
New member
THIS WILL BE MY ( LAST VIDEO...Excuse the 2 typos please I spilled coffee in my keyboard, couple of the keys stick and I was in a hurry to get this out and did not want to have to rerender it and upload it again.


Created to throw people off as to the TRUE meaning of the lights in the sky!

What you just saw was a comet being sucked into the vortex. All this time people thought it was a planet, but it's really a small black hole locked in orbit with our sun.

It visits our sun every 3,600 years...sometimes closer than others.

Not only will Earth pass through that blue plasma ray in the near future (?) but as a result of the Sun's energy being sapped so quickly the Earth will be plunged into an Ice Age for the next 80,000 years.

Look at the eye on the back of a dollar...It's a spiral!


This is the secret knowledge of the Masons...

It's also the Grail...the Grail was never a physical was KNOWLEDGE...Of the passing of the DESRTOYER

You can survive if you care to.

From ancient times they always talked about 7 days.

The gravitational pull of this thing will be intense...far worse than any brown dwarf star.

You need to plan to be underground for 7 days and it has to be a place far far above sea level.

Colorado is has over 22,000 abandoned mines and it should be far enough above sea level hopefully.
NEW FOOTAGE Norway Spiral Swirl Is A Black Hole! Planet X Nibiru The Destroyer Is Close!

That's where the elites are setting up shop.

That's where the Denver airport is

That's where Northcom is
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Spirals and Planet X

Could the spiral over Norway be related in some to this?

This video DOES NOT give you the answers...what it DOES DO is give you all the starting points so you can do the research yourself and figure it out on your own. Too lazy?...oh well, then drown.

It's all about cycles.

There is a 96,000 year cycle, and inside of that...

There four 24,000 year cycles, and inside those...

There are 6.66 3,600 year cycles...

The elites have been preparing for this since the 80s...Buying up land, building a system based upon the event itself.


All the ancient mythology about Dragons and Serpents...Horned Devils, Demons, satan...all come from comets...One in particular, twice as big as Jupiter that orbits a dense brown dwarf star about 5 times bigger than Earth. 5 moons and there you have the seven headed dragon. Read OTHER ancient texts other than the Bible to fill in more of the blanks.

That's why everything is happening.

Chemtrails contain Barium...Barium absorbs RADIATION!

It's a brown dwarf puts out LOADS of RADIATION...It's primary energy release is radiation, not light, like our sun.

It's in a binary orbit with our star. It most likey has another planet tagging along with it and several moons.


You can survive the apocalypse if you are on high enough ground. Everything covered in this video is not only provable, but, common sense.

The end times don't have to be the end times for you if you prepare, make a plan for higher ground (Rocky Mountains)...Mt Elbert is the tallest at 14 thousand some odd feet. Colorado alone have over 22,000 abandoned mines.

For those of you who may laugh without looking into the subjects covered in the video...I really don't care. You will not be laughing when crows are plucking the eyes your rotting carcasses that happen to wash up on shore after the big waves pass.

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Ancient Spirals and Nibiru

(could this be related to events over Norway and Planet X?)

The elites have been preparing for this since the 80s...Buying up land, building a system based upon the event itself, which I suspect will happen March, 22nd, 2013...Exactly 33 years after the Georgia Guidestones were built.

All the ancient mythology about Dragons and Serpents...Horned Devils, Demons, satan...all come from comets...One in particular, twice as big as Jupiter that orbits a dense brown dwarf star about 5 times bigger than Earth. 5 moons and there you have the seven headed dragon. Read OTHER ancient texts other than the Bible to fill in more of the blanks.

That's why everything is happening.

Chemtrails contain Barium...Barium absorbs RADIATION!

It's a brown dwarf puts out LOADS of RADIATION...It's primary energy release is radiation, not light, like our sun.

It's in a binary orbit with our star. It most likey has another planet tagging along with it and several moons.


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Earth under attack from Death Star

NASA Scientists have found out that the increasing comet activities and fireballs are being caused by a "brown dwarf" called Nemesis, which appears to be carrying icy rocks and comets.

full story here:

Is this so called Ni-Bi-Ru as Zecharia Sitchin has theorized, but it is interesting to see mainstream media like "The Sun" has covered the above news or has starting covering.


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Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

Gilbert Ericksen

It would be socially and politically convenient if the news we had to share was good news that would make people happy. Such is not the case. The Millennium Prophecy is a commentary on The Revelation.

It explains the events that will happen and the order in which they will arrive and become part of Earth history. A large portion of The Revelation paints a picture of coming judgments that are not good news.

Read full story and navigate his website for more information about Planet X
website and source: The Millennium Prophecy

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Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

update from
Gill Ericksen

Now then, the 6th Seal event list that presages Wormwood’s visible arrival:

Based on the description of the events associated with Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12 –14), I would now estimate the time for the next nodal ring clash for planet Earth at December 21, 2009 plus/minus a few weeks. The closer Earth is to the Solstice “Line of Destruction” when the node rings cross swords, the more destructive the events will be. The Revelation description is not very encouraging. Rev 6:12 – 14: (12) I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; (13) and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. (14) The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Let’s go over the list and make physical interpretations of what we can expect for December, 2009 or January 2010:

1.) a great earthquake… The node rings of the sun and Wormwood clash with serious tectonic shaking lasting 10 or 20 minutes (maybe more) of continuous shaking, major destruction of cities closest to the “epicenter”.

2.) the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair… We get volcanic activity at tectonic plate edges… rims of fire that eject high tonnages of ash plume into the upper atmosphere that block out the sun light over large areas of the earth. (And the hair being referenced would be black hair common to people of the Middle East not blond hair found in more Nordic people.)

3.) the whole moon became like blood… Wormwood throws large tonnages of iron oxide dust and debris between the Earth and the moon or into Earth’s atmosphere. When we look through the veil of iron oxide dust, the moon takes on a blood red color.

4.) the stars of the sky fell to the earth… Wormwood throws asteroids and various forms of space junk into Earth’s atmosphere that impact on the surface as meteorites. Expect some severe tsunami events if there are impact pieces landing in the ocean that are of significant size.

5.) the sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up... At least one of the volcanic eruptions will be a large pyroclastic explosion… a volcanic cone that will “blow its top” like Mt. St Helens in May, 1980. The blast concussion feels like the sky is “splitting apart” anywhere within sound range of the cone. The curling action of the mushroom cloud when viewed from below looks like a scroll when it is allowed to spring back into the “rolled up” position. The description seems a little odd but St. John was a first century writer and he used a word picture of something that was familiar to describe a mushroom cloud… something he had never seen before. Expect more volcanic explosions as Wormwood approaches. There might be several volcanic mounts that erupt explosively like Mt. St. Helens did but there will be at least one.

6.) every mountain and island were moved out of their places… Tectonic shifting from the Wormwood node ring earthquake will shift the mountains and islands into different places. The displacements may be measured in tens or hundreds of feet of difference but the shifts will be measureable with modern surveying equipment. If any of the GPS satellites are still up and running after this assault from outer space, the measurements can be made easily and with accuracy as close as 10 centimeters. If the GPS system is destroyed we might have to do it the old fashioned way with ground based surveying equipment but the results will show that many of the known positions for mountains and islands will in fact be displaced to new positions.

7.) With major earthquake activity and island movements expect severe tsunami events to follow the tectonic shifting for various coastal cities within tsunami shockwave range.

Feel free to copy this list and pass it on to your friends as a courtesy but also take the time to tell them about our website… The Millennium Prophecy so that they can study the materials and information that we post on these web pages.


Gill Eriksen
planet X evidence it exists - coordinates

a highly detailed video showing how to find Planet X

Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

Planet X Special Report: Where is Planet X? (Full Length Version)

We've often received emails from people complaining about the mockery and abuse they receive from family, friends and co-workers when discussing this topic.

Our view is that this topic should never be introduced to others, until they demonstrate a genuine interest.

Nonetheless, those with a genuine interest in the topic will feel a natural urge to share their concerns about a possible threat to themselves and those close to them. Consequently, the most common questions they ask are, "where is Planet X and what is the most likely worst case scenario?"

In the first program of this series, these two questions are taken head on, with direct answers.

Planet X Nibiru on FOX News

Planet X Nibiru on FOX News

from the more info on the youtube video
Highly advanced civilizations have been here before us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophy. But for each race that has died out another has taken its place with a selected few holding on to the memories and sacred knowledge of the past race. Who man is and where he came from has always been the eternal question. In our vanity we think we have discovered some of the great truths of science and technology.. but we are in fact just beginning to re-discover the wisdoms and technologies of races past. The answers to who we are and what our future holds is found by studying our pre-history. The purpose of these videos and site is to uncover some of the mysteries and hopefully answer some of our eternal questions...

Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

the first video for the 2010 update
includes info from a qualified astronomer
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Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

NASA scientists are searching for an invisible ‘Death Star’ that circles the Sun, which catapults potentially catastrophic comets at the Earth.

this article shows the size of a brown dwarf compared to Jupiter, EArth and the Sun. Including information about past mass extinctions and the Oort Cloud.

publish date march 13 2010
link: NASA Scientists Search For ‘Nemesis’ (’Nibiru’, ‘Planet X’) An Invisible ‘Death Star’ That Circles The Sun
Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

NASA -Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards

the NASA Ames Research Center
News Article: Planetary Defense Conference, April 2009

Planetary Defense Conference, April 2009

An International Planetary Defense Conference was held in Granada, Spain, on April 27-30, 2009. Following is a summary of some highlights from this meeting. Please go to link to read the report
link: News Article: Planetary Defense Conference, April 2009

the next meeting will be held in Romania 2011
Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

Interrogating the Asteroid

Summary: Researchers have proposed a new sample-return mission to visit the asteroid 1999 RQ36. Such a mission could help us learn how to move an asteroid that's set on a collision course with Earth.

full article here:Interrogating the Asteroid
Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

While looking for Planet X/Nibiru updates, I found repeated references to the newly found as of 2003 planet Sedna
which has the same elliptical orbit as was attributed to Nibiru by Sitchen.

Discovered in November of 2003, by Palomar astronomers, it was officially announced on March 15th, 2004.

90377 Sedna is a trans-Neptunian object and a likely dwarf planet discovered by Michael Brown (Caltech), Chad Trujillo (Gemini Observatory) and David Rabinowitz (Yale University) on November 14, 2003. It is currently 88 AU from the Sun,[7] about three times as distant as Neptune. For most of its orbit Sedna is farther from the Sun than any other known dwarf planet candidate.[10]
source: 90377 Sedna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

more about Sedna from Space Today Online
link: Space Today Online -- Solar System Kuiper Belt mystery objects - tenth planet
Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

This article entitled "Sedna Tenth Planet: a clue to Nibiru

has some interesting facts, history of Sedna such as its color, the lack of spin, and the possibility that it may be a moon of Nibiru.

read full article: Sedna Tenth Planet a clue to Nibiru
Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

from 2012 - Planet X - Nibiru - Hundreds of Pages, Videos and Audios For Free

A Reality Check for 2012 and Planet X — Follow The Money

YOWUSA.COM, 04-Dec-2006
Marshall Masters

Could We See Two Suns in Five Years? In my recently released podcast, Could We See Two Suns in Five Years? (now available on iTunes) I put forth the proposition that we live in a binary system and that Sol's unborn twin is a brown dwarf. This proposition is based on current astronomical data, plus the ancient historical accounts and warnings contained in The Kolbrin Bible.

Larger than the planet Jupiter and commonly referred to as Planet X or Nibiru, the return of this object in our near future, was prophesied by the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Druids and more.

Reality Check for 2012 and Planet X — Follow The Money (Page 1 of 3)
Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

Spanish Astronomers Discover a Brown Dwarf Sun Beyond Puto...yes..(.Planet X?).....officially called G1.9

It's almost twice the size of Jupiter and just beyond our furthest planetoid, Pluto. Although it's not a planet, it appears to have planets or large satellites encircling it. It's what astronomers call a "brown dwarf star" and its official name is "G1.9".

read fully story here :Astronomers Find Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto - Planet X
Re: Planet X/Nibiru Updates March 2010

post cont-

Chandra pictures of G1.9
Chandra :: Photo Album :: G1.9 :: More Images of G1.9

this is a quote from the article pg2
1.-Some self-motivated International committee of astronomers, by their own innitiative, are presently calculating the exact orbit for the Brown Dwarf Sagitarius-Oort-Kuiper perturbation, using the StarViewerTeam's work sheets based on Lissauer, Murray and Matese's original drafts. A final report, will be published by Feb 2010.

2.-There are huge scientific evidences concerning to the fact that Cosmic causes and Brown Dwarf are the real causes of Climate change. On July the 10th, Dr.Paul Clark, published on an article concerning to this matter, and almost 700 scientists signed the minority Report on climate change.

link: Astronomers Find Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto - Planet X

and for anyone with some astronomy knowledge here is a site showing some recent research
Dave Green: G1.9+0.3
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