
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Beware Spyware: Wikileaks exposes surveillance industry trackers

    Beware Spyware: Wikileaks exposes surveillance industry trackers Published on 5 Sep 2013
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Finspy - Big Brother software spying on your computer?

    With all the cyber spying going on, this makes for an interesting article. Finspy - Big Brother software spying on your computer? Published on 22 Aug 2013
  3. R

    NSA spying scandal and Israel

    Currently, the pro-Israel US media and lawmakers are running a vicious campaign against UK’s daily Guardian’s Jewish columnist, Glenn Greenwald, for exposing Israeli links to the US National Security Agency ‘s (NSA) spying on American citizens. Liel Leibovitz blamed Greenwald at the Jewish...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Is the the 'Beginning of the End' for the Globalist Criminal Cabal? The Press is going NUTS!

  5. R

    Jewish group forces UN to drop 9/11 Truth Teller

    Under pressure from Israel advocacy group, B’nai B’rith International (BBI), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Swiss ambassador at the UN Paul Seger have decided to cancel Annie Machon’s address at a June 6 briefing jointly organized by the UN Department of Public Information...
  6. R

    Richard Falk: ‘Israel behind Boston bombing’

    Jewish professor Richard Falk, special UNHRC envoy for Palestine, in an Op-Ed published in the Foreign Policy Journal on April 21, 2013, has claimed that the Zionist regime was behind the Boston Marathon bombingon April 15, 2013. “As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American...
  7. R

    Ehud Barak: “Israel cannot rely on its allies”

    The Zionist entity’s outgoing defense minister, Gen. Ehud Barak 70, has painted a very dark picture of Israel’s close allies (the US, Germany, Britain, Germany, France, Canada and Australia). In his farewell speech to the Knesset foreign and defense committee on March 11. He said that Israel...
  8. R

    Iceland’s ‘War on Porn’ offends Jewish groups

    Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir’s Social Democratic government is considering banning online-pornography with the introduction of radical internet filters that would block online content. China is already using internet filters to save children and women from the serious damaging effects of pornography...
  9. R

    Stephen Harper: “thou shalt not defend Islam or Iran”

    On February 21, 2013, the MSN reported that Hamilton resident and long-time anti-war activist, Ken Stone, is being harassed by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) since he attended a conference on Palestine in Iran and writing his views last year about Iran being a peace-loving...
  10. R

    Obama to receive ‘Peres Award 2013′

    The future American historians will call Barack Obama “the most Israel-friendly US President“. Within months Obama was crowned as the “First Jewish President, he received 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, for continuing Zionist “War on Islam”. Obama owes his political career to Chicago’s Jewish crime...
  11. R

    Israel’s “Prisoner X” was Mossad agent

    Yesterday’s revelation by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that the prisoner, known as “Prisoner X”, who committed suicide inside Israel’s maximum security prison near Tel Aviv in December 2010, was Australian Jew by the name Ben Zygier. The news diverted Netanyahu’s attention from...
  12. R

    ADL: ‘Venezuelan Jews are treated as foreign agents’

    Abraham Foxman, head of Israel’s advocacy group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a statement on January 30, 2013, accusing ailing Venezuelan Presiden Hugo Chavez and his government for spying on country’s Jewish community. “Venezuela under the regime of Hugo Chavez has a history of...
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    Muhammad Ali: ‘A courageous conscientious objector’

    On January 31, 2013 – veteran Israeli journalist and author, Gideon Levy, wrote at daily Ha’aretz: “When (Israel’s new rising politician) Yair Lapid says he admires Muhammad Ali, he should remember why Ali became a role model. The boxer was a courageous conscientious objector, exactly the kind...
  14. R

    Obama’s ‘Jewish issue’ with Cuba

    R.M. Schneiderman, editor and writer for Newsweek and the Daily Beast, wrote in the Foreign Affairs Magazine (December 21, 2012) that the single biggest reason Barack Obama cannot make peace with Cuba – is Alan Gross, US Jewish citizen serving out 15-year prison sentence in Havana. Cuban...
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    Colin Powell on “Jewish Lobby” and Iran

    Yesterday, former Afro-American US secretary of state, Gen. Colin Powell, generated a big Zionist storm by defending president Barack Obama and Chuck Hagel, his nominee for next defense secretary. During an interview at ‘Meet the Press’, Powell defended both Obama and Hagel on Israel and Iran...
  16. R

    Israeli Jewish spy arrested in Yemen

    Yemeni intelligence has arrested Abraham al-Deri, an Israeli citizen in the southern province of Taiz, allegedly being a member of Israeli Mossad. The man has visited Israel and several Arab countries with a faked passport under Muslim name Abdullah Muhsan al-Himi al-Siari, Reuters quoted...
  17. R

    Israel’s Azeri-Armenia proxy war in Iran’s backyard

    On December 19, 2012, Farhad Mammadov, director of the Center for Startegic Studies under Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev announced that a war between Azerbaijan and Armenia (over the disputed Armenenian-majority Nagorno-Karabagh) can begin at any time. In September 2012, Armenia shot down an...
  18. R

    Indian Navy Commander: Israeli military is ‘third-rated’

    Last week, the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizballah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, while addressing a youth event in Beirut had stressed that the so-called “powerful” Zionist entity is over, and forever, following the defeat it faced in the last offensive against Gaza. Israeli...
  19. R

    Sudan nabs Israeli ‘spy vulture’

    The Zionist regime is welknown for using Jewish women as kosher honeytraps for its espionage network – but it seem Israeli Mossad even uses birds and animals to spy over its neighboring countries in addition to its pilotless drones. Yesterday, Sudanese media reported that Sudanese authorities...
  20. R

    Ex Israeli spy’s house torched in Montreal

    On Sunday, ex Israel military intelligence officer, Ari Ben-Menashe’s, three-story house on Jean-Girard St. in Montreal’s affluent Westmount neighbourhood was set on fire by some unknown person (s). The Montreal police and the Zionist-controlled mainstream media have called it case of arson. Ari...