
  1. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke Exposed?

    I am not sure I believe this but it is always good to see all sides of a coin, watch with open mind!
  2. Denise

    Mind Control - The Mechanics of Mind Control - Tools for the Awakening

    I discovered this and thought I'd share with everyone. This lecture is centered about how our mind functions, what positive and negative thoughts can do to you and the way you can alter the "negative thoughts" in your mind and mush more.
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Morphogenetic Fields - 'Everything is Everything'

    Morphic fields, magnetism, mind phasing, synchronicity and the mind and the universe. Is this the organizing principle of all? If you're looking for a library of the universal mind this could be it. All experience is organized, magnetized and generated around all life.
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Video: Best UFO Sightings Segway

    Here are some great look UFO captured on video:
  5. s_coy2005

    Meditation Tecniques

    I would like to know any meditation techniques.. would love to try something new.. My meditation consists of like 5 to 10 minuites of me clearing my mind then mmeditative visualization.. visualizing me being in a garden or visualizing the answers to my problems or things like that.. i wouldnt...
  6. 100th Monkey

    What is the purpose of chemtrails - Nano-Bots? inside our bodies & brains from Chemtrails?

    According this article chemtrails are releasing Nano-Bots that are affecting our bodies, what do you guys think about this is a possible? read more: http://www.dataasylum.com/mindcontro...s-summary.html
  7. Denise

    That's Impossible - Episode 6 MIND CONTROL

    This is just something everyone should be aware of. That's Impossible - Episode 06: Mind Control History Channel, Jon Alon Walz, Kevin Commins, John Ealer (director), Jonathan Frakes (narrator)
  8. Boiling Frog

    The Bible message in the Mayan calender?

    This I mind blowing, if true!
  9. New UFO Hunter

    Real UFO in California Daytime Must See

    Make up your own mind:
  10. White Rabbit

    Brain control = Mind control = Illusion

    The techniques and developing technologies of Mind Control. An investigation from UltraScience III, 'spies are us'.
  11. S

    [Rant] New adult mind coming to terms with the world.

    Theres been allot of information coming to me from a series of sources. relating to a few subjects including the NWO, Extra-terrestrial life, and Spirituality. Im very keen on learning what I can from who ever I can, taking in mind that these are all generalizations on what could be, and that...
  12. Denise

    The woman who thinks like a cow

    This is really interesting i hope you enjoy it! "The amazing story of Dr. Temple Grandin's ability to read the animal mind, which has made her the most famous autistic woman on the planet." - BBC
  13. Unhypnotized

    Mind control by means of ergot

    This person is true in analyzing elite symbolism and just how they insert their mind control and messaging. Clearly, in these 2 video clips he states how the elite seem to be mind controlling you and me by way of ergot and presents the symbolism to spell out precisely why. Fascinating stuff...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Mind Over Matrix (Featuring David Icke)

    An artistic little media mixdown of some symbolic educational content. Source: Mind Over Matrix (Featuring David Icke) - David Icke Website
  15. Unhypnotized

    David Icke - The Reptilian Brain (Free Your Mind)

    Ziggy X - Free Your Mind Source: http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/45652-david-icke-the-reptilian-brain-free-your-mind
  16. F

    How to Shield Your Mind

    For those of you interested in shielding your mind from outside influences, there is an interesting article on dalenet. Basically, you calm your mind and visualize an egg surrounding and penetrating your body. All information and energy bounces off the egg. I do almost the same thing, though...
  17. Unhypnotized

    David Icke - Open Your Mind!!

    A video by Jay4louise Exposing the dreamworld we believe to be real DJ Contacreast-Techno Dream Trance-Dream of Tears Source: David Icke - Open Your Mind!! - David Icke Website
  18. Unhypnotized

    WOW: Time traveler with proof!

    Watch this amazing video all the way thought then make up your own mind:
  19. O

    Sleeping with Pets

    A report was just issued that is discouraging people from letting their pets sleep with them in their beds. They say it's unhealthy. Keeping in mind that kids have been sleeping with Fido for most of history, does this report have any meaning for you?
  20. A

    Lets count to 1000

    As the title says, Lets count to 1000 I will start off at 1 Be sure to leave a comment as well as to anything on your mind :)