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    Sudan: ‘Israel our No.1 enemy’

    Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir 68 had a minor surgery on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia. He was released from the hospital on Wednesday and is staying at the Sudanese embassy in Riyadh. In a 15-minute speech recorded at the embassy and aired by the Blue Nile TV on November 8, Al-Bashir called the...
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    Top Israel-Firster Jews endorse Obama

    Readers of this blog may be surprised to learn that some of the top Jewish Islamophobes and Iran-haters who have been blasting Barack Obama for years for throwing Israel under the bus - has recently endorsed Obama for the next term. The list includes: 1. Former New York Mayor Edward Irving Koch...
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    Iran and the ‘Drone warfare’

    United States and Israel are world’s largest user of the un-manned aerial vehicle (UAV). The US is using UAVs in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia on daily bases. According to some arms-magazines, Israel is the main supplier of drones to United States. Last week, Israel announced selling of over...
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    Mossad behind latest Beirut bombing

    On October 19, Israeli Mossad car bombing killed Lebanese internal security chief Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan near Sassine Square in Beirut’s predominantly Christian district of Ashrafiya. Wissam al-Hassan, a close Sunni ally of President Michel Sulaiman, had recently earthed an Israeli...
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    Dagan gets liver transplant from Iran ally Belarus

    On October 16, President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, announced that former Mossad chief Meir Dagan’s recent liver transplant by a Belarus medical team was successful. He also said that Dagan decided to come to Belarus for his treatment as Israel, the US, Germany, France, Sweden and other...
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    US cancels 30 scholarships to Gaza students

    Under pressure from the Zionist regime and American Jewish lobby groups, Obama administration has quietly canceled a two-year-old scholarship program for students in the Gaza Strip, undercutting one of the few American outreach programs to people in the Hamas-ruled territory. The program now...
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    Israel sacks IAF Commander over Hizballah drone

    The Zionist regime has sacked Brig. Gen. Doron Gavish, commander of its airforce defense layout as result of its recent humiliation by a Hizballah spy-drone operation early this month. Israeli media has reported that Gavish will be replaced by Col. Shachar Shochat, who has immediately been...
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    Hizbullah tests spy drone over Israel

    The leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah in a televised speech yesterday claimed that the unarmed drone Israeli airforce shot-down belonged to Hizbullah and was on flight to test Israel’s American supplied anti-missile detection system. Nasrallah also claimed...
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    Henry Kissinger: ‘No Israel in 10 years’

    On September 17, 2012, Cindy Adams in her column at the New York Post, quoted Henry Kissinger predicting that if the current isolation of the Zionist entity continues – the Zionist entity will be gone within next 10 years. “Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated – and I quote the statement...
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    Libya: ‘You reap what you sow’

    It seems American-funded ‘Islamists’ who lead the revolt against Libyan leader Qaddafi in Benghazi last year, have turned their NATO-supplied rockets against Americans. Today, the Reuters reported that US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens 52, and three other embassy officials were killed...
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    Franklin Lamb: ‘America plans for a post-Israel ME’

    “If we abandon Israel, God will abandon US,” wrote rmlew, a US Zionist Jew blogger at Zioncon ‘Free Republic’, on August 28, 2012. Late last month, Franklin Lamb PhD wrote an article, entitled ‘America planning for a post-Israel Middle East?‘ based on a leaked draft of a study done by a group...
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    Gen. Dempsey: ‘Israel can’t defeat Iran’

    On Tuesday, America’s top soldier, Gen. Martin Dempsey in a news conference attended by US defense secretary Leon Panetta, said: “Israel can delay but not destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities“. Attila Somfalvi in Israeli daily YNet, interpreted Dempsey’s remark as a warning to the Zionist regime...
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    [Update!] It's not just Homeland Security: US Army orders riot gear too

    I know I sound like a broken record, but something's going to go down. I keep looking for things to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Why is it we get news like this from the Russian Times, when our MSM likes to give us the fluff pieces, or drone on about scandals ad nauseum. I have a...
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    CIA: ‘US cannot trust Israel’

    While every US presidential hopeful and most lawmakers bend backward to prove to the Jewish lobby groups that they would defend Israeli interests more than American interests – Americans have long been victims of Israeli and Jewish espionage networks. The famous Jewish spies include the Jewish...
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    Jeff Blankfort takes-on Chomsky

    Jeffrey Blankfort is an American Jewish journalist and producer of radio programs on KZYX in Mendocino in North California. He is a supporter of a binational state in Palestine. He is one of favorite targets of American Zionist crowd and admireres of Jewish professor Noam Chomsky, a...
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    Syria: ‘FSA ziothugs murder 17 Palestinian fighters

    “A true Islamic Resistance will never be fooled or defeated by the servants of Zion“. The Palestinian Islamic Resistance, Hamas, condemned on Thursday, the kidnapping, torture and murder of 17 soldiers of Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) by the Zionist collaborators, the Free Syrian Army (FSA)...
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    US Election 2012 and the ‘Kingmaker’

    “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the American know it,” Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. Last week, GOP front runner, Mitt Romney, told 700 donors...
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    Israeli El Al: ‘From spying to PR’

    The staff of Israel’s national airline El Al is known for spying for entity’s secret police, the Shin Bet. In 2009, its former employee Jonathan Garb, a South African Jewish citizen who received his military training in Israel – admitted when South African government expelled two of El Al for...
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    ‘Hollywoodism’ and Iran

    The second conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema was held as part of Tehran Fajr International Film Festival (February 1-11, 2012). The conference was attended by a group of foreign particpants including actor and documentary filmmaker Sean Stone, authors Tom Pollard (The Hollywood War Machine)...
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    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...