
  1. A shaman summon ufo infront of tv reporter!!

    "There is no one type of UFO, friend. There is a large intergalactic community. each species has several types of craft. our government also has spacecraft that are based on recovered alien craft. The key to wading through all of the information on aliens is to disregard people that try to...
  2. Ascension ~ Your Missions & Agreements ~

    ~Ascension ~ Your Missions & Agreements ~ It amazes me how many souls~ can't want to ascend and get off the planet. Do you not realize, that your very souls asked and volunteered to come here, to this planet during this time because of an incrediable love to serve the divine will...
  3. White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to Mars

    Forget Kenya. Never mind the secret madrassas. The sinister, shocking truth about Barack Obama’s past lies not in east Africa, but in outer space. As a young man in the early 1980s, Obama was part of a secret CIA project to explore Mars. The future president teleported there, along with the...
  4. Sheldan Nidle ~ Galactic Federation Fleets ~ First Contact Repost ~ November 25, 2011

    Although this is a repost from earlier days, I thought it was of special interest. Personally, I had never heard of Sheldan Nidle or the Galactic Federation of Light when it was first posted in 2002. (My experience with the Galactic Federation of Light began in 2009), so this information was...
  5. Sheldan Nidle ~ Your Coming Prosperity Funds ~ October 18, 2011

    Batz, 4 Tzec, 8 Manik 

Selamat Balik! We return in a state of joy! Progress is being made on many fronts as we put in motion the final directives which will shortly allow the funding to begin. Concurrently, a series of meetings have cleared up certain misunderstandings between our Earth...
  6. 'We The People' Petition Seeks Truth Of Alien Visits From Obama Administration..!

    10/3/11 UFO hunters are now turning to an Obama administration initiative in the hopes of revealing what the government really knows about extraterrestrials. Under the White House's "We the People" program, citizens can appeal to officials "to take action on a range of important issues...
  7. Transmission of Light: The Pituitary Dimensional Attunement byTom Kenyon

    Transmission of Light: The Pituitary Dimensional Attunement A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon (Note from OP--you must go to this link for the sound healing, which is free once you sign the agreement.) From our perspective the ascension process can...
  8. For fans of Messages From Matthew I believe the creator or this site is directly in touch with Suzy Ward, who channels Mathew's messages. There is a lot more channeled info on his site as well. "Background and Analysis of Matthew’s June 11, 2011 Message 2011 June 12 by...
  9. Former Astronaut (Dr. Edgar Mitchell) Says Aliens Are Here

    LAKE WORTH, FL -- Dr. Edgar Mitchell is one of only 12 people who walked on the moon, but it's child's play compared to the intergalactic shuttling he says is going on between alien planets and earth. "I don’t know how many or how they’re doing it. But I believe they've been observing us for...
  10. Archangel Anael ~ MayDay ~ May 1, 2011

    I am Archangel Anael. Beloved Children of the Light and beloved Starseeds, I bring My peace and love to you now. We will work together to develop what it means to die to self and to be reborn in Christ. You are now living in the dawn of the final day. The Day that I speak of is not a...
  11. Guest Post: FBI Raids Chuck E. Cheese For “Undermining U.S. Currency”

    Tyler Durden Zero Hedge April 13, 2011 From Brandon Smith at Alt Market FBI Raids Chuck E. Cheese For “Undermining U.S. Currency” The FBI and the Secret Service showed their willingness today to utilize the expanded definitions of “counterfeit currency” and “domestic terrorism” brought...
  12. Planet Saturn and Earth ~ This is Metatron!

    Greetings. This is Metatron. This Equinox rides high on a tide of a supermoon illuminating the Planet Saturn. It pulls the Cosmic Waves from Galactic Center into the Equator and aligns Earth Axis in the Earth Grids on the 5th Dimension. It is a turbulent time. Lord Ashtar has called for...
  13. Dark Energy

    The best way to measure dark energy just got better Dark energy is a mysterious force that pervades all space, acting as a "push" to accelerate the Universe's expansion. Despite being 70 percent of the Universe, dark energy was only discovered in 1998 by two teams observing Type 1a supernovae...
  14. Earth Biodiversity Pattern May Trace Back to Bobbing Solar System Path

    A puzzlingly regular waxing and waning of Earth's biodiversity may ultimately trace back to our solar system's bobbing path around the Milky Way, a new study suggests. Every 60 million years or so, two things happen, roughly in synch: The solar system peeks its head to the north of the average...
  15. Australia: Alleged Cult Leader Works as Government Psychologist Oct 18, 2010 Via: The Age: A WOMAN accused of leading a cult that has damaged the lives of scores of people is working as a psychologist with vulnerable patients at a community mental health service in Queensland. Natasha Lakaev’s Universal Knowledge organisation was offering...
  16. K

    [Attention] Activation October 10th, 2010 Part 1

    I am a student of Stellar Quantum Cure taught by Rodrigo Romo in South America and some parts of Europe. Rodrigo Romo channels an entity named Shtareer. Shtareer is a member of the Voronandeck Order and is the brother of Micah. Rodrigo has written a message regarding Sunday, October 10th...
  17. The Prophecy of Peter Deunov (1864-1944)

    In light of the developments in Iran [ Persia ] – and still developing as this is being penned – and the potential affect it will have across the world at this disturbing time, I'd like to share with you this prophecy by Peter Deunov just prior to his death in 1944. What we see happening...
  18. Goldman?s Attempt To Ambush Dollar Aborted, Tactical Shorts Closed As Stop Losses Hit

    Tyler Durden Zero Hedge Monday, Dec 21st, 2009 Just as the year end onslaught on the dollar was spearheaded to a climax by Blankfein’s minions, so did Europe finally decide to convulse under an unbearable lead of ridiculous mispriced “assets” and vomited up a whole load of troubling financial...
  19. Signs of Advanced ET Civilization in Andromeda Galaxy

    Signs of very advanced ET civilization in Andromeda Galaxy Quantized vortices from Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies show signs of very advanced extraterrestrial civilization Scientists are finding first signs of computationally verifiable prove of the existence of very advanced...
  20. Planet X, Where Are You Hiding?

    Where Are You Hiding Planet X, Dr. Brown? 05-11-2009 / WWW.NIBURU.NL Mike Brown is a professor of planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and an expert dwarf planet hunter, accredited with discovering over 100 minor bodies in the Kuiper belt. Dr. Brown is also...