mahmoud ahmadinejad

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    June 3: World remembers Imam Khomeini’s passing

    65 million Iranians and millions of other Muslims around the world pay homage to the Leader of Islamic Revolution (1979), Imam Rouhollah Mousavi Khomeini, who met his Creator on June 3, 1989, eleven days after he was taken to hospital for an operation to stop internal bleeding in May 1989...
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    NAM Summit in Tehran sure rubs US nose

    The 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is scheduled to be held in Tehran during August 26-31, 2012. Iran will assume the rotating presidency of the movement for three years during the Tehran summit. NAM is comprised of some 120 member states and 17 observer countries. Iranian...
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    Lebanese celebrate ‘Resistance and Liberation Day’

    On May 25th. Lebanese celebrated 12th anniversary of liberation of South Lebanon from Israeli occupation forces and their Christian (Phalangists) collaborators. Lebanon’s Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, fought the Jewish invaders and their Christian agents for nearly 22 year and finally forced...
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    France’s pro-Iran Islamist government!!

    US top Islamophobe and Israel-Firster David Horowitz’s website FrontPage Magazine has claimed that Francois Hollande could be “the first Muslim-elected president of France“. Why? Because while majority of 500,000 French Jews voted for Hollande’s opponent Sarkozy – a majority of seven million...
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    Anti-Zionist comedian’s show canceled in Montreal

    Montreal’s Evenko and Corona Theatre has canceled French comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala’s show ‘Rendez-nous Jésus (Give us back Jesus)‘ under pressure from Jewish groups lead by pro-Israel B’nai Brith. Dieudonné was scheduled to perform at the theatre begining May 14, 2012. Dieudonné, 46, is...
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    Israel wary of Iranian influence in Latin America

    On Tuesday, speaking at a conference at the US State Department, the Republican Israel-Firster Rep. John Boehner, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, blamed Iran for anti-USrael policies of several Latin American countries. He called Iran’s presence in the region a major and significant...
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    Iraqi PM concludes his landmark visit to Iran

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded his two-day visit to Iran on Tuesday. During his visit he met with Iran’s President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran’s Spiritual Leader Ayatullah Ali Khameni. The members of al-Maliki delegation held talks with Iranian officials to enhance the...
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    OAS Summit spoiled by hookers

    On Sunday, the US-based Organization of American States (OAS), wrapped up its two-day VI summit meeting in Colombia. The summit was hosted by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, Washington’s closest ally in Latin America. It was attended by more than thirty heads of state in addition to the...
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    Iran snubs US on nuclear talks venue

    Last week, Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton announced that the upcoming meeting of the so-called “P5+1″ on Iran’s nuclear program will be held in Istanbul on April 13. EU’s Cathrine Ashton, however said that the venue for the talk is still under consideration. Several Iranian lawmakers have...
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    Grossman to stop Iranian influence over Kabul

    Barack Obama’s Ziocon Jewish pointman for Pakistan and Afghanistan Marc Grossman is well prepared for his task. He has to make sure that if and when US-NATO occupation forces leave Afghanistan – the country like Iraq doesn’t become Tehran’s ally. Recently, both Afghan president Hamid Karzai and...
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    Farakhan knows how to anger Israel Lobby

    On March 10, 2012 – the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan spoke to a packed auditorium of nearly 700 people at University of California Berkeley. The event was organized by the Black Student Union. As expected, local and national pro-Israel Jewish groups tried their best to get...
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    Iran Election 2012: A slap to Zionist Bullies

    On the first day of Iran’s 9th Majlis (Parliament) election, 65% of the 48 million eligible Iranian voters hit the polling stations in a move deemed as a straight message to the USrael war rhetoric. However, the final official estimates will be available on Sunday. The high turnout is a slap to...
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    Republican ‘Holocaust denier’ for Congress

    Vietnam War veteran, Arthur Jones, 64, from Lyons (Illinois) is seeking Republican Party ticket to run for the 3rd Congressional District of Illinois against Israel-Firster Rep. Dr. Daniel William Lipinski (D). Dan Lipinski is anti-Castro, Anti-Qaddafi and anti-Ahmadinejad. Israel Hasbara...
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    ‘Don’t attack Iran. G-d will send Ahmadinejad to hell’

    Israel’s former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef 91, in his recent weekly Talmud lecture broadcast on Israeli radio every Saturday night advised the Zionist regime: “Don’t attack Iran. Learn Talmud and G-d will save the people of Israel and send Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to hell. In every...
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    Bibi: ‘Gen. Dempsey is servant of Iran’

    The US top soldier, JCOS Gen. Martin Dempsey’s statement over this weekend has disappointed Israel prime ministe Benji Netanyahu so much that he called the General short of “a Jew hater“. Gen. Dempsey denounced a strike on Iran in the near future as “destabilizing” and “not prudent” over the...
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    Jewish Senator: ‘Ayatullah Boroujerdi for 2012 Nobel Peace Prize’

    Last week, I saw love pouring from anti-Muslim Zionist Jews for Iranian people. First, Israeli President Shimon Peres sent a fake peace message to Iranian nation, asking it to rise against its popular President Ahmadinejad. Then came a letter from an unelected Canadian Jewish Senator, Linda...
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    Chutzpa: ‘Peres sends peace message to Iranian’

    Shimon Peres 88 (then director general of the Defense Ministry and deputy defense minister) shares the honor of playing the part of midwife to Israeli nukes along with Israel’s first prime minister David Ben Gurion and his chief scientist Dr. Ernst David Bergman. Yesterday, speaking at a...
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    Abbas returns to enact ‘Mother of Treasons’

    Hamas’ acceptence to let Fatah chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, lead the Palestinian Authority (PA) interim unity government is a victory for Israel. Not only that Abbas is a wellknown USraeli ‘double agent‘, the so-called ‘Doha Declaration’ was given birth by no other than Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al...
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    Ahmadinejad raises defense budget: Israel frets

    Last week, Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad presented to the Majlis (parliament) his administration’s draft of the national budget for the country’s new fiscal year begining March 20, 2012. The proposed budget of $416 billion is 14% less than the last calendar year budget of $484 billion. The...
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    Poll: ‘Anti-Israel Ken may become London Mayor’

    CNN’expert’ on Sunday:”London is located in Norfolk.” According to a recent poll, former Mayor Ken Livingstone has overtaken the Conservative incumbent Mayor Boris Johnson, a Crypto Jew for the coming London Mayrol election on May 3. The Labour candidate secured an impressive five-point swing...