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    Gaza War and the British anti-Semite cartoon

    The award-winning British cartoonisist Steve Bell did it again. His latest cartoon (at the top of this post) publish in Guardian (November 15, 2012) shows Israeli warmongering prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking Israeli Jews to vote his hawkish Likud party back into power while two top...
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    UNHR Envoy: ‘UN must boycott Israel’

    On October 25, a frustrated UN Human Rights special Rapporteur for Israel and Occupied Territories, Richard Falk (Jewish), in his latest report to the UN has urged the member nations of the UN General Assembly to boycott companies that do business with the Zionist entity. Washington’s envoy at...
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    Saudi King invites Ahmadinejad to OIC Summit

    King Abudullah of Saudi Arabia has invited Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad to attend the emegency meeting of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Makkah to be held on August 15-16. The invitation was confirmed by Iran’s presidential spokesperson but said that Ahmadinejad...
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    Jews: ‘Stop Charles Barron joining US Congress’

    New York City Council member and Israel’s critic, Charles Barron, is predicted to beat his opponent Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries 42, in the June 26 Democratic primary that could send him to the US Congress representing district’s 20% pro-Israel Russian Jewish population. Pro-Israel Jewish groups...
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    Sarkozy haunted by his past crimes

    The defeated Crypto-Jewish French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, will be out of the Élysée palace on Tuesday after he handed over the Presidency to the newly elected Socialist Jewish president François Hollande. Sarkozy is looking forward to manage the music empire of his millionaire model-turn-pop...
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    Farakhan knows how to anger Israel Lobby

    On March 10, 2012 – the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan spoke to a packed auditorium of nearly 700 people at University of California Berkeley. The event was organized by the Black Student Union. As expected, local and national pro-Israel Jewish groups tried their best to get...
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    Republican ‘Holocaust denier’ for Congress

    Vietnam War veteran, Arthur Jones, 64, from Lyons (Illinois) is seeking Republican Party ticket to run for the 3rd Congressional District of Illinois against Israel-Firster Rep. Dr. Daniel William Lipinski (D). Dan Lipinski is anti-Castro, Anti-Qaddafi and anti-Ahmadinejad. Israel Hasbara...
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    Venezuela: ‘The enemy is Zionism’

    This post has nothing to do with British journalist, author and blogger, Alan Hart’s book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. It’s about the Radio National Venezuela (RNV) which has claimed that Venezuelan opposition presidential candidate, Henrique Capriles Radonski, has Jewish family roots...
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    Sarkozy: ‘Israel is a miracle!’

    Since November 2011 – When French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Israeli Prime minister Benji Netanyahu, LIAR - he has lost his monopoly over French Jewish voters. Sarkozy became a hero among 600,000-strong French community when as country’s Interior Minisiter, he cracked down on 6-8 million...
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    Abbas returns to enact ‘Mother of Treasons’

    Hamas’ acceptence to let Fatah chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, lead the Palestinian Authority (PA) interim unity government is a victory for Israel. Not only that Abbas is a wellknown USraeli ‘double agent‘, the so-called ‘Doha Declaration’ was given birth by no other than Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al...
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    Libya – Qaddafi loyalists return

    West’s bad dreams in Libya has started shaping-up. Last week, western-client rebel government of National Transitional Council (NTC) No.2 man, Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, was forced to resign as result of protests by members of various armed gangs working for NATO in the past. Abdel Hafiz Ghoga was...
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    Sudanese President visits Libya; Zionists fret

    On January 7, 2012 – Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir paid a surprise visit to post-Qaddafi Libya. He was received at Tripoli airport by Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the head of western-funded National Transition Council (NTC) and other members of the interin government. Bashir, who never had good...
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    Israel with Armenian genocide stuck in throat

    Yesterday, Israeli Knesset committee members faced their Nuremberg Trail. They’re discussing MK Zahava Gal-On’s call that Israel should recognize Armenian genocide to punish its former bed-mate Turkey. Knesset speaker, Reuven Rivlin (Likud) has put his moral Jewish weight behind the call by...
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    McCain: ‘Kim Jong II has gone to Hell’

    The pro-Israel US political and religious leaders are never shy of showing their mental sickness and their Judeo-Christian hatred toward their imaginary US-Israel enemies. The death of North Korean leader, Kim Jong II 69, gave some of these Israel-Firsters another opportunity to show their...
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    Sibel Edmond: ‘US is arming rebels in Syria’

    On Monday, Damascus signed agreement with Arab League (AL) to allow AL observers to monitor months-old anti-government riots. This will open a flood-gate for Zionist-controlled western press to fabricate more anti-Assad propaganda lies through their embeded observers. The Russian resolution at...
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    Richard Falk chased by pro-Israel UN Watch

    On November 10, 2011 – the UN Watch website blasted Richard Falk for posting a hilarious poem in reponse to Israel-Firster Alan Dershowitz’s slanderous article in Zeoconservative mouthpiece, New Republic. Alan Dershowitz had criticized both Richard Falk and John J. Mearsheimer for endorsing...
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    Do Jews live with ‘animal fear in Muslim states’?

    On December 2, 2011 – Russian Pravda published an article by Yuri Sosinsky-Semikhat, entitled Animal fear of Jews in Arab states, which looks like a page from Israeli ‘Hasbara Handbook’. Interestingly, Yuri believes that every Muslim nation-state where Jews live – becomes an “Arab states”, such...
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    The ‘Israeli Puppets’ against Syria

    Turkey’s top daily, Milliyet, has reported that French military forces are training Syrian rebels belonging to the US-Israel sponsored ‘Free Syrian Army’ in Turkey and Lebanon. The daily has also claimed that France, Britain and Turkey have agreed to send arms into Syria to bring a regime change...
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    Condi Rice: ‘I’ve a deep affinity with Israel’

    Former US secretary of state, Dr. Condoleeza Rice visited Israel in 2000 for the first time. Later she gave an interview to Israeli daily Yediot Aharnot saying she “already then felt that I am returning home despite the fact that this was a place I never visited”. She also told the daily, “I...
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    Libya after Qaddafi

    The UN Security Council has given ‘fatwa’ that NATO’s ‘no-fly zone’ over Libya be lifted as the western invaders have declared ‘Mission Accomplished’. The morally sickos like US Secretary of State, Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton, showed her pleasure at the ‘cowboy-style’ lynching of Muammar...