
Truth feeder

A Discussion thread on the popular internet site godlikeproductions has received an extremely high volume of comments surrounding the mystery planet X Nibiru and its proposed nearing approach to the Earth, forecasting the "dark Star" to break through our ecliptic on March 15th 2011. Nibiru which is proposed by some to be the "death Star" or as Revelations refers to "Wormswood" a possible binary companion brown dwarf star to our sun that crosses our solar system every 3.600 years, causing massive geological and magnetic field disturbances.

The time line provided by the internet forum contributor has sparked concern and criticism alike over the last week.

Feb 20 Nibiru between Jupiter and Mars orbits. 2.48 AU from Earth.

March 4 Nibiru breaks through ecliptic plane for earth change symptoms to increase dramatically. 2.261 AU from Earth.
March 15 Saturn, Nibiru, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trench for volcano/earthquake/tidal events to escalate (first shaking of Hopi prophecy). First Conjunction. 2.1 AU from Earth.

June 27 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. 1.789 AU from Earth.

[link to i29.photobucket.com]

Aug 3 Nibiru crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Nibiru perigee orbit angle position. 1.489 AU from Earth.

Aug 21 Nibiru crosses Venus orbit. 1.198 AU from Earth.

Sept 11 Nibiru reaches perigee position at Mercury orbit. 0.708 AU from Earth.

Sept 19 Nibiru equidistant from Sun And Earth. 0.523 AU from Earth.

Sept 26 Nibiru passes between Sun and Earth for second alignment (second shaking of Hopi prophecy) for anticipated Geological Pole Shift Event. Second Conjunction. 0.396 AU from Earth.

[link to i29.photobucket.com]

Oct 2 Nibiru at Venus orbit. 0.316 AU from Earth.

Oct 17 Nibiru at Earth orbit and nearest position. 0.232 AU from Earth @ 21.57 million miles.

Nov 14 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. 0.46 AU from Earth.

Nov 22 Nibiru, Earth and Sun alignment for Pole Shift Reversal Event. Third conjunction 0.58 AU from Earth.

Nibiru will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on Feb 29, 2012 marking 163 days from Sept. 19, 2011 that Nibiru is nearer our planet than the Sun.
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