9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out (FULL LENGTH FILM)


Truth feeder
Once the celebrities begin to speak individuals will listen. They've got more relation to peoples minds than anybody. This is positive stuff happening?? can the nwo keep there volley ball underneath the water:

You can see the NWO masters have worked so hard in destroying him recently-firing him on his show 2 1/2 men,ridiculed him on national news and in newspapers. Now don't get me wrong, he does have one or two issues with drugs (we ALL have private issues only ourselves can deal with), but that should not be something the mass media should use to beat him with a stick with. Maybe the hollywood machine are tryin to send a message out there. 'Try to expose the NWO masters and we'll destroy your reputation' Who knows, i'm just glad that out of the complete fakeness Hollywood and the entire movie and television industry is, there are some 'rebels' out there risking themselves for something they believe in so strongly.