What's on the Moon? NASA's hidden agenda
By Tessa Buy ⋅ July 20, 2009
Today is exactly 40 years since Neil Armstrong wrote history by being the first human foot on the moon to continue. But we know the full history of the historic landing on the Moon of Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969? And everything after that occurred?
NASA has always denied that the Apollo astronauts (or others) or other ET UFO-related cases seen during their missions. The news last week - that NASA images of the first moon landing 'lost' would be - is another mystery in 40 years that the U.S. Space Agency surrounds. They show 'erased'.
Fortunately, we heard Thursday that the copies of the broadcast is still available and guess what? They are even better than the previously known material, because the images are 'scrubbed'. I get rather the idea that things are scrubbed away.
1969: a cover-giga is born
If you asked me recently what kind of image I had of the moon, I would have said something along the lines of: a gray sand with craters, where there is no nut to do it.
Of course I could be that the late 60s spectacular was that the first human foot on the moon was put, but on the other hand, I also like to: "What should you do?"
I knew a lot that the moon is regarded as the most foreign object in the (us) known universe. Thus, no solid core, like any other planetary object. It's either hollow or have a very low density.
And as the moon still has more features (if we do not know exactly where the Moon came from) so it is understandable that people like to visit a wild place.
The result, however, were rather against, at least I think that if I follow public stories. 2.5 hours on the moon Neil Armstrong has walked around, has not been more than some pictures, moon sand and pieces of rock for further research. So the legendary statement of Neil 'One small step for man, one great leap for mankind' Well, he had good discussions but I found the 'great leap' not. Although the moon is itself already an entire performance. Since I do not want to do more.
Armstrong: aliens have basis Monday
I understand now that a great jump could have been but apparently other forces operating, that there is clearly no benefit if more people know about his actual history. According to Neil Armstrong have additional trials terre a base on the Monday Although several astronauts have breached their duty as fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin, but also Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell, Neil has always wanted anonymity. Until today, the 79-year-old Neil a hermit life in his farm in Lebanon, in his home state Ohio. Two years after Armstrong left his Monday trip to NASA, you rarely gave interviews.
Neil began his speech by comparing himself with a parrot that he only says things that told him to say.
He also says: "There are big plans undiscovered ... breakthroughs available to them that the coverings of the truth can remove ...
Neil Armstrong (79 yrs) in his younger years.
On the one hand it is very likely that he had trouble with his star status as the first man on the moon, but it would also be able to have other reasons. So he gave during his speech - in 1994 at the White House to mark the 25th anniversary of the moon - a tip of the veil.
Behind him are President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, who during his speech occasionally uncomfortable aankijkt. He seems very nervous and emotional and he started his speech by comparing himself with a parrot that he only says things that told him to say. He also says: "There are big plans undiscovered ... breakthroughs available to them that the coverings of the truth can remove ...
"Armstrong has indeed seen two UFO's'
I read in this article that during the live broadcast of the moon was to hear how astronauts reported strange lights of a crater. The voice of ground control asked the astronauts to get more information but that was the last thing to hear about the 'strange lights'.
This is the book 'Above top secret' of the British UFO researcher Timothy Good. Interestingly, Maurice Chatelain (former head of NASA Communications Systems) in 1979 confirmed that Armstrong has indeed reported that he has seen two UFO's on the edge of a crater. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA," he reveals. Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11 radio broadcasts were interrupted for the news to the public to hide.
90% of the moon shots has false horizons!
About the moon circulate countless conspiracy theories. One of the biggest is that the moon landing a hoax would be. For example, a small but noisy group of people convinced that the moon landings are included in a film. Personally, I do not think this is the case, although there are plenty of websites that you do indeed doubt.
But look especially beautiful documentary Moon Rising by filmmaker Jose Escamillo. It is the second part of the documentary UFO's The Greatest Story Ever Denied. We have many photos to watch Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon, but Camillo says Moon Raising: "90% of the moon shots has a false horizon." He shows that, because the photos of the moon are made with a Hasselblad Data Camera. All photos have a very clear type + 'and see that the whole picture, except in the horizons!
Orion Nebula committed by 'Hubble'
In the documentary are many claims in my opinion, very strong. For example, Hubble Space Telescope - which since its launch by NASA in April 24, 1990 as a kind Kunstmaan around the earth revolves - never shown pictures of the moon.
According to NASA, the moon bright ... Do you believe that if you look at this great picture of our universe? The documentary Moon Rising takes you to places where you never are, so also the 'back' that we see from Earth.
Interestingly, certain buildings (?) Or space ships (?) Or machines (?) That 'see' are. Escamilla tried what NASA has scrubbed away again visible. Although it remains difficult to see, there is certainly more to observe. You also see the moon in its real color. So rather than gray sand, which we so often presented, but a kind of brown / silver-ish blue.
NASA has made unprecedented discoveries
The film is Mike Barra regularly to the floor. Together with Richard Hoagland he wrote the book Dark Mission, The Secret History of NASA. (Coming soon to this website which Paul Harmans excerpt of this must already has made. Now I use some clips in relation to this article - TK) Barra is over 25 years' technical consultant for aerospace companies. Hoagland was previously scientific advisor for the major U.S. news channel CBS. That he came at NASA on the floor during the Apollo flights, and later as an advisor to NASA itself.
The book shows the duo that NASA is not what they say, and that the government agency has made unprecedented discoveries on the Moon and Mars (last in this article disregarded).
The Shard
Thus NASA is a military organization and not an open, civil organization, as most think. NASA has its own secret agenda and for the most part run by people of Freemasonry. The space organization now has more than one million pictures of the Monday Why most pictures of the moon or not public, the first question.
The photographs which are, which are largely modified. And that has been scientifically demonstrated (see Mission & Dark Moon Rising) What is also strange in my eyes, is that NASA employees the moon original material has never seen. Leave it to the ground-breaking videos in 1969 will ever be available to anyone who was interested. And now this story ... If the media of such news is not behind their ears to scratch?
In Barra Moon Rising tells something more about the buildings on the Moon, which can be seen on the first Monday generations photos and anomalies mentioned. The photos Hoagland has studied extensively with the help of scientific experts photo. Barra says Hoagland thus include 'The Shard' has detected a glass building of nearly 1 kilometer high. Equally famous is The Castle, also discovered by Hoagland. The geometric object like a remnant of a type of wall or building.
Why NASA never returned to the moon?
NASA has since 1972 not been back to Monday In this context it is interesting to look at the documentary Why NASA never returned to the moon? I've seen some clips and so says the voice-over that, according to some astronauts' lots of aliens. " What UFO researchers to conclude that nothing else NASA is not recommended ever to return to the lunar surface.
Werner von Braun
While viewing these documents passed a quote from 1959 Werner von Braun, the great man behind the development of U.S. missiles and the hero behind the U.S. space program. He said: "We are facing forces much stronger than we have hitherto adopted. And whose way of operating at present unknown to us. "
As you know I also make use of non-verifiable information in my articles about ET's and UFO's. Here you can read why. I have the book in our library living Earth, which Barbara Marciniak messages has been written that she has received from people Pleiadiërs star, a track that deals with the Moon (page 186).
'In this time the moon is very controlled. (...) Extraterrestrials and others have many bases on the moon, and when it arrives earth have little influence.
They are the aliens that the strings really in your hands. Your technology, although rapid progress may be the furthest distance is not measured by the Biotechnology sentient area boaters.
You are beginners in the game, and you miss a vital key, because your senses and scents of your physical world, structuring reality in a certain (restrictive - TK) way. "
Hidden Space Program
I repeat the same track: Extraterrestrials and others have many bases on the moon. " Maybe NASA has already built a basic. In Moon Rising Barra says that he thinks NASA is half hidden space program nahoudt with techniques involving the Space Shuttle faded. Nobody knows exactly why NASA so mysterious, but in fact, the Monday cover "part of a larger whole that is the biggest secret in modern history.
I just wrote all that our first step on the moon a great leap for mankind could have been. However, this matter now in the greatest cover of all time is, then we can ask whether the secrecy is not the greatest threat to our world security.
I think the moon missions are also known USAP's; unauthorized access special projects (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects) In the article How the greatest secret of human history keeps telling Steven Greer - the Disclosure Project - more about a USAP. Steven Greer:
"It's a top secret, a project shared some special access, even for those with a top secret clearance, and it is not recognized. That means that if someone, to anyone, including your superiors, including the commander and the chief or the president asks you, you replied that such a project does not exist, you lie.
People in the USAP are deadly serious in keeping their project and will do almost anything to keep the story hidden, and both the public and other officers deliberately wrong information. "
Secrecy a threat to world security
Maybe you two questions: why secrecy is a threat to our world security and why openness about the moon missions (and the UFO phenomenon) a "great leap for mankind 'be? Well let me start with the last (where I was in this article are not too deep at starting). According to Greer, the secret government (as part of NASA) on space ships and alien technologies, which since the 30s experiments be done. (Read this testimony of Clifford Stone for understanding).
Again Steven Greer: "Do you imagine how this project 70 years later looks. There are 70 years and countless billions spent on various aspects of this project: the development of alien technology back to find out how it works. "
Steven Greer
According to Greer, there is in our world very advanced technologies based on free energy, thus polluting, fossil fuels - like oil, coal and gas would be completely unnecessary. No more petrol tanks, no high energy bills, no pollution and oil wars are totally unnecessary.
In the wrong hands, these technologies can be used for (by) to develop ultra-advanced nuclear weapons. Let's go back to the moon, at approximately 148,750 kilometers of our planet afligt.
The Bush administration was very burned on a return to the moon as soon as possible. Why was that? I am still not completely back, but for me it has to do with the space shield ... Because what we are to believe a space shield.
The power elite want to control the Earth from space
The U.S. want a space shield because they are deeply concerned about the spread of nuclear weapons by including countries such as Iran. An area can shield certain parts of the world protect. Project 'Star Wars' of President Ronald Reagan, this new life.
Before you think I'm crazy become, let me quickly to the impressive testimony (from the Disclosure Project) Dr. Carol Rosin go. It was the spokesman for 1974-1977 Werner von Braun in the last years of his life.
However, we can ask (even though we are by the media and politics greatly frightened nuclear threats), or the space it is designed to shield parts of the Earth, or that the shield is used to wage war with ... ET's!
What I just wrote Von Braun was the man behind the American space program. He is one of the men after the Second World War (Von Braun was Nazi / SS 'er) were flown to the United States (Operation Paperclip) so that use could be made of their knowledge and skills.
Rosin's testimony is an important revelation: "Von Braun was incurably ill and had cancer but he assured me that he has enough years to life to tell me about the game being played. The game with great effort be made to the space arm, to monitor the Earth from space and space itself. "
Galactic war going on?
I think it is a kind of galactic war going
Wow this is intense man! Now I understand why NASA is so secretive about the moon landings. My quest makes me more and more links ga, and come to conclusions, which I feel are close to the truth.
Rosin Von Braun said the strategy of the power elite in the years that would go, and he has wonderfully so far right. Rosin: "He told me that first the Russians would be regarded as the enemy (Communism & Cold War), then, the terrorists (Islam & 9 / 11) be regarded as the enemy, then would asteroids a threat and the funniest of all was that he told me that our common enemy aliens would be. Regularly, he said: "And remember Carol, the last trump card that they have owned the 'Alien card. We build weapons in space against aliens and it's all a lie. "
I think there is a kind of 'galactic war "going on ... It is very strange do not you think? But gradually I realize that the truth is even stranger than science fiction.
Let me finally to bring this article to a clip from the documentary Save The Moon, to see on YouTube. It says retired Colonel Ross Dedrickson, which for years has worked for U.S. Air Force in the Atomic Energy Commission, on extraterrestrial intervention ( 'time') when the nuclear weapons in the area were sent to the Monday He discusses an incident in 1964 involving a kernkop was firing from Vandenberg Air Force Base toward the lunar surface. "A few nuclear weapons sent into space for scientific research but destroyed by additional trials terre."
In the book Disclosure (which all evidence of the Disclosure Project are recorded) he says something more. "Extraterrestrials are very concerned that our ion atmosphere affected. In fact, the alien space ships unable to operate because of the pollution in the magnetic field, where they (their movement - TK) of dependence. (...)
I understand that in the years'70 and'80 - when we tried nuclear weapons on the moon to explode for scientific research and other things - was unacceptable for aliens. The ET's destroyed the weapons when they went to the moon. Regardless of what government they are launched, the ET's have time to show this is unacceptable. "
NASA is preparing to bombard the lunar surface ..
Not that we be impressed ... This appeared on June 18 a message Telegraph.co.uk that NASA is preparing to from Cape Canaveral to the moon bomb! In Save The Moon is even an exact date listed: October 9, 2009. In this documentary is told that it is a nuclear bomb in two tons! Scientists expect the impact will be so powerful that the debris will be visible from Earth.
This is contrary to the International Space Treaty. I wonder what we will observe Earth and we go trademarks of extraterrestrial intervention. Apparently there is a fierce power battle in space and on the Monday The question now is: where does President Obama an open book on extraterrestrial life? And how is that brought: as good news or bad news? Given the signs on the wall Von Braun was right: as bad news.
No one know what exactly will happen. I am positive about our future and I find it a good idea that we get help from 'outside'. I do not believe that aliens are dangerous. I think rather that these things technically and spiritually much more developed than us. So I think that a kind of guiding principle, agreed that resembles that of Star Trek - the natural process of less developed planets not disturb unless specifically asked for help, or unless it is necessary to prevent a major catastrophe.
When our planet nuclear capabilities developed in WWII, started many alien species much more attention to what is happening on Earth. This explains the large increase in UFO sightings during and after WWII and even now .... Never were there so many reports of unidentified flying objects (UFO's) and the last six months. That has me not only with the advent of mobile phones.
I do not believe that ET's dangerous.
I think rather that these things technically and spiritually much more developed than us and a guiding principle, agreed, the natural process of less developed planets not disturb.
Truth to light
Actually, you see that more and more the truth comes to light. Whether we begin to remember who we are? I think behind the scenes at the power elite big panic going on and are all out of tricks to retain power, to sow fear and to keep people stupid. Take for example the pig flu and the economic crisis. It is very important that so many people are shaken up ... so we find the truth and we realize that we have a choice.
That we in fact our power from the hands often unconsciously have. Is the world not a reflection of ourselves? And help us this time out to get us to the top? I think we stand huge (positive) about who we are and where we come from. Theories that are now impossible to be taken will probably come true.
Who built the Moon?
In the theme of the moon to stay, I know a few 'fun'. I came in Frontier Magazine (August / September 2006) against an article under the title: "Who built the moon?" So is the book by British writer Christopher Knight.
In that book Knight suggests some fascinating issues such as: "Can the moon artificially? And: "Could it even be hollow? And: "Is the moon really created by happy coincidence or is there a blueprint and, if so, who was the architect?"
In the book are all valid conclusions as to why the Moon is not a natural body, but may well be designed for life on Earth possible.
The title of the book is in the article - in which the writer is interviewed - no clear answer. The writer says: "We have three possibilities: God, aliens or humans." What do you think?
Maybe you do belong to that small group of people who think the Moon is a spaceship. Steven Greer (which I have are very high due to his long efforts to include the Disclosure Project) advises on its website CSETI Homepage the following book: Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon by Don Wilson.
Also in this book is that the moon is hollow (as many failures caused by the first lunar spacecraft), but even that there might be space stations. It may be a possible explanation for the fact that Neil Armstrong and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin strange lights seen in a crater
Source: wanttoknow
By Tessa Buy ⋅ July 20, 2009
Today is exactly 40 years since Neil Armstrong wrote history by being the first human foot on the moon to continue. But we know the full history of the historic landing on the Moon of Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969? And everything after that occurred?
NASA has always denied that the Apollo astronauts (or others) or other ET UFO-related cases seen during their missions. The news last week - that NASA images of the first moon landing 'lost' would be - is another mystery in 40 years that the U.S. Space Agency surrounds. They show 'erased'.
Fortunately, we heard Thursday that the copies of the broadcast is still available and guess what? They are even better than the previously known material, because the images are 'scrubbed'. I get rather the idea that things are scrubbed away.
1969: a cover-giga is born
If you asked me recently what kind of image I had of the moon, I would have said something along the lines of: a gray sand with craters, where there is no nut to do it.
Of course I could be that the late 60s spectacular was that the first human foot on the moon was put, but on the other hand, I also like to: "What should you do?"
I knew a lot that the moon is regarded as the most foreign object in the (us) known universe. Thus, no solid core, like any other planetary object. It's either hollow or have a very low density.
And as the moon still has more features (if we do not know exactly where the Moon came from) so it is understandable that people like to visit a wild place.
The result, however, were rather against, at least I think that if I follow public stories. 2.5 hours on the moon Neil Armstrong has walked around, has not been more than some pictures, moon sand and pieces of rock for further research. So the legendary statement of Neil 'One small step for man, one great leap for mankind' Well, he had good discussions but I found the 'great leap' not. Although the moon is itself already an entire performance. Since I do not want to do more.
Armstrong: aliens have basis Monday
I understand now that a great jump could have been but apparently other forces operating, that there is clearly no benefit if more people know about his actual history. According to Neil Armstrong have additional trials terre a base on the Monday Although several astronauts have breached their duty as fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin, but also Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell, Neil has always wanted anonymity. Until today, the 79-year-old Neil a hermit life in his farm in Lebanon, in his home state Ohio. Two years after Armstrong left his Monday trip to NASA, you rarely gave interviews.
Neil began his speech by comparing himself with a parrot that he only says things that told him to say.
He also says: "There are big plans undiscovered ... breakthroughs available to them that the coverings of the truth can remove ...
Neil Armstrong (79 yrs) in his younger years.
On the one hand it is very likely that he had trouble with his star status as the first man on the moon, but it would also be able to have other reasons. So he gave during his speech - in 1994 at the White House to mark the 25th anniversary of the moon - a tip of the veil.
Behind him are President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, who during his speech occasionally uncomfortable aankijkt. He seems very nervous and emotional and he started his speech by comparing himself with a parrot that he only says things that told him to say. He also says: "There are big plans undiscovered ... breakthroughs available to them that the coverings of the truth can remove ...
"Armstrong has indeed seen two UFO's'
I read in this article that during the live broadcast of the moon was to hear how astronauts reported strange lights of a crater. The voice of ground control asked the astronauts to get more information but that was the last thing to hear about the 'strange lights'.
This is the book 'Above top secret' of the British UFO researcher Timothy Good. Interestingly, Maurice Chatelain (former head of NASA Communications Systems) in 1979 confirmed that Armstrong has indeed reported that he has seen two UFO's on the edge of a crater. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA," he reveals. Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11 radio broadcasts were interrupted for the news to the public to hide.
90% of the moon shots has false horizons!
About the moon circulate countless conspiracy theories. One of the biggest is that the moon landing a hoax would be. For example, a small but noisy group of people convinced that the moon landings are included in a film. Personally, I do not think this is the case, although there are plenty of websites that you do indeed doubt.
But look especially beautiful documentary Moon Rising by filmmaker Jose Escamillo. It is the second part of the documentary UFO's The Greatest Story Ever Denied. We have many photos to watch Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon, but Camillo says Moon Raising: "90% of the moon shots has a false horizon." He shows that, because the photos of the moon are made with a Hasselblad Data Camera. All photos have a very clear type + 'and see that the whole picture, except in the horizons!
Orion Nebula committed by 'Hubble'
In the documentary are many claims in my opinion, very strong. For example, Hubble Space Telescope - which since its launch by NASA in April 24, 1990 as a kind Kunstmaan around the earth revolves - never shown pictures of the moon.
According to NASA, the moon bright ... Do you believe that if you look at this great picture of our universe? The documentary Moon Rising takes you to places where you never are, so also the 'back' that we see from Earth.
Interestingly, certain buildings (?) Or space ships (?) Or machines (?) That 'see' are. Escamilla tried what NASA has scrubbed away again visible. Although it remains difficult to see, there is certainly more to observe. You also see the moon in its real color. So rather than gray sand, which we so often presented, but a kind of brown / silver-ish blue.
NASA has made unprecedented discoveries
Interestingly, certain buildings (?) Or space ships (?) Or machines (?) That 'see' are.
Escamilla tried what NASA has scrubbed away again visible.
NASA has made unprecedented discoveries
The film is Mike Barra regularly to the floor. Together with Richard Hoagland he wrote the book Dark Mission, The Secret History of NASA. (Coming soon to this website which Paul Harmans excerpt of this must already has made. Now I use some clips in relation to this article - TK) Barra is over 25 years' technical consultant for aerospace companies. Hoagland was previously scientific advisor for the major U.S. news channel CBS. That he came at NASA on the floor during the Apollo flights, and later as an advisor to NASA itself.
The book shows the duo that NASA is not what they say, and that the government agency has made unprecedented discoveries on the Moon and Mars (last in this article disregarded).
The Shard
Thus NASA is a military organization and not an open, civil organization, as most think. NASA has its own secret agenda and for the most part run by people of Freemasonry. The space organization now has more than one million pictures of the Monday Why most pictures of the moon or not public, the first question.
The photographs which are, which are largely modified. And that has been scientifically demonstrated (see Mission & Dark Moon Rising) What is also strange in my eyes, is that NASA employees the moon original material has never seen. Leave it to the ground-breaking videos in 1969 will ever be available to anyone who was interested. And now this story ... If the media of such news is not behind their ears to scratch?
In Barra Moon Rising tells something more about the buildings on the Moon, which can be seen on the first Monday generations photos and anomalies mentioned. The photos Hoagland has studied extensively with the help of scientific experts photo. Barra says Hoagland thus include 'The Shard' has detected a glass building of nearly 1 kilometer high. Equally famous is The Castle, also discovered by Hoagland. The geometric object like a remnant of a type of wall or building.
Why NASA never returned to the moon?
Area Doctor Werner von Braun:
"We are facing forces much stronger than we have hitherto adopted. And whose way of operating at present unknown to us. "
Why NASA never returned to the moon?
NASA has since 1972 not been back to Monday In this context it is interesting to look at the documentary Why NASA never returned to the moon? I've seen some clips and so says the voice-over that, according to some astronauts' lots of aliens. " What UFO researchers to conclude that nothing else NASA is not recommended ever to return to the lunar surface.
Werner von Braun
While viewing these documents passed a quote from 1959 Werner von Braun, the great man behind the development of U.S. missiles and the hero behind the U.S. space program. He said: "We are facing forces much stronger than we have hitherto adopted. And whose way of operating at present unknown to us. "
As you know I also make use of non-verifiable information in my articles about ET's and UFO's. Here you can read why. I have the book in our library living Earth, which Barbara Marciniak messages has been written that she has received from people Pleiadiërs star, a track that deals with the Moon (page 186).
'In this time the moon is very controlled. (...) Extraterrestrials and others have many bases on the moon, and when it arrives earth have little influence.
They are the aliens that the strings really in your hands. Your technology, although rapid progress may be the furthest distance is not measured by the Biotechnology sentient area boaters.
You are beginners in the game, and you miss a vital key, because your senses and scents of your physical world, structuring reality in a certain (restrictive - TK) way. "
Hidden Space Program
I repeat the same track: Extraterrestrials and others have many bases on the moon. " Maybe NASA has already built a basic. In Moon Rising Barra says that he thinks NASA is half hidden space program nahoudt with techniques involving the Space Shuttle faded. Nobody knows exactly why NASA so mysterious, but in fact, the Monday cover "part of a larger whole that is the biggest secret in modern history.
I just wrote all that our first step on the moon a great leap for mankind could have been. However, this matter now in the greatest cover of all time is, then we can ask whether the secrecy is not the greatest threat to our world security.
"In this time the moon is very controlled. (...)
Extraterrestrials and others have many bases on the moon, and when it arrives earth have little influence.
They are the aliens that the strings really in your hands. "
I think the moon missions are also known USAP's; unauthorized access special projects (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects) In the article How the greatest secret of human history keeps telling Steven Greer - the Disclosure Project - more about a USAP. Steven Greer:
"It's a top secret, a project shared some special access, even for those with a top secret clearance, and it is not recognized. That means that if someone, to anyone, including your superiors, including the commander and the chief or the president asks you, you replied that such a project does not exist, you lie.
People in the USAP are deadly serious in keeping their project and will do almost anything to keep the story hidden, and both the public and other officers deliberately wrong information. "
Secrecy a threat to world security
Maybe you two questions: why secrecy is a threat to our world security and why openness about the moon missions (and the UFO phenomenon) a "great leap for mankind 'be? Well let me start with the last (where I was in this article are not too deep at starting). According to Greer, the secret government (as part of NASA) on space ships and alien technologies, which since the 30s experiments be done. (Read this testimony of Clifford Stone for understanding).
Again Steven Greer: "Do you imagine how this project 70 years later looks. There are 70 years and countless billions spent on various aspects of this project: the development of alien technology back to find out how it works. "
Steven Greer
According to Greer, there is in our world very advanced technologies based on free energy, thus polluting, fossil fuels - like oil, coal and gas would be completely unnecessary. No more petrol tanks, no high energy bills, no pollution and oil wars are totally unnecessary.
In the wrong hands, these technologies can be used for (by) to develop ultra-advanced nuclear weapons. Let's go back to the moon, at approximately 148,750 kilometers of our planet afligt.
The Bush administration was very burned on a return to the moon as soon as possible. Why was that? I am still not completely back, but for me it has to do with the space shield ... Because what we are to believe a space shield.
The power elite want to control the Earth from space
The U.S. want a space shield because they are deeply concerned about the spread of nuclear weapons by including countries such as Iran. An area can shield certain parts of the world protect. Project 'Star Wars' of President Ronald Reagan, this new life.
However, we can ask (even though we are by the media and politics greatly frightened nuclear threats), or the space it is designed to shield parts of the Earth, or that the shield is used to wage war with ... ET's!
Before you think I'm crazy become, let me quickly to the impressive testimony (from the Disclosure Project) Dr. Carol Rosin go. It was the spokesman for 1974-1977 Werner von Braun in the last years of his life.
However, we can ask (even though we are by the media and politics greatly frightened nuclear threats), or the space it is designed to shield parts of the Earth, or that the shield is used to wage war with ... ET's!
What I just wrote Von Braun was the man behind the American space program. He is one of the men after the Second World War (Von Braun was Nazi / SS 'er) were flown to the United States (Operation Paperclip) so that use could be made of their knowledge and skills.
Rosin's testimony is an important revelation: "Von Braun was incurably ill and had cancer but he assured me that he has enough years to life to tell me about the game being played. The game with great effort be made to the space arm, to monitor the Earth from space and space itself. "
Galactic war going on?
I think it is a kind of galactic war going
Wow this is intense man! Now I understand why NASA is so secretive about the moon landings. My quest makes me more and more links ga, and come to conclusions, which I feel are close to the truth.
Rosin Von Braun said the strategy of the power elite in the years that would go, and he has wonderfully so far right. Rosin: "He told me that first the Russians would be regarded as the enemy (Communism & Cold War), then, the terrorists (Islam & 9 / 11) be regarded as the enemy, then would asteroids a threat and the funniest of all was that he told me that our common enemy aliens would be. Regularly, he said: "And remember Carol, the last trump card that they have owned the 'Alien card. We build weapons in space against aliens and it's all a lie. "
Regularly, he said: "And remember Carol, the last trump card that they have owned the 'Alien card. We build weapons in space against aliens and it's all a lie. "
I think there is a kind of 'galactic war "going on ... It is very strange do not you think? But gradually I realize that the truth is even stranger than science fiction.
Let me finally to bring this article to a clip from the documentary Save The Moon, to see on YouTube. It says retired Colonel Ross Dedrickson, which for years has worked for U.S. Air Force in the Atomic Energy Commission, on extraterrestrial intervention ( 'time') when the nuclear weapons in the area were sent to the Monday He discusses an incident in 1964 involving a kernkop was firing from Vandenberg Air Force Base toward the lunar surface. "A few nuclear weapons sent into space for scientific research but destroyed by additional trials terre."
In the book Disclosure (which all evidence of the Disclosure Project are recorded) he says something more. "Extraterrestrials are very concerned that our ion atmosphere affected. In fact, the alien space ships unable to operate because of the pollution in the magnetic field, where they (their movement - TK) of dependence. (...)
I understand that in the years'70 and'80 - when we tried nuclear weapons on the moon to explode for scientific research and other things - was unacceptable for aliens. The ET's destroyed the weapons when they went to the moon. Regardless of what government they are launched, the ET's have time to show this is unacceptable. "
NASA is preparing to bombard the lunar surface ..
Not that we be impressed ... This appeared on June 18 a message Telegraph.co.uk that NASA is preparing to from Cape Canaveral to the moon bomb! In Save The Moon is even an exact date listed: October 9, 2009. In this documentary is told that it is a nuclear bomb in two tons! Scientists expect the impact will be so powerful that the debris will be visible from Earth.
This is contrary to the International Space Treaty. I wonder what we will observe Earth and we go trademarks of extraterrestrial intervention. Apparently there is a fierce power battle in space and on the Monday The question now is: where does President Obama an open book on extraterrestrial life? And how is that brought: as good news or bad news? Given the signs on the wall Von Braun was right: as bad news.
No one know what exactly will happen. I am positive about our future and I find it a good idea that we get help from 'outside'. I do not believe that aliens are dangerous. I think rather that these things technically and spiritually much more developed than us. So I think that a kind of guiding principle, agreed that resembles that of Star Trek - the natural process of less developed planets not disturb unless specifically asked for help, or unless it is necessary to prevent a major catastrophe.
When our planet nuclear capabilities developed in WWII, started many alien species much more attention to what is happening on Earth. This explains the large increase in UFO sightings during and after WWII and even now .... Never were there so many reports of unidentified flying objects (UFO's) and the last six months. That has me not only with the advent of mobile phones.
I do not believe that ET's dangerous.
I think rather that these things technically and spiritually much more developed than us and a guiding principle, agreed, the natural process of less developed planets not disturb.
Truth to light
Actually, you see that more and more the truth comes to light. Whether we begin to remember who we are? I think behind the scenes at the power elite big panic going on and are all out of tricks to retain power, to sow fear and to keep people stupid. Take for example the pig flu and the economic crisis. It is very important that so many people are shaken up ... so we find the truth and we realize that we have a choice.
That we in fact our power from the hands often unconsciously have. Is the world not a reflection of ourselves? And help us this time out to get us to the top? I think we stand huge (positive) about who we are and where we come from. Theories that are now impossible to be taken will probably come true.
Who built the Moon?
In the theme of the moon to stay, I know a few 'fun'. I came in Frontier Magazine (August / September 2006) against an article under the title: "Who built the moon?" So is the book by British writer Christopher Knight.
In that book Knight suggests some fascinating issues such as: "Can the moon artificially? And: "Could it even be hollow? And: "Is the moon really created by happy coincidence or is there a blueprint and, if so, who was the architect?"
In the book are all valid conclusions as to why the Moon is not a natural body, but may well be designed for life on Earth possible.
The title of the book is in the article - in which the writer is interviewed - no clear answer. The writer says: "We have three possibilities: God, aliens or humans." What do you think?
Maybe you do belong to that small group of people who think the Moon is a spaceship. Steven Greer (which I have are very high due to his long efforts to include the Disclosure Project) advises on its website CSETI Homepage the following book: Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon by Don Wilson.
Also in this book is that the moon is hollow (as many failures caused by the first lunar spacecraft), but even that there might be space stations. It may be a possible explanation for the fact that Neil Armstrong and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin strange lights seen in a crater
Source: wanttoknow
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