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    Omar Khadr returns home in chains

    Yesterday, Toronto-born child soldier, Omar Khadr, who spent ten years at Guantánamo Bay concentration camp, returned home in chains. He is being kept in maximum security facility at Canadian military base in Trenton, Ontario. Canada’s Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, a known Israel-Firster...
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    ‘Obama and Netanyahu agree on Iran’, Really!

    Israeli prime minister in his satirical speech at the UN General Assembly on September 27, indirectly admitted that he had failed to corner the first Jewish President Barack Obama, who is set to be re-elected – to attack Iran before the November 6 election. “I very much appreciate the...
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    Paris’ gay Mayor faces ‘anti-Semitism’

    The Mayor of Paris, Betrand Delanoë, has been slammed by French politicians for spending too much of money and time on pleasing French Jewish minority. The anger blew up as result of Mayor’s postponement of deliberations at the Council of Paris on Tuesday for the Jewish Yom Kippur holidays. The...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews don’t control Mitt Romney’

    Personally, I believe it will make no difference to the Muslim world who wins the American presidential election in November 2012. Because both Obama and Romney are the two faces of the same Israeli coin. Maureen Dowd, a long time columnist with the New York Times, is under fire from Jewish...
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    Madonna: ‘We have a Black Muslim in the White House’

    Jewish pop singer and dancer, Madonna Louise Ciccone (born 1958) who supports Barack Obama for re-election, called him a Black Muslim during her performance in Washington DC on Monday. “Now, it’s so amazing and incredible to think that we have an African-American in the White House. We have a...
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    AKP loses public support on Syrian policy

    Some readers will be surprised to know that Erdogan’s regime-change in Damascus policy has nothing to do with AKP’s moral support for the Syrian Sunni majority. It’s based on greed for the Middle Eastern petro-dollars. Since last year, AKP leaders have received huge investment promises from rich...
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    US Filmmaker: ‘Iranians are beautiful people’

    Merlin Miller, an American filmmaker and American Third Position Party presidential candidate visited Tehran to attend ‘New Horizon - The 1st. International Independent Filmmakers Festival’ held in Tehran from September 2-7, 2012. Over 120 movies from diffrent countries competed in the festival...
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    ‘US voters are dumb, distracted and delusional’

    Every time some one tells me that the United States is a democracy – it reminds me Germany before Nazis. In those days, Germany, like the US today, was also controlled by powerful local and foreign lobby groups which later picked countries for Nazis to invade and occupy. Since the establishment...
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    France: No Jewish Skullcaps, please!

    Yesterday, Le Pen 44, leader of National Front, in an interview with pro-Israel French daily Le Monde, called for a ban on wearing Jewish skullcaps (Kippah) in “shops, on public transport and on the streets”. She based her logic on the French law that bans religious head-cover (Hijab) for...
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    Lauren Booth: ‘Journey to Islam and Palestine’

    British journalist and broadcaster, Lauren Booth (born Sarah Booth, July 22, 1967), reverted to Islam in late 2010. Even before her newly found faith, she supported Palestinian resistance against the Zionist-Jewish occupation of historical Muslim-majority Arab Palestine. In March 2012, Lauren...
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    Nasrallah, USrael movie and the ‘West’s Islamists’

    On the weekend, Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanese Islamic political and resistance group, called for a week-long protests against the US-Israel anti-Islam movie that has caused mass anti-USrael protests all over the Muslim world. Over 100,000 Muslims and Christian marchers showed up...
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    Lobby: ‘Jewish presence in Congress to Shrink’

    Jewish groups in the US and Israel have been complaining for decades that Jewish population around the world is shrinking each year due to born-Jews leaving their religion and the low birth rate (less than 1%) among the Jewish families. I dealt with that topic a few years ago. Read here. I just...
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    Bernard Levy: ‘Qaddafi was an enemy of Israel’

    “I have made myself a rule. Whnever I hear a person speak in the name of ‘Jewish values’ or ‘as a Jew’, I immediately seek cover. I suggest you do the same,” Gilad Atzmon, Israeli-born Jewish writer, author, musician and blogger, September 14, 2012. French Jewish journalist and political...
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    Lobby: ‘Pakistan sponsors terrorism’

    One of America’s top neoconservatives (mostly Zionist Jews) media outlets, the Foreign Policy magazine’s National Security Channel has suggested that Obama administration should declare Pakistan to be a state that supports terrorism. Its suggestion appeared in an article, entitled: “State of...
  15. 100th Monkey

    This film supposedly is responsible for setting the Muslim world on fire?

    Here's a film that supposedly is responsible for setting the Muslim world on fire.
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    Iraq: ‘Next Shia Islamic State!’

    Yesterday, I read an amusing article written by some paranoid ‘Islamic World expert’, Anton Veselov, published in the Strategic Culture Foundation on September 15, 2012. Anton titled his article: “Iraq Headed for Islamic Statehood?“. Here are some of his reasons for worrying about Iraqi people...
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    Jew activists endorse ‘One-state’ for Palestine

    The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, in its latest report has endorsed a one-state-solution for the Zionist occupied Palestine (Israel, West Bank and Gaza). The report prepared by two Jew activists, Jeff Halper and Itay Epshtain, has proposed a united one democratic Palestine with...
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    Hamas calls for a ‘United Resistance’ against Israel

    Mahmoud al-Zahar, the co-founder and senior member of Palestinian Islamic resistance ruling the Gaza strip, Hamas, met Iran’s President Ahmadinejad in Tehran on September 9, 2012. He discussed with his host issues concerning a united Islamic Resistance front (Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas) against...
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    Pope Benedict XVI and Israeli Christians

    On Friday 14 September Pope Benedict XVI will land at the Rafik Hariri international airport in Beirut. Following the welcome ceremony, he will travel to Basilica of St. Paul in Harissa. A Vatican statement says that the Pope will use his first visit to the country to promote co-existence by...
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    Libya: ‘You reap what you sow’

    It seems American-funded ‘Islamists’ who lead the revolt against Libyan leader Qaddafi in Benghazi last year, have turned their NATO-supplied rockets against Americans. Today, the Reuters reported that US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens 52, and three other embassy officials were killed...