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    ADL: ‘Press TV promotes anti-Semitism’

    On October 5, 2010, one of America’s most powerful Jewish lobby groups working for the Zionist entity, ADL, published a report which blames Iran’s Press TV for propagating ‘conspiracy theories’ against Jews and Israel. ADL has also claimed that Press TV gives air-time to some of the well-known...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews don’t control Mitt Romney’

    Personally, I believe it will make no difference to the Muslim world who wins the American presidential election in November 2012. Because both Obama and Romney are the two faces of the same Israeli coin. Maureen Dowd, a long time columnist with the New York Times, is under fire from Jewish...
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    Pope Benedict XVI and Israeli Christians

    On Friday 14 September Pope Benedict XVI will land at the Rafik Hariri international airport in Beirut. Following the welcome ceremony, he will travel to Basilica of St. Paul in Harissa. A Vatican statement says that the Pope will use his first visit to the country to promote co-existence by...
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    Frank Gaffney: ‘SPLC = KKK’

    The anti-Sharia crusader, Israel-Firster Frank Gaffney, recently called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) ‘anti-Semitic’ and equated it with the former Ku Klax Klan White Supremacist group. Gaffney is founder and president of Ziocon think tank ‘Center for Security Policy‘ and a columnist at...
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    San Francisco’s MTA ad: ‘Support Israel. Defeat jihad’

    San Francisco’s Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) has a policy against political ads on its buses, but not on this recent one put by Pamela Geller’s pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative group. The ad reads: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the...
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    Iranian Judge: ‘Hang the crook bankers!’

    The Islamic Republic of Iran has been blamed for many so-called ‘anti-Semitic’ activities by the Zionist-controlled media – but somehow, this latest one missed the mainstream media. Maybe, because this involved bankers, the criminalization of which is considered unholy in the ‘civilized’ West...
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    Muslim France

    “By the end of the 18th century, relationships with the Muslim world were so common as to have become banal. People walked about Paris not even blinking when they saw someone wearing a turban, because they were so used to it,” says Ian Calder, a history professor and author of 2009 book, ‘Arab...
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    Weinstein: ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to Israel’

    Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned Israeli attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein for recently claiming that Islam’s third most sacred site, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds (East Jerusalem) is part of Israeli territory. He called on...
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    Mossad blasts 7 Israeli tourists in Bulgaria

    On Wednesday, a bomb exploded in the bus carrying Israeli tourists at the Sarafovo airport terminal of the Bulgarian city of Burgas. Bulgarian television has reported that seven Jewish tourists were killed and 30 more injured. As expected, Israeli prime minister Netanyahu blamed the Islamic...
  10. 100th Monkey

    Historic Lawsuit against Demonic Forces launched July 4th 2012

    Quote from: SupportLocalScene PRESS CONFERENCE REALITY Announcing a lawsuit to be filed next Monday against crimes of Church and State Worldwide in the Canadian federal courts. More info soon...
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    Canadian Church warned over Israel boycott

    Nine Canadian Senators have warned the United Church of Canada that its report calling for the boycott of goods from illegal Israeli Jewish settlements will further divide country’s Jewish and Christian communities. The nine pro-Israel Senators are members of the United Church of Canada and...
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    Church of the Nativity in UNESCO: Israel Lobby frets

    UNESCO voted on Friday to include the Church of the Nativity in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem in its list of World Heritage Sites. The decision was announced during a meeting of UNESCO delegates in St. Petersburg. Thirteen members of the 21-strong World Heritage Committee supported the...
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    Mumbai: The miracle of the ‘weeping Cross’

    Mumbai police is investigating blasphemy charges filed against Sanal Edamaruku by the city’s Catholic community leaders for insulting a recent Jesus’ miracle. Since March 2012, thousands of Catholic devotees have been visiting the Church of Our Lady of Velankanni in Vile Parle, Mumbai to witness...
  14. s_coy2005

    [FYI] All About Angels & Angel Hosting.. :)

    I got this message from the blog The Heart of an Empath & I thought I could share it with you.. :) Angel Hosting -- the truth about angels I’ve come across this more than once. Once on facebook and once now on Sherry’s forum. The idea is apparently that you invite the angels to come and stay...
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    LA’s NewGround Project: ‘Salam + Shalom’

    During the 33 days Israel-Hizbullah War in Summer 2006, the pro-Israel Jewish groups ran an Islamophobic campaign against Muslim community in Los Angeles. In order to counter Zionists’ plan of pitting local Jewish-Muslim communities on a conflict thousands of miles away – the city Mayor Antonio...
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    Turks want Aya (Hagia) Sophia Mosque back

    Yesterday, thousands of Turk Muslims prayed in front of Ottomon’s symbol of pride, the historic Aya (Hagia) Sophia Mosque in Istanbul – turned into a museum by Gen. Mustapha Kemal Pasha (Attaturk), the Crypto-Jewish leader of the ruling Young Turks in 1934. Since then, Muslims are not allowed to...
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    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...
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    Lithuanian youth leader denies Holocaust

    Julius Panka, the head of Lithuania’s national youth association (ULNY) has denied that 30,000 local Jews were imprisoned in his country in 1941. ULNY is the largest youth NGO in the country with more than 200,000 members. “Documents have been falsified and there are false statements on the...
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    Dr. Finkelstein: ‘Farewell Israel?’

    On May16, Dr. Peter Lavelle, host of Russian Today (RT) ‘Cross Talk’ interviewed controversial American Jewish academic, author and activist, Dr. Norman Finkelstein, Daniel Pollak, co-director of Zionist Organization of America and Mouin Rabbani, an Amman-based independent political analyst and...
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    2 unknown poussin paintings :the poussin secret discovered

    2 UNKNOWN POUSSIN'S PAINTINGS DISCOVERED :THE KEY OF RENNES LE CHATEAU'S The key of Mystery Rennes le Chateau MYSTERY AND SHOUGBOROUGH : POUSSIN'S SECRET IS DISCOVERED There is a great mystery Rennes le chateau with strange priest Sauniere . Nicolas Poussin is in the center of this mystery ...