

    How do we know the density of some extrasolar planets?

    Hello, How do you know how the weight of a very distant planet? How do they know this new plant would float on water. Is this science or just guessing? Weighing planets is a tricky business. We can't even see the vast majority of extrasolar planets! For most of them, all we can do is watch how...

    What kind of instruments are used to detect extrasolar planets?

    How do we know what the properties of extrasolar planets are? What type of devices are we using to know this information? The way to detect the extrasolar planets is to look at the light coming from the star, since there is no way of looking at the planet directly. The observations are based on...

    Are the properties of extrasolar planets known?

    As of today, 101 extrasolar planets have been discovered, in 87 different planetery systems (4 of the planets are around pulsars). You can get an up to date list of the planets discovered at this website . We classify the stars by their spectral type, which corresponds to a temperature and...

    Why is our solar system so different from all the others we've found?

    I was just curious; thinking. I have read that there is evidence of other solar systems in this universe, out of these new solar systems found none resemble ours; in addition, none have included a planet similar to earth. It was said that our solar system is an "oddball". Is it possible that our...

    How can you tell the difference between single and multiple extrasolar planets?

    How do astronomers determine that they've discovered "single" large extrasolar planets and not "multiple" lesser planets? We detect extrasolar planets not by observing the planets directly (they're too small and lost in the glare of the parent star), but by observing the motion of the parent...

    What's so exciting about the new planet around 55 Cancri?

    I read a recent article on a newly discovered planet in the 55 Cancri system.It said something about it is possible it could be an earth twin because of its orbit in that solar system. Is it possible? Has anyone else heard anything else about it? If so please don't leave me in the dark. The...

    Can life exist on the recently discovered extrasolar planets?

    Do you think that the new planets that have been recently found can maintain life? The new planets we are finding around other stars are detected only by way of their gravitational influence on their parent stars. We have no information on what they might actually be like, except that they are...

    Atmospheres of extrasolar planets

    In November 2001, it was announced that the first chemicals had been detected in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet. This was done by looking at the system as the planet transited (or passed in front of) the star. The light from the star will change by a tiny amount when part of it passes...

    Hot Jupiters

    Many of the extrasolar planets known are so-called hot Jupiters. This just means that they are Jupiter sized planets very close in to the central star. The reason that so many of these types of planets have been found is that the method used to discover extrasolar planets is most sensitive to...
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    Method developed to detect extraterrestrial oceans

    Method developed to detect extraterrestrial oceans Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Until today has more than three hundred planets outside our solar system found. In most cases, the objects which are similar to Jupiter and gasreus too warm or too cold for life as we know hosting. Somewhere in the...
  11. abrais

    Hercolubus or Red Planet, the planet which is approaching the Earth

    Well, I just read a very interesting book about a planet which is approaching the Earth, the title is "Hercolubus or Red Planet" by V.M. Rabolú. I got it free at www.hercolubus.tv as you can request a free copy through their web and also see a video about it. It also deals several subjects...
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    Great Red Spot on Jupiter shrinks

    Great Red Spot on Jupiter shrinks Sunday, April 5, 2009 BERKELEY -- The Great Red Spot on Jupiter, the planet shrinks. Scientists from the University of California in the United States discovered that the huge storm between 1996 and 2006 daily kilometers in size decreased. That the U.S...
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    Surprisingly "flat" Titan is soft on the inside

    Surprisingly "flat" Titan is soft on the inside Saturday, April 4, 2009 The giant Saturn moon Titan appears to be surprisingly non-spherical, which suggests that the interior of Titan huge reservoirs of liquid methane houses. Titan has a diameter of 5150 kilometers, which is larger than...
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    Are We On the Brink of Finding a Second Earth?

    Are We On the Brink of Finding a Second Earth? Thursday, April 2, 2009 "It could happen almost any time now. We now have the technological capability to identify Earth-like planets around the smallest stars." David Latham - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics To date, planet...
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    Time for new things to promising start

    Time for new things to promising start Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Barbara Hand Clow, March 26, 2009 It is the New Moon in Aries, the time for new things to promising start and an end to things that just lead nowhere. The Spring Equinox was a...
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    What's up in Space

    What's up in Space March 22, 2009 AURORA ALERT: Did you sleep through the Northern Lights? Next time get a wake-up call: Space Weather PHONE. Translated version of http://www.spaceweather.com/ DEEP SOLAR MINIMUM: Where have all the pots Suns gone? As of yesterday, March 21st, the...
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    2009 Spring Equinox: March 20, 2009

    2009 Spring Equinox: March 20, 2009 by BARBARA HAND CLOW The spring equinox has arrived, and it is time to decide what we want to create during the rest of the year. As most of you know, the ancient goddess wisdom-Goddess Alchemy-is still available to us now. It teaches us how to use the...
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    The riddle of the large stones

    The riddle of the large stones Thursday, March 19, 2009 In Lebanon, about 86 kilometers northeast of Beirut, are the ruins of the temple complex of Baalbek. On a hill in the Bekaa Valley are temples to be found by various civilizations and in different periods built. When the Romans from 64...
  19. Aragorn

    NASA Skylab 3 UFO incident

    One of the best UFO story's that involved NASA was the Skylab 3 incident on September 20, 1973 (day 263, revolution 1863 of their spaceflight) at approximately 1635 to 1645 GMT. The Astronauts on board the space station orbiting the Earth witnessed and photographed a Red colored flashing...
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    Also life at dwarf planet Ceres

    Also life at dwarf planet Ceres Friday, March 6, 2009 The dwarf planet Ceres, in addition to planets like Mars and Jupiter's moon Europa, even life. According to scientist Joop Kooper Wood of the University of Giessen. From Ceres is known that his mantle probably an important part of...