her American Jewish parents living in Youngstown (Ohio) to love Israel more than her country of birth. She tells her shocking experience in her recent article entitled Life After Zionist Summer Camp. Her...
  18. R

    US-Israel-Saudi war against democracy in Muslim world

    “The US and its allies will do anything they can to prevent authentic democracy in the Arab world,” Dr. Noam Chomsky, Jewish academic. To western surprise, its plan to create a new Middle East and Africa, has taken a wrong turn. The plan was to create a pro-Israel and more subverted Muslim...
  19. R

    Tawakkol Karman – Yemen’s woman revolutionary

    Tawakkol Karman 32, is a Yemeni woman journalist and chairperson of Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC). She is one of the leaders of the mass anti-government movement in Yemen. She has been ignored by the so-called ‘civilized West’press because she is ‘different’ from the western...
  20. R

    Pope appoints Israeli Zionist to Vatican’s highest court

    Once again, Pope Benedict XVI has proved his loyalty to Zionism. He has installed David Maria Jaeger 56, an Israel-born Zionist Jew converted to Catholism, as a prelate auditor of the Roman Rota, a papal law court that serves as the chief appellate court of the Catholic Church. “Jaeger’s...