
  1. Lady of Light

    30 Traits of Being an Empath

    I found the following quite interesting as I, am an Empath, as well as many other types of psychic. I felt the need to share this because the more people know about these things, the more we can open up to the real world. It can be QUITE difficult at times being empathic, but I wouldn't trade it...
  2. K

    [Warning!] A Warning to the Leaders; A Message to All

    A warning to the leaders, a message to all. Hide you heartless weaklings. Cower when the chaos that you have created, begins. Like a child playing with a firecracker, what they once held in the palm of their hand under full control, will render much more of an explosive result, insomuch as...
  3. Denise

    Why do couch potatoes live longer than athletes? By: Dr Joel Wallach

    I thought this was very interesting: Have you ever heard about professional athletes dropping dead on the field? According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, 100,000 youngsters, as well as pros die each year from cardio-vascular disorders as a result of sports -THIS IS TWICE THE...
  4. R

    International Israeli Apartheid Week 2012

    The 8th annual International Israeli Apartheid Week 2012 is scheduled to be held in over 40 cities around the world between February-March 2012. As part of the coming event, Boycott, Disvestment and Sanctions (BDS) has launched a new video, entitled ‘Israeli Apartheid Week: Call it as it is’...

    Sea Life in St. Mark's Square

    Sea Life in St. Mark's Square The fish are visiting sunken cities, the legendary watropolis. They move across brows of mountain ranges, to unlaced canals, above crumbling walls conservators fretted over; where people...
  6. Denise

    THE QUANTUM AWAKENING ISSUE #155 JANUARY 2012 by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

    Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted With Love and dedication to the Light by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan IN THIS ISSUE *** 2012 at a glimpse *** COMPLAINING 2012 *** 2012 TIME FIELDS *** Spirit Princess of the Water *** I AM ELOHEIM 2012 at a Glimpse Well, dear ones it...
  7. Denise

    Santa Clause, the Magic Mushroom Have you ever wondered why on Christmas we cut down/carry evergreen trees inside our houses, decorate them with fancy ornaments, and place presents underneath them? "So, why do people bring Pine trees...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    UFO shooting laser or lightning at trailing chase plane in China ..

  9. New UFO Hunter

    12 Real Documents The White House Needs To Read Before Answering Any UFO Petition

    12 Real Documents the White House Needs to Read Before Answering Any UFO Petition Ask people what they think about UFOs, and you’re sure to get opinions ranging through all extremes and nuances. Some are so embarrassed by the topic that they simply refuse to consider any evidence whatsoever...
  10. Denise

    Lost Lightning: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla

    Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain
  11. New UFO Hunter

    Notre Dame Stadium Evacuated Twice - UFOs + Lightning Strikes - Sep. 3, 2011

    Uploader says Get a load of this Chicago sports news article: 'Long, weird day for Irish' " At kickoff, the heat index at Notre Dame Stadium was 98 degrees. And that was the least oppressive part of the weather Saturday. The heat spawned two waves of severe thunderstorms that rolled through...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    'Tuning the Diamonds, Electromagnetism & Spiritual rEvolution' Susan Joy Rennison

    15 aug 2011 ~reupload from: ~sailing on a journey with author of "Tuning the Diamonds, Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution", Susan Joy Rennison is a geophysics researcher & expert on space weather & earth changes. Susan summarizes the material in her book & how...
  13. Denise


    Souls awakening; intended purpose of US independence; Illuminati defectors; 3D karmic completion; chemtrails; manmade weather; telepathic connections; Elenin disinformation; effects of fear; preparation for multidimensionality 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Now it’s dust storms that are caused by “climate change”

    Anthony Watts Watts Up With That? Thursday, July 7, 2011 When I first saw this photo in news stories today, my first thought was “how long before somebody idiotically links this to global warming aka climate change aka climate disruption” (take your pick)? Dust storm hits Phoenix, July...
  15. New UFO Hunter

    Giant "ROD" - UFO in orbit the Sun June 21, 2011 + ZOOM

    June 21, 2011 in the orbit of the Sun observed the appearance of a UFO - "ROD" gigantic proportions UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun June 22, 2011 (SOHO STEREO Ahead EUVI 195) It is worth paying attention to the lightning coming from the sun during the period 17:25:30 UT
  16. Unhypnotized

    Greater toronto area feels Haarp vibes?

    A few days of quite unique thunder or wind storms - no precipitation to talk of, harsh lightning and wind gusts, 'dark/green' clouds, cannon-sounding thunder, hailstorm and tornadoes - and some households damage and many others in Gta, as well as this last one...
  17. New UFO Hunter

    Benjamin Solari Parravicini, Aliens and Quartz Men

    Benjamín Solari Parravicini (1898–1974), born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 8, was an artist. He was professor at the Liceo de España, manager of the Department of Arts at the Banco Municipal of Buenos Aires and director of the Exhibition Gallery of the Municipality of Buenos Aires...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    Lights over fort worth tx

    Witness report: I was on my balcony to take lightning pictures (Yes, not smart) and this started happening in front of me. I turned my camera (Canon 5d MkII) to video mode and let it roll. This is the aftermath of a pretty brutal thunderstorm in Fort Worth Texas on May 10, 2011. It was taken...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    UFOs Cause Massive Lightning Strikes? / UFOs on NASA Meteor Cams?

    Uploaded on March 26, 2011 UFO evidence they can do produce tremendous electronic lightning This particular online video was initially shot via German travelers on vacation in brazil felipebaketes on January 6th, 2011 A couple of very similar UFO sightings and Lightings...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Florida What is This Loud NOISE IS IT HAARP? March 20, 2011
