henry kissinger

  1. R

    Stephen Harper: “thou shalt not defend Islam or Iran”

    On February 21, 2013, the MSN reported that Hamilton resident and long-time anti-war activist, Ken Stone, is being harassed by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) since he attended a conference on Palestine in Iran and writing his views last year about Iran being a peace-loving...
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    Obama to receive ‘Peres Award 2013′

    The future American historians will call Barack Obama “the most Israel-friendly US President“. Within months Obama was crowned as the “First Jewish President, he received 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, for continuing Zionist “War on Islam”. Obama owes his political career to Chicago’s Jewish crime...
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    Israel’s Azeri-Armenia proxy war in Iran’s backyard

    On December 19, 2012, Farhad Mammadov, director of the Center for Startegic Studies under Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev announced that a war between Azerbaijan and Armenia (over the disputed Armenenian-majority Nagorno-Karabagh) can begin at any time. In September 2012, Armenia shot down an...
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    Obama, Iran and Israel Lobby

    “Peace is obtained neither by Law nor Force but by compassion towards others and self-sacrifice,” Dr. Ahmadinejad, President of Islamic Republic of Iran. On October 3, in his speech at the Norfolk Forum, former US defense secretary Robert Gates warned that a US-Israel attack on Iran would have...
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    Henry Siegman: ‘The end of Israel is near’

    German-born Professor Henry Siegman 82 (University of London) is a journalist, writer and author specializing in the international policy towards the Zionist entity. He is also an ordained Rabbi and former head of the powerful American Jewish Congress (1978-1994). Siegman had been supporter of...
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    Henry Kissinger: ‘No Israel in 10 years’

    On September 17, 2012, Cindy Adams in her column at the New York Post, quoted Henry Kissinger predicting that if the current isolation of the Zionist entity continues – the Zionist entity will be gone within next 10 years. “Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated – and I quote the statement...
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    Jewish group to honor Harper for ‘war on Iran’

    Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is to be honored by US-based pro-Israel Jewish group, the ’Appeal of Conscience Foundation’. He will be presented with group’s ‘World Statesman of the Year Award by no other than Henry Kissinger, former Jew secretary of state and a war criminal. The award...
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    Russell Simmons irks Foxman, Again!

    The fourth 3-day Israeli Presidential Conference concluded yesterday in Jerusalem. It’s Shimon Peres’ showcase to make-believe that Zionist Jews do like to live in peace with Muslims and Christians in the Middle East. This year’s speakers included Israeli president Shimon Peres, hawkish Israeli...
  9. Denise

    Benjamin Fulford - April 3rd, 2012

    Just keep you updated:
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    Alan Hart: ‘Israel makes Holocaust II inevitable’

    Alan Hart is a British news correspondent, author (Zionism: The Real Enemy of Jews) and blogger. He had interviewed several world leaders including Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, King Hussain of Jordan and US president...
  11. Denise

    Ben Fulford ~ Controlled Implosion of Fed Reserve and ECB ~ February 13, 2012

    Posted on February 13, 2012 This update from Ben indicates that all is proceeding to remove the cabal heads, and to bring in a new financial system. He also discusses the evidence for the 3-11-11...
  12. Denise

    White Dragon Society spokesman confirms Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler

    On Tuesday 27th December 2011, writing from Japan, a White Dragon Society spokesman confirmed that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is the daughter of Adolf Hitler. Hitler himself was the son of King George V of England (George Frederick Ernest Albert; Royal Houses of Windsor, and...
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    Kissinger calls fellow Jews ‘bastards’

    On November 18, 2011 – Israeli daily Haaretz claimed that former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, had called his fellow Jews as “self-serving bastards“. Former US Secretary of State (1973-77), Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, has an interesting history of relation with Israel and the Jewish...
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    Is Occupy Wall Street movement anti-Jewish?

    Toronto-born American Jewish columnist David Brooks believes it is. In his Op-Ed published in The New York Times (October 10, 2011), entitled ‘The Milquetoast Radicals’, he wrote: “Take the Occupy Wall Street movement. This uprising was sparked by the (Canadian) magazine Adbusters, previously...
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    ADL: ‘Blaming Israel or Jews for 9/11 is anti-Semitism’

    In the past, the Zionist regime had created their ‘official fact finding reports’ on 34-day invasion of Lebanon in 2006, 23-day Operation Cast Lead in 2009, May 31, 2010 attack on Gaza flotilla and the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri. All those reports put the...
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    Israel: ‘I asked for Pollard not Osama’

    Barack Obama did it again. Jewish Lobby asked Obama to release Jewish master-spy Jonathan Pollard if he wish to get re-elected in 2012 – but instead he staged a White House PSYOP on Osama Bin Laden. I am referring to Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, who recently told Obama to release American...
  17. Unhypnotized

    MUST SEE - Dr. Pieczenik @ Alex Jones - Aid of Kissinger, Bush Sr: 911 INSIDE JOB

    Dr. Steve Pieczenik, 2002, former deputy of the state department under Henry Kissenger! Dr. Pieczenik served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and/or Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker. Dr. Pieczenik is a member of the...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Report: Bilderberg Wants Gas Prices at $7 a Gallon

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Planet.com Friday, April 22, 2011 In a follow-up to his American Free Press article, veteran newspaper reporter and Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker told Alex Jones today that the globalists fully intend to launch a ground invasion of Libya and also jack up the price of gas to $7...
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    Israel: ‘ Islamists to takeover Jordan, too!’

    Israelis see Islamists behind every anti-governments protest in the Middle East. Islamists’ takeover of the pro-western monarchies and military dictatorship by the so-called ‘anti-Israel-Jew-hating’ Islamists, has become the latest ‘holocaust myth’. It’s scaring the hell out of the Islamophobes...
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    Libya: ‘Liberation via depleted uranium weapons’

    “Military Men Are Just Dumb, Stupid, Animals To Be Used As Pawns In Foreign Policy,” Henry Kissinger, the Zionist Jew war criminal. On April 13, 2011 - Conn Hallinan, a columnist with Foreign Policy in Focus was interviewed by RT network in which he claimed that United States is now using...