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On October 25, a frustrated UN Human Rights special Rapporteur for Israel and Occupied Territories, Richard Falk (Jewish), in his latest report to the UN has urged the member nations of the UN General Assembly to boycott companies that do business with the Zionist entity.

Washington’s envoy at United Nations, Dr. Susan Rice, slammed the call as “irresponsible and unacceptable” and has asked for the resignation of Dr. Richard Falk. The Israeli mission at UN has described the report as “grossly biased” and “completely divorced from reality”. Canada’s foreign minister John Baird and immigration minister Jason Kenney (both are known Israel-Firsters and anti-Iran) called the report “baised” and alleged Richard Falk is undermining efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East. They have asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to remove Falk from his post.

The powerful Israel lobby group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to rescind his preliminary endorsement of the report and to distance his office from Falk, who was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council.

A great majority of 120-members Non-Aligned Movement bloc in United Nations including Egypt and Iran have called Falk’s report fair and balanced.

However, as usual, the barking Zionist dogs have not scared Richard Falk. He has refused to apologize for his report or resign.

Dr. Richard Falk, an American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, has previously angered American Jewish groups by comparing the Zionist entity to Nazi Germany and accusing it of crimes against humanity because of its treatment of Palestinians. Israel has barred Falk from visiting the Palestinian territories.

Last year, the Jewish groups had also demanded that Richard Falk be fired from his United Nations post for a cartoon on his personal blog , showing that Israel was leading US war against Libyan leader Qaddafi. Watch the so-caleed “anti-Semite” cartoon, here.

UNHR Envoy: ‘UN must boycott Israel’ | Rehmat's World
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