
  1. 100th Monkey

    solid state generator experiment

    Check out this experiment using a toroidal coil. Davida Sereda at the 2010 ufo conference discussed this technology. Dr Greer/Dr Loder discussed some of the recent breakthroughs in this area. It's interesting that the technology was even decoded from crop circles using autocad.
  2. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Freeing Humanity from the Shackles ~ December 13, 2011

    5 Manik, 0 Mol, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return on this eve of your numerous global holidays! Your reality continues its upward path into the 5th dimension. This progress can be charted by the ever-rising base resonance of Mother Earth. Gaia is going through a series of swift birth pangs which...
  3. White Rabbit

    New Extraordinary Claims Of A Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough In Australia

    A secretive new fusion startup based in Australia is claiming to have developed a working 1 MW fusion reactor the size of a rice cooker, and is now working on a 10 MW reactor. The company claims to generate a 1 MW output from a 40 W input, and claims to be working with both the Australian...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Its (Time) to 'Leave the Planet' says (Stephen Hawking)..!

    Stephen Hawking: Space Exploration Crucial To Human Survival 11/18/11 TORONTO - Stephen Hawking says the colonization of outer space is key to the survival of humankind, predicting it will be difficult for the world's inhabitants "to avoid disaster in the next hundred years." WHERE TO GO...
  5. Lady of Light

    Obama: NASA Needs a Technological Breakthrough

    This pratt is lying through is teeth yet again check what he said about Nasa.We all know the air force is running the space programme. Answering a question in a Twitter town hall meeting today, President Obama suggested spaceflight is stuck in the Apollo-era mode and said NASA needs a...
  6. Unhypnotized

    The Cost of Bin Laden: $3 Trillion Over 15 Years

    Tim Fernholz and Jim Tankersley National Journal Friday, May 6, 2011 As we mark Osama bin Laden’s death, what’s striking is how much he cost our nation—and how little we’ve gained from our fight against him. By conservative estimates, bin Laden cost the United States at least $3 trillion over...

    Don't expect genome breakthroughs yet, expert says

    Scientists should dial down expectations about breakthroughs from mapping the human genome because it will take years to make sense of all the information, a leader of the mapping project says. Ten years after the first full sequence of the human genome was published, medicine has not been...

    Iran nuclear talks begin, expectations low

    46 mins ago ISTANBUL – Six world powers will try to persuade Iran to rein in its nuclear program at talks on Friday, with little expectation of a major breakthrough but hope they can at least agree on a process that will bring more talks. Western countries believe Iran is working to develop a...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Bindweed Cancer Treatment

    BINDWEED (AN ANGIOGENESIS INHIBITOR) Examples of Patient Reports From The Center The RECNAC team (CANCER spelled backwards) is located in Wichita, KS, at The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International. A breast cancer survivor of 14 years, who used the Center's approach...
  10. CASPER

    [Opinion] Facebook, PayPal tycoon embraces sci-fi future

    SAN FRANCISCO – In the movie The Social Network, the character of Peter Thiel is played as a slick Master of the Universe, a tech industry king and kingmaker with the savvy to see that a $500,000 investment in Facebook could mint millions later. Reality is a little more rumpled. On a recent...
  11. CASPER

    China's top diplomat meets NKorea's Kim Jong Il

    SEOUL, South Korea – Diplomacy finally showed signs of life on the Korean peninsula Thursday, two weeks after North Korea shelled its neighbor. China got off the sidelines and sent a top envoy to meet with Kim Jong Il, and an American governor whose visits have led to breakthroughs in the past...
  12. Unhypnotized

    US To Strap Anti-Matter, Anti-Universe Detector To ISS

    Quote: ISS Searches For Dark Matter, Anti-Universe AP August 26, 2010 11:03am The Alpha Magnetics Spectrometer will be taken aboard the last US space shuttle flight to the ISS in February / AFP THE US Air Force has taken delivery of a $2 billion antimatter detector destined to catch the last...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Don Tolman - Food of the Gods (video)

    Don Tolman is an author, public speaker, trainer, imaginist, entertainer and experimental nutritional-eating researcher. He has written multiple books on a variety of skill-specific mental functions and self-improvement topics. He has been a coach and mentor for key personnel with Xerox...
  14. Unhypnotized

    World is headed for a global revolution – authors

    Russia Today Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 The world may have been brought crashing to its knees by the economic crisis, but some say we have not seen anything yet. The authors of a radical new book, entitled “After the World Crisis”, claim that while America continues to accumulate debt...
  15. Unhypnotized

    2009 in review: A year of FDA censorship, Big Pharma crimes and celebrity drug deaths

    Mike Adams Natural News Friday, Jan 1st, 2010 2009 has been a crazy year for health and medicine. It was the year that Congress rammed through a mandatory health “reform” bill that violates the U.S. Constitution in forcing all Americans to buy government-mandated products and services from...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Movie Review: Avatar and Paganism

    Andrew Strom December 28, 2009 ‘Avatar’ is an enormous worldwide blockbuster movie – the first to use truly lifelike 3D – a huge leap forward that is sure to revolutionize the entire industry. I managed to see the movie in 3D this week, and like everyone I was utterly wowed by...
  17. R

    What's on the Moon? NASA's hidden agenda

    What's on the Moon? NASA's hidden agenda By Tessa Buy ⋅ July 20, 2009 Today is exactly 40 years since Neil Armstrong wrote history by being the first human foot on the moon to continue. But we know the full history of the historic landing on the Moon of Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969? And...
  18. Rumas

    Upcoming show V on ABC: Prediction or injecting fear?

    Fall Preview - Fall Schedule - V - This is trailer for the upcoming show "V" on ABC this fall. Is this an example one of the so called false flag alien invasion that is planned, it even has an Alien "saviour" group. Most of the people in the show look like they are willing to believe...
  19. R

    Artificial life within five years, a fact

    Artificial life within five years, a fact Thursday, March 12, 2009 Laboratories around the world are close to a 2nd genesis-a performance of 1 of the biggest scientific breakthroughs would have ever achieved is. Prof. David Deamer of the University of California, said that although...
  20. R

    Artificial life could be created within five years

    March 11th, 2009 in Breaking News, Technology Artificial life ‘could be created within five years’ - Telegraph. Laboratories across the world are closing in on a “second genesis” - an achievement that would be one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time. Prof David Deamer, from...