
  1. Unhypnotized

    Martial Law in America - Conplan 3502 Exposed - NORTHCOM FEMA RNC G20 Civil Disturban

    The droids you're looking for! Pretty darn Massive exposure of domestic military operations Reveals NORTHCOM CONPLAN3502 as the new Garden Plot template plan for domestic military operations, National Level...

    Pentagon: Mystery Contrail Spotted Off Calif. Coast Was No Missile

    The spectacular contrail spotted Monday off the coast of Los Angeles may have spurred widespread reports of a mystery missile launch, but Pentagon officials now say it was not a missile at all. CBS affiliate KCBS recorded video of the unusual contrail near sunset on Nov. 8, and early reports...
  3. day

    Planet X/Nibiru/Nemesis/Sedna - Updates 2010

  4. Unhypnotized

    MIAC Report Supporter and Missouri Gov. Nixon to Sit On Obama’s Council of Governors

    Kurt Nimmo February 6, 2010 WRAL in North Carolina and the Associated Press are reporting that Obama has selected Missouri governor Jay Nixon to sit on his newly minted Council of Governors. On January 12, 2010, reported on Obama’s executive order establishing the...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Obama Executive Order Stokes Martial Law Fears

    Some warn expansion of military involvement in domestic security could lead to “end of United States as a Republic” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, January 12, 2010 An Obama executive order that creates a council of state governors who will work with the feds to expand...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Obama Expands Federal Power Over the States with Executive Order

    Kurt Nimmo January 12, 2010 Contrary to his election campaign promises, Obama has issued dozens of signing statements. Obama has issued another executive order, this time establishing a so-called “Council of Governors.” The order, signed on January 11...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Israel?s IDF Cooperates with FEMA, National Guard, NORTHCOM

    YAAKOV KATZ The Jerusalem Post December 21, 2009 In face of the growing missile threat against Israel, the IDF Home Front Command and the US National Guard have decided to exchange liaisons to enable a steady exchange of information on civil defense, The Jerusalem Post has learned. The...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War?

    Chuck Baldwin December 11, 2009 According to an obscure report in the European Union Times (, “Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued an order to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force...
  9. Unhypnotized

    The Bush-Obama War

    Chuck Baldwin Campaign For Liberty Wednesday, Dec 9th, 2009 Now it’s Barack Obama’s war. After campaigning against “George Bush’s War” in the Middle East, Obama has escalated that war. By transferring thousands of America’s forces from Iraq to Afghanistan, and by sending an additional 30,000...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Greg Everson Warns: U.S. Forces Plan Direct Action Against American Citizens

    Richard K. Cole, Jr. Infowars December 4, 2009 “There is an event coming in the very near-term future that is going to effect the USA to its very soul,” former Kansas State Trooper Greg Everson of The Heartland USA and former host of Republic Broadcasting “Voices from the Heartland” told...
  11. R

    Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War

    THE EUROPEAN UNION TIMES EU Times online newspaper Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War Nov 28, 2009 Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US...
  12. Unhypnotized

    CNN Spreads Detention Camp Disinfo

    Camp FEMA December 1, 2009 In a new CNN report deeply rooted in Department of Homeland Security propaganda, CNN’s John Acosta says that the Federal government is not building detention camps around the country and that there is absolutely no proof of these kinds of activities. However, a...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Approved Chaos, Part I: How the WHO is Using the Swine Flu to Hogtie the US

    Jeffry John Aufderheide November 30, 2009 Part I When President Barack H. Obama signed a national pandemic emergency on Friday, October 24th, 2009, the media barely mentioned that “a declaration of emergency for the H1N1” had been signed.* A huge red flag should have gone up...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Obama orders 1Million US Troops to "prepare for civil war"

    Has anyone in the US heard anything about this? Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops To “Prepare For Civil War” November 28, 2009 Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US...
  15. Unhypnotized

    US Troops Wearing UN Colors

    Chuck Baldwin November 17, 2009 According to a report in World Net Daily, “Troops in the United States’ USNORTHCOM ranks appear to have adopted a shoulder patch showing a North American continental design, with an emphasis on United Nations colors, giving evidence of the strength to...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Notes on the State of New World Order Agenda

    I have listened to the first half of the 2nd hour of Alex Jones' program for November 3, 2009. His guest was Mike Rivero and their discussion was a good summary of the state of affairs of major parts of the New World Order conspiracy as it stands today. I kept pausing the archive so that I...
  17. Unhypnotized


    R. Marshall Infowars November 2, 2009 Editor’s note: An Infowars reader sent a photo and write-up on the United States Army North logo. From the USANorth website (linked below): “US Army North (USARNORTH), as the Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC) and the Army Service Component...
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    Canadian Military Units To Undertake “Domestic Security”

    Canadian Military Units To Undertake “Domestic Security” The militarization of law enforcement in the U.S., Canada & Britain is accelerating at a rapid pace by Paul Joseph Watson Global Research, March 13, 2009 The Canadian military is reorganizing its priorities...
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    Canada's Sovereignty in Jeopardy: the Militarization of North America

    Canada's Sovereignty in Jeopardy: the Militarization of North America by Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, August 17, 2007 Canadian jurisdiction over its Northern territories was redefined, following an April 2002 military agreement between Ottawa and Washington. This agreement allows...
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    9/11 and the "American Inquisition"

    9/11 and the "American Inquisition" by Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, September 11, 2008 Today's "Global War on Terrorism" is a modern form of inquisition. It has all the essential ingredients of the French and Spanish inquisitions. Going after " Islamic terrorists"...