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United States and Israel are world’s largest user of the un-manned aerial vehicle (UAV). The US is using UAVs in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia on daily bases. According to some arms-magazines, Israel is the main supplier of drones to United States. Last week, Israel announced selling of over a dozen drones to Azerbaijan – which are intended to be used for spying over neighboring Iran and Armenia. The CIA has used UAVs over the Islamic Republic to collect data on country’s nuclear program. The Zionist regime has admitted using UAVs over neighboring Lebanon to spy on its No.1 enemy Hizballah.

Iran is the only among the 57-Muslim states which not only produces UAVs but has exported the technology to Venezuela and Lebanon. Last December, Iranian forces brought down one of America’s most advanced RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft while inside Iranian space. Early this month, Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizballah sent a drone over Israel which transmitted back photos of Israeli military positions around country’s Dimona nuclear reactor before it was shot down by Israeli F16 jets.

Today, Iran’s defense minister Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi announced that Hizballah UAV which penetrated deep into Israeli airspace was not among Iran’s top drones.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran currently has unmanned aerial vehicles with a technology by far more advanced than the drone recently flown by the resistance movement of Hezballah in the Zionist regime’s airspace,” Vahidi said on Sunday.

Israel had spread enormous propaganda about its air defense system and Iron Dome but Hezbollah’s drone disgraced Tel Aviv, he pointed out.

The Israeli Iron Dome has been developed by the US-Israel to counter short-range ballistic missiles the cost of which was absorbed by the US taxpayers.

Hizballah dare-devil operation, code-named Hussein Ayub, saw drone fly hundreds of kilometers into the Israeli airspace and get very close to Dimona nuclear plant without being detected by advanced Israeli and US radars, Hezbollah Secretary General Nasrallah said during a televised speech on October 11.

“Given the Zionist regime’s frequent incursions into the Lebanese airspace, we see it as the natural right of Lebanon’s Hezbollah to fly its drone above the Occupied Territories,” Vahidi had congratulated Hizballah on October 14, 2012.

Iran and the ‘Drone warfare’ | Rehmat calling