10 Instant Stress Busters!


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10 Instant Stress Buster

By Gudrun Frerichs, PhD

:censor:1. Swearing: It may be hard to believe, but research has shown that swearing can release stress. If you are in a stressful conflict situation with your boss, partner, or friend, you might want to leave the room, go to the bathroom to wash your hands and vent your frustrations. It???ll help you to be less tense. When you come back you can approach the other to find out how you can together solve the dispute.

:kiss3:2. Hug n’ Kiss: It???s proven by research, hugging and kissing is good for you. It releases the hormone oxytocin, a feel good hormone associated with love and bonding. You can see, there is a reason that we feel like hugging a friend or loved one when we see them sad or in distress! So don???t be shy and give hugs and kisses abundantly.

:meeting:3. Find The Hoku Pressure Point: This is the fleshy part between your thumb and index finger. If you are stressed, massage this point for 20 to 30 seconds and you will feel an instant relief. Physical therapists know that it is a universal pressure point for releasing upper body tension. You can this simple intervention everywhere: at home while watching tv, at work, or at your desk.

:chairfall:4. Lean Back: This advice is for those people who hold stress in their back. If you experience back pain, especially in your lower back, experts advice you to lean right back when you sit on a chair, for example. Ideal angle seems to be 135 degree. Another good exercise for back pain is: lay on the ground, flat on your tummy, put your hands right next to your shoulders and push your upper body upwards as far as you can while your hips remain on the ground. Hold that position for a while, and then lower yourself back to the ground. Repeat this several times!

:lmao:5. Watch Something Funny: Can???t find anything funny on TV? Have a browse through the video clips on You Tube. I think this clip with the cat and the printer is pretty funny!

:deal:6. Make a Budget: Often people???s stress is around money issues ??? usually a shortage of money for the things you would like to have or HAVE TO pay. Making a budget often helps with getting your incomings and outgoings sorted. You can see where any tight spots are and go about finding solutions more easily.

:huglove:7. Having Sex: This is in the same bracket as ???hugs and kisses??? above. Research is pretty clear that having sex is a pretty good stress buster. Of course that only counts for those of you who enjoy sex generally and for whom having sex is not a trigger into bad memories from the past.

:sonic:8. Exercise: Exercising in nothing new, but let me put it up here again. Exercising regularly is not just a great stress-buster it also seems to have a preventative function when you get into the habit of exercising regularly. It???s best to work up a bit of a sweat and get the good old heart pumping!

:plane:9. Organise your life: Being organised is a perfect antidote to getting stressed. While some stressors are unavoidable, you can eliminate a lot of stress in your life when you get into the habit of being organised. Make a plan for each day, what you have to do, where you have to be. Rank the items according to their importance, so that you don???t end up having done a lot of things but the important tasks remain unfinished

:victory:10. Get a Massage: Most of the stress busters mentioned above can be done in an instant you just have to make up your mind. You might need a bit more preparation to organise a massage. What kind of massage depends probably on your preference. Do you like a more sporty massage that involves deep tissue work and intense working on your muscles, or do you prefer a softer massage with nice aromatic oils and soothing music? No matter which one you prefer, both will de-stress you and give you a sense of well-being.


source: Emergent Culture – Know Your Brain: Make your Mind your Own
Really interesting and funny ways to get rid of stress and tension. Here are some others.
Massage: Seating at one place and heavy workload create muscle fatigue which causes physical stress. A body massage can relax our fatigue muscles and bones.
One can also interact with others in a funny and fruitful environment to get out of stress.
I would have to agree that those are really interesting and I will have to remember them next time I have an assignment due and I procrastinate like always until the last minute haha. thanks
Very good ideas, and that's cute how you themed emotes with it. :) I think the swearing thing would only work for prudes who don't do it that much in the first place, though.
These are great stress busters and pretty easy to do. I didn't know about the Hoku Pressure Point. When I was in the hospital, there was a physical therapist that worked on my hands exactly that way. It did relax me a bit. :)
I've tried it, and it does'nt work. I organized the weekend nicely by not taking her shopping so we can have sex. Afterward, She laughed, saying that's not even ten minutes. So I was swearing. I got more stress!!!!
Exercise never helps me to relieve stress although I wish it did, I would be majorly fit by now.............lol
Meditation always helps me release stress, however requires time and a place where it's quiet. Which is not always available the most people.