Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is to be honored by US-based pro-Israel Jewish group, the ’Appeal of Conscience Foundation’. He will be presented with group’s ‘World Statesman of the Year Award by no other than Henry Kissinger, former Jew secretary of state and a war criminal.
The award is given for Harper’s blind support for the Zionist entity and Harper’s cancellation of diplomatic relation with the Islamic Republic. The award ceremony will take place on the September 27 – the day after Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is due to deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly annual meeting in New York.
The Appeal of Conscience Foundation was established by an Austrian-born New York Zionist Rabbi Arthur Schneier in 1965. Arthur is a close friend of Pope Benedict XVI and former French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Bob Hepburn in the Toronto Star lambasted the Appeal of Conscience Foundation for ignoring Harper’s destructive domestic policies. “The foundation should have known that anointing Harper, who has displayed such a casual disrespect for democracy at home, as its World Statesman of the Year would be seen as a sad joke on all Canadians struggling to protect their democracy.”
Harper’s other international war activities which earned him the Zionist admiration, include bombing Libya, anti-Iran campaign, complicity with coups in Honduras and Paraguay, support for Israel’s bombing of Gaza and Lebanon, extending the war in Afghanistan? The deployment of troops rather than rescue teams to post-earthquake Haiti, selling $6 billion of arms to anti-Iran Saudi regime in 2011, etc.
Yves Engler is a Canadian Jewish writer, author, blogger and peace activist. He is author of book, ‘The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy‘. Watch below an interview he gave to Lisa Tarachansky of the Real News.
Jewish group to honor Harper for ‘war on Iran’ | Rehmat's World
The award is given for Harper’s blind support for the Zionist entity and Harper’s cancellation of diplomatic relation with the Islamic Republic. The award ceremony will take place on the September 27 – the day after Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is due to deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly annual meeting in New York.
The Appeal of Conscience Foundation was established by an Austrian-born New York Zionist Rabbi Arthur Schneier in 1965. Arthur is a close friend of Pope Benedict XVI and former French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Bob Hepburn in the Toronto Star lambasted the Appeal of Conscience Foundation for ignoring Harper’s destructive domestic policies. “The foundation should have known that anointing Harper, who has displayed such a casual disrespect for democracy at home, as its World Statesman of the Year would be seen as a sad joke on all Canadians struggling to protect their democracy.”
Harper’s other international war activities which earned him the Zionist admiration, include bombing Libya, anti-Iran campaign, complicity with coups in Honduras and Paraguay, support for Israel’s bombing of Gaza and Lebanon, extending the war in Afghanistan? The deployment of troops rather than rescue teams to post-earthquake Haiti, selling $6 billion of arms to anti-Iran Saudi regime in 2011, etc.
Yves Engler is a Canadian Jewish writer, author, blogger and peace activist. He is author of book, ‘The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy‘. Watch below an interview he gave to Lisa Tarachansky of the Real News.
Jewish group to honor Harper for ‘war on Iran’ | Rehmat's World