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    Israeli Report: ‘Hizbullah missiles cover entire Israel’

    Last month, Israeli newspaper ‘Israel Hayom’ in its special report, entitled “Hezbollah 2013” claimed that Lebanese Islamic Resistance’s 300 long-range missiles could bring the entire Israeli territory within the reach of its attack. The report also claimed that Hizbullah has arsenal of 60,000...
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    John Kerry: ‘No military solution in Syria’

    US secretary of state, Israel-Firster John Kerry held talks with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and Russin president Vladmir Putin in Moscow on May 7, 2013. John Kerry agreed with his Russian counterpart that political dialogue between Syrian government and the Western-supported rebels...
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    Malaysia: ‘No regime change for US-Israel’

    Malaysia’s ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) lead by United Malays National Organization (UMNO) has won 133 seats in the country’s 222-member parliament, with a loss of 7 seats. It’s UMNO’s 13th consective victory since the country’s independence in 1957. The opposition coalition, Pakatan...
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    Israel attacks Syria to suck US in war

    Both the US and Israeli media have confirmed that Israeli airforce conducted its second unprovoked air raid on Damascus during last 24 hours. CNN, CBS, NBC, NYT, CBC and Israeli Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronot – all reported the news with different angles. According to Syrian and Lebanese sources...
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    Lobby: ‘First North Korea – Then Iran’

    There are nine countries (US, UK, France, China, Russia, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea) which are recognized as nuclear powers. Pakistan and North Korea are the only two nuclear powers which refuse to accept Israel as a legitimate state. As result, both of them have been the target of...
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    [Attention] Pentagon sends missle defences to Guam

    Pentagon sends missile defences to Guam as North Korea 'approves nuclear attack on US' - Telegraph Well, I've often heard it said that to know what's really going in our country we have to seek news sources from other countries. This is not good, I can't figure out if this is all a...
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    The ‘Iron Dome’ and Israeli lies behind it

    During the 8-day Israeli aerial attack over Gaza Strip last November, the Zionist regime had claimed that its anti-missile Iron Dome was able to intercept 90% of the so-called “deadly rockets” fired by Iran-supported Palestinian resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The Israeli claim was...
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    US budget cuts wouldn’t affect USAID to Israel

    On Friday, Barack Obama signed the so-called “Sequestration (automatic cuts) bill” after he and Congressional leaders failed to find an alternative budget plan. Originally put in place in 2011, the automatic cuts can only be halted by an agreement between the President and the Congress. The...
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    Israel sets guidelines for P5+1+Iran nuclear talk

    While Iran and its nuclear watchdog P5+1 are set to meet in Astana (Kazakhstan) on February 26 to discuss Israel’s concerns about “Iranian bomb” – Israel is shooting from its hip to sabotage the meeting. The Zionist regime has given marching orders to the White House that “the countries meeting...
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    Syrian shot down two Israeli drones

    On Wednesday, Syrian Mayadeen TV claimed that Syrian army shot down two of the seven Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which entered Syrian space from the Golan Heights along Syrian-Lebanese border. The drones were shot down over the village of Deir al Ashayer, 15 miles West of Damascus and...
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    NATO expert: ‘Israel is affraid to attack Hizballah’

    Dr. Jean-Loup Samaan is a researcher-lecturer of Israel-Hizballah conflict at the NATO Defence College in Rome and former policy adviser for the French Ministry of Defense and a visiting scholar for the RAND, an Israeli advocacy group. In an article, published in Jewish Al-Monitor on February...
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    Israel’s Syrian Chutzpah!

    Lately, the war on Bashar al-Assad is going down the drain. This needed a new USS Liberty-type attack on Syria to pave the way for US-NATO intervention. So, on Wednesday, Israeli military jets, flying at low altitude, looked for a convoy carrying chemical weapons for Lebanese Islamic resistance...
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    US: Iran is meddling in Yemen

    On January 23, 2013, Yemeni forces claimed they had intercepted a vessel carrying a large cache of weapons including surface-to-air missile, military grade explosives, rocket-propelled grenades and bomb making euipment – that US claims were from the Islamic Republic. A US official, speaking on...
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    Jewish groups apologize for Israeli attack on USS Liberty!

    Leaders of several major American Jewish organizations met Barack Obama and members of his national security team on January 23, 2013 offering abject apologies for the Israeli covert attack on USS Liberty. According to Karl Reich, BNN senior producer, the Jewish groups included ADL, AIPAC and...
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    Israel and the “Iranian Threat”

    Yesterday, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of visiting US Senators that if relected his first priority would be to stop Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb by all means (Israel has between 240-400 nuclear bombs of its own). He thanked the group for their blind support for the...
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    Egypt and the Zionist Jews

    “Islam is an act of G-d’s mercy,” says German-born US-Israeli Jewish historian Dr. Shelomo Dov Goitein (died 1985) in book ‘Jews and Arabs’. “Jews in the near East, north Africa and Spain threw their support behind advancing Muslim Arab armies,” says Professor Merlin L. Swartz (Islamic Studies...
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    Israeli Jewish spy arrested in Yemen

    Yemeni intelligence has arrested Abraham al-Deri, an Israeli citizen in the southern province of Taiz, allegedly being a member of Israeli Mossad. The man has visited Israel and several Arab countries with a faked passport under Muslim name Abdullah Muhsan al-Himi al-Siari, Reuters quoted...
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    Israel’s Azeri-Armenia proxy war in Iran’s backyard

    On December 19, 2012, Farhad Mammadov, director of the Center for Startegic Studies under Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev announced that a war between Azerbaijan and Armenia (over the disputed Armenenian-majority Nagorno-Karabagh) can begin at any time. In September 2012, Armenia shot down an...
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    Turkey okays Israel’s ‘chosen status’ at NATO

    On Sunday, Israeli daily the Jerusalem Post reported that NATO has approved Israel’s request to continue country’s participation at NATO courses, conferences and military excercises during year 2013. The approval was result of Ankara’s easing of opposition to Israeli request. “The approval had...
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    Israel urges UNSC to disarm Hizballah

    On December 20, 2012, Israeli envoy at the United Nations, Ron Prosor, sent a letter to the 15-nation UN Security Council (UNSC) to stop Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizabllah from rearming itself to defend the country during next Israeli attack. He claimed Hizballah with tens of thousands of...