
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Five-year-old savant from LA who displays signs of being telepathic

    Is this child telepathic? Neuroscientist Dr Diane Powell, a former faculty member at Harvard Medical School is interested enough that she is conducting a study on him. Read more: Five-year-old savant Ramses Sanguino to be studied by Dr Diane Powell | Daily Mail Online
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Solaris Blueraven: Synthetic Telepathy

    Read more: Solaris Blueraven : Synthetic Telepathy - Project Camelot
  3. Unhypnotize

    Who wants to contact a telepathy?

    When I was browsing, I found an interesting comment by user “reda”: “i"m telepath and i have many concluente experiment with a good concentration you can hear my thoughts and i can hear your thoughts so we can discuss with our thoughts. my last concluente experiment i send to my friend a number...
  4. Dax214

    Always An ET Boy

    This post is dedicated to anyone who has experienced anything similar and who has been afraid to talk about their experiences. It is never easy to talk about such a controversial topic and in many cases you will be told you're crazy or it's all in your mind. Tonight I talk about some of my...
  5. K

    [Channeled] Silent Introspection

    For some time, I've had the knowledge that we must all look inside ourselves. Lately, this message has come through more urgently because although we are moving very nicely forward into our new, lovely and loving world, many of us still don't know who we really are. We are still using thought...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    The Abductions Continue By Chris Holly

    Just posting this cause is going around, and I wanted here. more scare tactics. The Abductions Continue By Chris Holly - 6 days 5 hours ago Recently we issued a warning for those who plan on spending time outdoors this summer. It was a warning about what can happen when someone sights a UFO...
  7. Denise

    2012 Meditation - Manifesting 5D ~ Archangel Michael ~ Ron Head

    Everything you wish for is attainable, dear people of the Light. Of course you know this already, through your understanding of the universal laws. But in this timing, in the time of ascension, there is a great urgency to manifest your desired outcome more efficiently. And so we assist you...
  8. maggador

    [Wow!] External influences on your mind and body

    Details of unseen energies and forces Those in control are using different forms of External Influences against the population. They mainly use spiritual means such as telepathy, and implements thoughts of their own into your mind that you end up believing is your own thoughts, and so on. They...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    Disclosure Daily Mail ... President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens.

    Mainstream with the Daily Mail...drip drip>>> President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, former Pentagon consultant claims Ex-President met with extra-terrestrials on three separate occasions at New Mexico air base Eisenhower and FBI officials organised the meetings by...
  10. Denise

    Telepathy and New Clearer Means of Communication ~ Greg Giles ~ Fecruary 9, 2012

    Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/9/12 Telepathy is the means in which the ascending members of humanity will communicate in the future. You have the choice whether you wish to communicate verbally or telepathically dependent on whom you are communicating with, but...
  11. Denise

    Top Scientist: Your Pet Can Read Your Mind..!

    12 January 2012 If beloved pets could speak what would they tell you? Could your dog warn you of an approaching car accident? Might your cat share tomorrow's winning lottery numbers? A Cambridge, England scientist thinks he has evidence many animals have ESP powers... While some humans...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Vancouver UFO incident fuels spiritual hypothesis of cosmic contact

    A UFO incident captured on video over Vancouver’s Mount Pleasant neighborhood in the early evening on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 left an indelible impression in the minds of witnesses. Two observers reported heightened perceptions of psychic contact that occurred later that evening, in...
  13. Denise

    Hilarion's Weekly Message: 11-20-27, 2011 Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

    Beloved Ones, This week will see you integrating and assimilating all the downloads you have received and still are, receiving. It is a time for quiet reflection and contemplation and is the time to be good to yourselves in simple ways. Contemplate the beauty around you and glory in each...
  14. Denise

    Sun Gazing: Why I Stare At the Sun

    PLEASE NOTE: This sungazing information is for educational purposes only. We do not recommend sungazing to anyone. If you are considering sun gazing, please research this as much as possible. Sun Gazing: Why I Stare at the Sun Sun gazing. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? Doctor’s warn you about how...
  15. New UFO Hunter

    UFOlogist: 2012 First Contact, New Government, "2013 Transition"

    Sheldan Nidle Biography: Sheldan Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as...
  16. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Closing the Cycle of Duality ~ October 14, 2011

    You may wonder at times why different sources of channeling sometimes come up with their own dates for expected events, and yet do not dispute those that are given by others that are different to theirs. Although there is generally a reluctance to give dates anyway, occasionally circumstances...
  17. Denise

    Pleiadian Message ~ Days to Come ~ James Gilliland

    There have been many meetings; which were multidimensional in nature in a consortium of advanced beings addressing the disturbance in the force called Earth. There is a unified field in which we all reside and express and Earth due to its millions of souls crying out for justice, the end of...
  18. Denise

    Message from Matthew, Sept 9 2011

    September 9, 2011 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Billions upon billions of sparklers aptly describes your world as we see it, with countless sparks of light radiating from lightworkers and spiritually awakening souls. This is a splendid way for you to...
  19. Denise

    Day 6 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    From September 5th to September the 22nd, we enter into Day Six of the Universal Underworld, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light through the Cosmic Ray of Galactic Christ Consciousness, and the Brotherhood of the Light. This Cosmic ray focus brings a greater level of Cosmic...
  20. Denise

    Vegans - Ignorant murderers & hypocrites

    Since there is so much misconception from the New Age scene and Alternative movement these days on "vegan lifestyle" and "vegetarianism" I feel I must address this topic some. Now, this is intended towards those whom have decided to eat plants and botanical lifeforms for certain "spiritual"...