nobel prize

  1. R

    UN Envoy: The two-state solution is on “life-support”

    Netherlands-born Robbert Sherry, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace (UN envoy to the Quartet), in a brief to the UN Security Council on January 23, 2013, said that unless the UN and other world powers take immediate practical action to push for a two-state solution to...
  2. R

    Markel irks Netanyahu on Palestine

    On December 3, 2012, pro-Israel German weekly Der Spiegel International reported that Germany’s recent abstention from voting on enhancing the Palestinians’ status in the UN General Assembly shows just how deeply frustrated Chancellor Angela Markel government is with the Netanyahu government’s...
  3. K

    [Must Read!] Who's Very Important? Let me just state here that this guy is a Nobel Prize for Economics winner. He has, in the past, written quite a lot of really conservative stuff that I personally don't agree with, but more and more he seems to be...
  4. R

    Norwegian scholar angers Jewish groups

    Ronald S. Lauder. president of World Jewish Congress and several other pro-Israel Jewish groups have slammed Norway’s welknown sociologist, professor Johan Galtung, 82, for claiming that six Jewish companies control 96% of the world’s mainstream media – and that Israeli Mossad was behind last...
  5. R

    Hollywood Jews defend ‘anti-Semite’ Mel Gibson

    Anti-Semitism is a lose cannon in the hands of the Israel Lobby. It unload the cannon on everyone who challenges Zionism or Israel. Its victims can be found among government leaders, politicians, military officials, academic, writers, authors, bloggers, sports, religious leaders, Nobel Prize...
  6. R

    Israel bans German author in desperation

    On Sunday, Israel’s interior minister Eli Yishai declared German Nobel Laureate, Guenter Grass, persona non grata, for his poem claiming that Israel and not Iran, is the greatest threat to world peace. The paranoid Zionist has advised Grass to publish such anti-Israel material in Iran to find...
  7. R

    Israel Lobby slams Hungarian MP

    It seems Hungarian politicians are waking-up from their Zionist-doctrine slumber ahead of the rest of western politicians. On April 4, just before Jewish Passover holiday, MP Zsolt Barath, member of Hungary’s second largest opposition party – the nationalist Jobbik Party - reminded his fellow...
  8. 100th Monkey

    Physicists Predict The Existence of Time Crystals

    If crystals exist in spatial dimensions, then they ought to exist in the dimension of time too, says Nobel prize-winning physicist kfc 02/16/2012 One of the most powerful...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    Scientists postulate Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

    Peter Jiang and Jenny Li The Canadian May 21, 2011 Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulate that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Frances Crick, and...
  10. Denise

    Will the world end in 2012?" Prof Jocelyn Bell Burnell - Science Week

    ScienceWeek on 2012: As part of the Science Week lecture series, astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell examines the threats from space and explains how much truth there is in the suggestions that killer asteroids, lethal solar flares or the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way (for example)...
  11. White Rabbit

    Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana - Kills Cancer cells finds UCLA research and others

    "Please research Ottoman Warburg and High pH Diet also have a look at Vitamin D ,The American and Canadian Cancer society recommend taking at least(MINIMUM) 1000 IU of Vit. D per day, but research shows that 10 000 IU/Day is proper levels to fight off Cancer. And please stay away from sugars as...
  12. Denise

    CNN - Fake Alien Invasion Can Improve The Economy + Admits It Would Be Fake(Project Bluebeam)

    Just listen to this! Talk about hiding things in plain sight, and laying out the agenda. Here we see Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman actually saying that an alien invasion would see the economy sorted in 18 months, even if they had to come out and admit there was no threat after that time...
  13. Denise

    Illuminati Use Cancer to Hold us Hostage

    Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, left, discovered that not only cancer but all diseases are triggered by unexpected shocks and traumas. Thugs showed up and threatened that if he didn't disown his findings, things would become unpleasant. FYI: Quote: In 1978, Dr. Hamer's son Dirk was mortally...
  14. Unhypnotized

    The man who looked inside the atom

    "We're celebrating something really important. We're celebrating nothing less than the birth of modern physics." As eulogies go, Dr Andrew Taylor's opening remarks at a conference to mark the one hundredth anniversary of Ernest Rutherford's description of the atom takes some beating. More's...
  15. R

    Egypt’s ‘Wise Men’

    “Omar Suleiman is the choice of Israel obviously you know of the long history between Netanyahu and his government and the proceeding government and Suleiman is a bad choice, but it shows you where the power of politics lie in this. That is why the Americans and Israelis want him,” Professor...
  16. CASPER

    Canadian stem cell pioneer dies

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – Ernest McCulloch, a Canadian researcher who was part of a team that first proved the existence of stem cells more than five decades ago died this week at the age of 84, his colleagues said Friday. McCulloch and his research partner James Till together created the first...
  17. Unhypnotized

    An Overwhelming Number of Scientific Studies Conclude That Cavity Levels are Falling Worldwide … Even In Countries Which Don’t Fluoridate Water

    Washington’s Blog Jan 12, 2011 Everyone agrees that the number of cavities have plummeted in the U.S. over the last couple of decades, after water fluoridation was introduced (that is why health officials call water fluoridation “one of the ten greatest public health accomplishments of the...
  18. CASPER

    US man is HIV-free after stem cell transplant

    An American man is still HIV-free more than three years after receiving a stem cell transplant, suggesting the first-ever cure of the virus that causes AIDS, German doctors said. But while the highly risky technique used on the man known as the "Berlin Patient" would not work for most of the 33...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    ET genes in Human DNA

    Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA Research findings continues work of DNA Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Francis Crick by Peter Jiang and Jenny Li Artist representation of Semjase who Exo-scientists indicate is a Pleiadian woman. Reference: Collaborative...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Political Mischaracterization of Fluoridation Opposition Dismays Scientists

    Related: Olbermann Slams Tea Party Senate Candidate For Voting Against Water Fluoridation PRNewswire June 23, 2010 Scientists representing the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) strongly object to recent mischaracterizations of fluoridation opponents by political pundits Rachel Maddow, Keith...