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    Jewish groups slam ‘Newseum’ for honoring Palestinian journalists killed by Israelis

    On May 13, 2013, Washington-based media museum, Newseum, will honor 84 journalists killed in line of duty in various countries in 2012. The list includes two cameramen, Hussam Salama and Mahmoud Al-Kumi, from Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa TV, who were killed by an Israeli air-strike while driving through...
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    Malaysia: ‘No regime change for US-Israel’

    Malaysia’s ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) lead by United Malays National Organization (UMNO) has won 133 seats in the country’s 222-member parliament, with a loss of 7 seats. It’s UMNO’s 13th consective victory since the country’s independence in 1957. The opposition coalition, Pakatan...
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    EXILE – The Jewish Myth Unearthed

    “I long ago (starting in Hebrew school when I was 12) came to the conclusion that most if not all of Jewish “history” is mytho-history – not just the stories in Genesis et all, which were lifted from various cultures in and around the Fertile Crescent – from Uruk, Babylon, Assyria, Ninevah etc...
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    Lobby: Canada Postal Union is antisemitic!

    Stephen Harper’s government has asked country’s Postal Workers Union (CUPW) to apologize for insulting Canada’s closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. The union is once again chased by the powerful Jewish lobby groups for using its news letter to spread hatred towards...
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    Holocaust: ‘Only Jews can make fun of it’!

    The old-dam of US show-business, Joan River (Russian Jewish Joan Alexandra Molinsky), has refused to apologize for making joke about the Holocaust on her TV show “Fashion Police”, insisting that was just part of her Jewish humor to remind the public about Holocaust. I think, River was making fun...
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    UK Chief Rabbi: ‘Europe is not safe for Jews’

    The myth of Jewish victimism is one of Israel Lobby’s favorite ploy to keep European Holocaust guilt alive. However, the tens of millions victims of Jewish supremacists don’t bothers the westerners’ conscience. On February 21, 2013, the Jewish Chronicle (UK) reported that Britain’s Chief Rabbi...
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    The first Black Pope!

    Americans got their first Black President in 2008 after over three centuries. Now, some pundits are predicting that Ghanian Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson (born 1948) could be the first Black Pope of the Catholic Church in 2000 years. Both Obama and Turkson have one thing in common – both...
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    British MP and the ‘Holocaust debate’

    British Liberal Democratic MP David Ward is no Pope Benedict XVI, but he know how to follow his Christian conscience. Ward, against all pressure from British Jewish lobby and his peers – has refused to apology for his earlier statement in which he said that it’s “important to ask” whether...
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    Egypt and the Zionist Jews

    “Islam is an act of G-d’s mercy,” says German-born US-Israeli Jewish historian Dr. Shelomo Dov Goitein (died 1985) in book ‘Jews and Arabs’. “Jews in the near East, north Africa and Spain threw their support behind advancing Muslim Arab armies,” says Professor Merlin L. Swartz (Islamic Studies...
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    Report: Israel sinks in world opinion

    On December 27, 2012, Dr. Shibi Greenfield in his report titled ‘Israel PR 2012: Myth and Reality’, prepared for Israeli think tank, Molad, had concluded: “Israeli public examination in light of international public diplomacy measures reveals that – that contrary to his image, it’s array of...
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    Jews take Jesus out of Christmas

    The American Atheist group headed by Zionist Jew, David Silverman, is running anti-Jesus billboard campaign this Christmas season as it did in 2010 and 2011. This year, the group have put up a billboard in New York City’s Time Square that reads, “Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!“ On the...
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    [ALERT!] Must read !!!

    This is another incredible article. LONG, but important. This is in the latest Ascension with Mother Earth newsletter Ascension Journeys: Releasing New Age Ascension Myths URGE everyone to read it. This might be what 2012 is all about. Finally learning the truth and the reason for Starseeds and...
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    Iran ate Israel’s welfare budget!

    On November 28, 2012, Israel’s daily Ha’aretz published Meirav Arlosoroff’s article, saying that many Israeli policy-makers are complaing that “Iran is eating Israel’s welfare budget”. “Defense may seem sacrosanct in Israel, but behind the scenes dissent is brewing. “Iran is eating Israel’s...
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    Swedish Holocaust painting angers Jewish groups

    The Swedish artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff’s painting doesn’t make fun or denies the Holocaust. The problem is the artist made it from the ashes of someone who died at the Majdanek Nazi labour camp in Poland which the artist claims he collected 20 years ago. The painting is scheduled to...
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    Pat. Buchanan: ‘Israel is greater threat to US than Iran’

    In February 2012, Patrick Buchanan, an American conservative politician, journalist and author was interviewed on Russian Television (RT). During the interview he claimed that Israel with 300 nuclear bombs is naturally greater threat to United States than Iran which has no nuclear bomb. Watch...
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    Sudan: ‘Israel our No.1 enemy’

    Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir 68 had a minor surgery on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia. He was released from the hospital on Wednesday and is staying at the Sudanese embassy in Riyadh. In a 15-minute speech recorded at the embassy and aired by the Blue Nile TV on November 8, Al-Bashir called the...
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    Elie Wiesel: ‘Mossad should kidnap Ahmadinejad’

    “Elie Wiesel, the Master propagandist – Any political movement would give its eye teeth to have him on its side,” Jewish magazine Tikun Olam. The ‘Father of Holocaust Industry’, Elie Wiesel 84, in an interview with Israeli daily Ha’aretz Ofer Aderet, published on November 2, 2012 had proposed...
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    The Zionist Jewish war on Islam

    “The Jews achieved their Golden Age in Muslim-ruled Spain (711-1492),” Dr. Bernard Lewis, the Jewish Orientalist. The pro-Israel Jewish groups and individuals are spending tens of millions of dollars each year to stir hatred toward Muslims in the US, Canada and Europe. A 2011 investigation...
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    Iraq: ‘Next Shia Islamic State!’

    Yesterday, I read an amusing article written by some paranoid ‘Islamic World expert’, Anton Veselov, published in the Strategic Culture Foundation on September 15, 2012. Anton titled his article: “Iraq Headed for Islamic Statehood?“. Here are some of his reasons for worrying about Iraqi people...
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    Ahmadinejad and the Zionists’ ‘Outrage Campaign’

    “Ahmadinejad speaks like a Pope more than Pope Benedict XVI,” Joanna Francis, an American Catholic blogger and women’s rights activist. “Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya murdered earlier today, was a martyre to Zionist attempts to draw the US into war with Iran,” Henry Makow PhD...