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Last month, Canada’s anti-Iran foreign minister John Baird took another unilateral step: he crossed the “red line” and met with Zionist justice minister Tzipi Livni in her office located in the Jewish occupied East Jerusalem. His meeting proved once again the Stephen Harper government in Ottawa has turned Canada into an Israeli colony. Baird also visited Syrian Golan Heights, another Arab land annexed by the Zionist regime since 1967 war.

Most western capitals refuse to let their cabinet ministers attend such meetings and visits, such that these be viewed as recognizing Israel’s annexation of foreign land captured during its war of aggression against its Arab neighbors.

Last month, the tiny oil-rich pro-US Arab Sheikhdon Qatar decided to slap Harper’s face by unveiling its bid to relocate United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) headquarters from Montreal to Doha.

Qatar presented ICAO with an offer to serve as the new permanent seat of the organization beginning in 2016. It included construction of new premises, paying to move materials and staffers, and paying for all expenses resulting from staff terminations and severance packages, according to the UN agency. Making matters worse, Qatar did not tell Canadian foreign minister John Baird about it when he visited Doha last month.

Yesterday, John Baird and Quebec minister of international relations Israel-Firster Jean-Francois Lisee held a news conference with Montreal Jewish Mayor Michael Applebaum to announce a common front against the Qatari bid. Quebec is referred as “Zionist colony” and Montreal Jews are accused of being blind supporter of the Zionist entity.

Israel-Firster Stephen Harper also weighed in on the ICAO tug-of-war, saying he doesn’t think a strong case can be made to move the civil aviation authority out of Montreal. “It has been based in Montreal for a long time. Montreal, Quebec, Canada have been very good hosts from everything I understand,” Harper told a news conference in Quebec city.

The International Civil Aviation Organization, which sets international standards for civil aviation, has been in Montreal since it first opened in 1946. Its present headquarters were built in the 1990s at the cost $100 million. Losing ICAO will be a great financial loss to both Montreal city and Canada at large. ICAO employs 534 people and generate $80 million annually to provincial economy.

In October 2010, Stephen Harper was humiliated at the United Nations for his blind support for the Zionist entity when Canada lost its bid to have a seat at the UN Security Council.

In 2010, the government in Abu Dhabi closed down Canadian military base at Camp Mirage that was used by Canada and NATO as refuelling and supply line to their forces in Afghanistan.

Qatar, one of world’s richest countries with vast oil and gas reserves, is being pushed by the western colonial powers to replace Saudi Arabia as their Watchdog in the Muslim world. Qatar is home to Al-Jazeera – a pro-Israel Arab media network. Qatar rulers have funded anti-government rebels in Libya, Syria, Sudan and Iran. Doha is also campaigning for the resumption of Israel-Mahmoud Abbas peace talks. Last year, Qatar made a failed bid to bring Taliban under Yankee-control. Qatar is to host the World Cup in 2022 and hoping to host the 2020 summer Olympic games.

Canada along with the US and Israel has no diplomatic relations with Iran. three countries have also declared Lebanon’s Islamic Resistan party Hizbullah as “terrorist organization”. Hizbullah is the only Arab militia that defeated the Jewish army in Summer 2006.

Canada slapped for being Israel’s colony | Rehmat's World