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    NBC mocks Jesus (as) Again!

    The NBC’s ‘Saturday Night Live (SNL)‘ in its recent skit written by its all Jewish writers team (Chris Kattan, Seth Adam Meyers, Maya Rudolph, Andy Samberg, Rachel Dratch, and Rob Schneider), has mocked Jesus (as) again. Watch the video below. The top management of the National Broadcasting...
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    Pastor: ‘Jesus is not returning to earth’

    Yesterday, I found an article written by a retired US Baptist minister Rev. Howard Bess, who lives in Palmer (Alska). In the article Bess challenges Christianity’s belief in the ’Advent‘ or the second-coming of Christ as a ‘Savior’. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which...
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    ‘Piss Christ’ photograph is back

    “The Talmud, which consists of rabbinical interpretations of the law, treats Christ and Christians with contempt. Unlike the Qur’an, which regards Christ as a great prophet, the Talmud contains very offensive precepts and statements directed specifically against Christianity. For example, in...
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    Bernard Levy: ‘Qaddafi was an enemy of Israel’

    “I have made myself a rule. Whnever I hear a person speak in the name of ‘Jewish values’ or ‘as a Jew’, I immediately seek cover. I suggest you do the same,” Gilad Atzmon, Israeli-born Jewish writer, author, musician and blogger, September 14, 2012. French Jewish journalist and political...
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    Now, the paranoid Benjamin Netanyahu really needs his psychiatrist Moshe Yatom, who committed suicide , leaving a suicide note for Bibi, saying: “You sucked the life right out of me. I can’t take anymore”. Reader may have noticed that Bibi has recently stopped threatening Iran with an Israeli...
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    Obama, Netanyahu and the ‘Ray Gun’

    Eli Valley is a New York-based Jewish cartoonist and writer. In his latest cartoon, entitled ‘The Hater in the Sky’, (see the cartoon here), depicts Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu raping and eating American president Barack Obama’s limbs as he forces him to implement his demands which...
  7. "Paleo" Nutriton Blogger faces Jail and loss of Amendment Rights

    Freedom of speech? Surely, you jest. This man got diabetes. He started a blog on treating diabetes. He broke the law by doing this. He is not licensed to promote such opinions. He promotes the so-called “paleo” diet: low carbohydrates. (The diet is not “paleo.” It’s capitalist. I have...
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    Israel (AIPAC) conference on Iran

    On the weekend, both Israeli prime minister Benj Netanyahu and president Shimon Peres are arriving in Washington to address the annual Israeli Lobby (AIPAC) Policy Conference (March 4-6, 2012). According to Israeli officials and Israel-Firsters in Obama administration, both Jewish warmongers are...
  9. Audubon

    Audubon 1 The night my father died I buried myself in a little language, a testament of will, measured out the way the stonecutter measures out our names to make them fit, and as I leaned beneath the bell of light to the cursor where it pulsed, I placed there neither man nor the shape of his...
  10. The first footage of a Comet Smashing into the Sun..!

    Jan 19, 2012 For the first time ever, scientists have witnessed and recorded a comet disintegrating in the Sun's atmosphere. The icy body — dubbed "comet C/2011 N3 (SOHO)" — was originally observed back in July. Today, the team that observed the comet flaming out of existence has published...
  11. 2001 Giants With A Dinosaur/Mind Blowing Eyewitness Account

    Dec 16, 2011 Greetings, I have heard Steve Quayle a number of times interviewed by George Noory on Coast To Coast AM. I wanted to pass this along. I was driving tractor trailers for a company in Western Massachusetts, along the border with Connecticut. One day I was assigned to make a...
  12. Micheal Moore - The Winter of Our Occupation

    The Winter of Our Occupation By Michael Moore, Open Mike Blog 07 December 11 And now it is winter. Wall Street rejoices, hoping that the change of seasons will mean a change in our spirit, our commitment to stop them. They couldn't be more wrong. Have they not heard of Washington and the...
  13. Australians Told to Inject Your Children or Lose Money

    "THE Federal Government will withhold more than $2100 in tax benefits for families who refuse to vaccinate their children. The move is a drive by the Gillard Government to boost vaccination rates, with one in 10 Australian children not immunised. It comes as part of a major shake-up of the...
  14. Planet X, Consciousness, & Comet Elenin, Coast to Coast Radio

  15. Did Aliens Establish a Primitive Postcode System in Ancient Britain?

    'Every single location in the UK is at the convergence of three or more ley lines between ancient monuments. As I type this, the line formed by the ancient Brill Earthworks and the Southam Holy Well crosses the line running through Morden Park Mound and the Leydene Ditches, pinpointing my...
  16. Nuremberg Germany UFO Battle (1561) "One of the earliest of documented sightings of aerial phenomena took place on April 4, 1561 at dawn over Nuremberg, Germany. What was described as a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like...
  17. Table Talk

    Not long after we had sat down to dinner at a long table in a restaurant in Chicago and were deeply engrossed in the heavy menus, one of us—a bearded man with a colorful tie— asked if anyone had ever considered applying the paradoxes of Zeno to the martyrdom of St. Sebastian. The differences...
  18. Radiation From Fukushima Would Take 7 Days To Reach U.S.

    Prevailing wind conditions would send fallout drifting towards west coast cities Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, March 14, 2011 Radioactive particles from the stricken Fukushima nuclear facility would take around a week to reach Alaska and eleven days to reach Los Angeles...
  19. Nibiru To Break Through Ecliptic March 4th 2011 Hoax or Truth?

    A Discussion thread on the popular internet site godlikeproductions has received an extremely high volume of comments surrounding the mystery planet X Nibiru and its proposed nearing approach to the Earth, forecasting the "dark Star" to break through our ecliptic on March 15th 2011. Nibiru...
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    Israel’s stability fetish

    Israel’s stability fetish Op-ed: Is perpetuation of Arab dictatorship truly the best guarantee of regional peace? Jesse Ferris Published: 02.03.11, 18:04 / Israel Opinion share No one can predict how the drama unfolding in Egypt over the past week will end. When uncertainty reigns...