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Readers of this blog may be surprised to learn that some of the top Jewish Islamophobes and Iran-haters who have been blasting Barack Obama for years for throwing Israel under the bus - has recently endorsed Obama for the next term. The list includes:

1. Former New York Mayor Edward Irving Koch 87 (gay), who told Andrew Marantz of Tablet magazine last year: “I don’t believe that we should fight them the way they want us to fight them. I believe we should bomb them with drones. Afghanistan – it’s not a country“. Recently, he called Obama a “true friend” of the Zionist entity.

2. New York City billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg who had endorsed NYPD’s six years of spying of American Muslims which lead no leads to terrorism. According to American Jewish journalist and blogger Max Blumenthal, NYPD officers trained by Israeli security services.

3. Alan Dershowitz, who along with fellow racist Jew academic Daniel Pipes lectured during the notorious ‘Islamo-Facism Week’, sponsored by David Horowitz Freedom Center at 100 University Campuses. The theme of the lectures was “to attack the culture of stigma that demonizes the state of Israel – the only bastion of democracy (sic) in the autocratic Middle East”.

4. Elie Wiesel 83, aka the ‘Father of Holocaust Industry’, who has been called “Liar” by professor Norman Finkelstein, “a terrible fraud” by professor Noam Chomsky and “the Master propagandist – Any political movement would give its eye teeth to have him on its side,” by the Jewish Tikun magazine.

5. Haim Saban, an Israeli-American billionaire and founder of the Saban Center for Middle East policy at Brooking Institution. Saban has said that security of Israel is the greatest dream of his life. In September 2012, Obama had appointed Haim wife Cheryl Saban as the US representative to the United Nations General Assembly.

6. Denis B. Ross (born to Jewish mother and a Catholic father), former senior adviser to Obama on the Middle East affairs, who currently works for Israel lobby AIPAC affiliated think tank, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) and chairs the Jerusalem-based ‘Jewish People Policy Planning Institute’ has been a strong critic of Obama’s “soft policy” toward the Islamic Republic.

7. The Israel Lobby (AIPAC) aka Jewish Lobby – is America’s most powerful Israel government’s advocacy organizations. It has been allegedly involved in espionage, nuclear material theft (NUMEC) and various other criminal activities. Read a report on AIPAC by the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, here.

Top Israel-Firster Jews endorse Obama | Rehmat calling