4th Dimensional Winged Being Caught On Tape By Mall Security Camera..!


May 4, 2012

Take a look only at this amazing video clip which was allegedly taken with a mall security camera in Indonesia. What's your opinion on this, is that this real?

I'm not sure this video clip is real, the video quality is poor, anybody could manipulate a video and reduce it to a poor quality video so nobody can tell that it's been manipulated and released to the public as an authentic video. There's no way to tell if the video is actually real.
Ya, I gotta agree with Rabbit. The quality is so bad that it's easy to have been faked. I'm thinking, something happened there, but it was enhanced to look more like something it's not. You know, to make it look like a glowing being, yet it was something ELSE that took place, maybe. Just a though. I mean, I don't know what it is, or if it's real. The quality is terrible, and frames are missing. If there were more frames, it would lead to more plausibility perhaps.
Thanks for your opinions guys, you're right based on the quality of the video it's impossible to tell if it's genuine.
Now if this videos was from 1947, and somebody just posted on YouTube without editing the film, and the original films available for expert inspection. Then they would be a much bigger wow factor behind this.