
  1. R

    Did Mossad try to assassinate Gen. Dempsey?

    “Israel need not to apologize for assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people,” Washington Jewish Week, October 9, 1997. Did Mossad try to Assassinate Dempsey in Afghanistan? Gordon Duff...
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    Israeli Jew author: ‘Zionists did 9/11′

    “Barry Chamish is one of the most radical, out-of-control Zionists you’ll ever meet. Chamish is so extreme right-wing pro-settler, pro-Greater-Israel, pro-Jabotinsky, pro-Zio-terrorist, he makes Netanyahu look like a peace-loving statesman,” says Kevin Barrett PhD, an academic, author and...
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    Pakistani pilots who shot-down 10 Israeli jets

    On August 14, Pakistan celebrated its 65th Birthday. One thing missing during the celebration, as in the past, is media’s not mentioning of stories of many Pakistani pilots who acted beyond their duty to defend brotherly Arab nations from Israeli attacks. During the so-called ‘Six Day War‘...
  4. R

    Netanyahu: Israeli Generals are ‘pussies’

    Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported on August 3 that Israeli prime minister speaking at a close meeting slammed his military Generals of being affraid to face an inquiry commission as result of Israeli attack on Iran. Netanyahu was referring to the Winograd Commission established by the Zionist...
  5. R

    Israeli army refuses to attack Iran

    On July 31, the Zionist entity’s prime minister Netanyahu in a rare interview with Israel’s Hebrew channel and the Russian channel admitted that no matter how he and his defense minister Gen. Ehud Barak love to attack Iran – many of his cabinet members and Israel’s military generals are against...
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    The Eisenhower memorial

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave – When first we practice to deceive!,” by Walter Scott. The Eisenhower Memorial Commission’s plan to build the federally funded memorial in honor of 34th President of United States, Dwight David (Ike) Eisenhower on a four-acre site in front of the headquarters...
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    UNSC extends Syrian observer mission for 30 days

    On Friday, the UN Security Council approved the revised British-drafted resolution extending the mandate of its observer mission in Syria for another 30 days with a possible renewal of the mission. Originally, both Russia and China, which vetoed all previous anti-Assad resolutions, had supported...
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    JINSA: ‘Israel is winner of Arab Spring’

    In April 2011 – Turkish President Abdullah Gul in The New York Times’ Op-Ed, warned both Benji Netanyahu and Barack Obama that the “Arab Revolution is aimed at Israel’. However, the later events in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria proved that Abdullah Gul was totally wrong. Last week, Gabriel...
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    Obama, Netanyahu and the ‘Ray Gun’

    Eli Valley is a New York-based Jewish cartoonist and writer. In his latest cartoon, entitled ‘The Hater in the Sky’, (see the cartoon here), depicts Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu raping and eating American president Barack Obama’s limbs as he forces him to implement his demands which...
  10. R

    Iran: ‘Do barking dogs always bite?’

    On July 2, Iranian lawmakers asked Ahmadinejad’s government to close the Strait of Hormuz for oil tankers heading for countries supporting USrael sanctions against the Islamic Republic. In response, the Israeli Hasbara organ, New York Times (July 3, 2012) posted a new propaganda piece saying...
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    Israel Lobby: ‘Egyptian President denies 9/11’

    Have you ever noticed that everytime someone challenges the 9/11 ‘official story’ – Israel lobby groups get very upset? Israel-Firster Jewish writer, Ben Birnbaum, has claimed that Egypt’s newly elected President Dr. Mohamed Morsi doesn’t believe in the 9/11 ‘official story’. Birnbaum writes...
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    Israel admits Hizbullah rockets will hit Tel Aviv

    Colonel Adam Zusman, chief of the Home Front Command in Israel’s Gush Dan region, in a recent interview with AFP - has admitted that Jewish army will not be able to protect Tel Aviv from Hizbullah rockets. “In case of a missile attack on the center of Israel, especially unconventional, the...
  13. R

    Russia: ‘No peace in ME without Iran’

    The western-sponsored ‘Friends of Syria’ conferences in Tunisia and Turkey have failed to bring a pro-Israel (Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi-funded Salafi) regime in Syria. Both conferences were boycotted by Syria, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon. Two days ago, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has...
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    Is Israel being set-up for destruction?

    Two days ago, I read Ali Larijani’s warning to Israeli lap-dogs that a military action to bring a regime change in Damascus will engulf the Zionist entity. “The US military officials probably have a poor understanding of themselves and regional issues because Syria is in no way similar to...
  15. 100th Monkey

    Veterans Today article related to Victor Bout says Soviet Granit missile hit Pentagon

    The Pentagon immediately after being hit by the cruise missile before it wall was collapsed and before lampposts were toppled to imitate “plane’s wings”. Then, why is the Russian government working against Victor Bout? Because of the Russian, to be more exact the Soviet-made missile that...
  16. R

    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...
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    Israel: ‘Hizbullah has 60,000 rockets’

    Brig. Gen. Itay Baron, head of Israel Occupation Forces (IOF) Military Intelligence research section told Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah has 60,000 rockets and missiles as compared to 6,000 during the 34-day war in 2006. Baron...
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    Bachmann: ‘Why I can’t have dual citizenship?’

    I don’t understand why the Zionist mainstream media is making Rep. Michele Bachmann’s US-Swiss dual citizenship a big issue these days. After all there are hundreds of American Jews and some Christians who carry US-Israel dual citizenship while holding some of most powerful posts in US...
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    Rep. Ron Paul angers Israel Lobby

    The GOP presidential hopeful, Rep. Ron Paul, has angered pro-Israel lobby groups once again by challenging the H.R. 4133. On May 9, 2012, he opposed the bill in the House as it’s in the interest of Israel’s military expansionism rather than the interests of the United States in the Middle East...
  20. Denise

    North Korean Rocket Launch Has Failed - Rocket breakup before orbit reached

    FOX/CNN have been playing this in the last hour and apparently it's confirmed from an "unnamed source" in the Pentagon. FOX's News Ticker was also stating North Korea have "Just Launched a Long Range Missile" and are frequently using the term "Missile" when describing the actual rocket. It's...