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The 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is scheduled to be held in Tehran during August 26-31, 2012. Iran will assume the rotating presidency of the movement for three years during the Tehran summit.

NAM is comprised of some 120 member states and 17 observer countries.

Iranian President, Dr. Ahmadinejad has invited several head of states to whome Barack Obama and his Israeli backers are very allergic. The list includes presidents of Syria, Sudan, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Ecuador. Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh and Iraqi prime minister Al-Maliki have also agreed to attend the summit.

On Thursday, 100 NAM ambassadors issued a five-page statement in Vienna, voicing their support for Tehran’s peaceful nuclear energy activities.

“I appreciated NAM’s valuable support and once again assured that all nuclear activities of our country will continue for peaceful purposes and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency,” said Ali Asqar Soltaniyeh, Iranian representative to the IAEA assured the ambassadors.

Both the US and Israeli intelligence agencies agree that they have no proof that Iran is pursuing neculear weapon. But both the US and Israeli politicians are affraid that once Iran achieve a “nuclear capability” – Israel will lose its bully posture in the region.

NAM Summit in Tehran sure rubs US nose | Rehmat calling