50 days to save the world? I might listen to the doomsayers if they weren?t such ludi


Truth feeder
Stephen Glover
UK Daily Mail
Saturday, Dec 19th, 2009

Not many people understand climate change. But they can recognise hypocrisy when they see it, and are also likely to count their spoons whenever wild-eyed politicians invoke the impending end of the world.

On Tuesday, Prince Charles flew to Copenhagen to attend the climate change summit, where he delivered a keynote speech.

He informed his audience that ‘the world has only seven years before we lose the levers of control’. Not at all long, then.

For the Prince this was an important speech with an important message.

If we have so little time, and man-made climate change is such a terrifyingly imminent threat, he might have taken a boat or train to Copenhagen, or even, as a symbolic gesture, decided to walk.

Full article here
