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I got this message from the blog The Heart of an Empath & I thought I could share it with you.. :)

Angel Hosting -- the truth about angels
I’ve come across this more than once. Once on facebook and once now on Sherry’s forum. The idea is apparently that you invite the angels to come and stay with you for five days. In those five days, they grant wishes, and then when the five days are up, you pass them on to three friends. Now, this rang all kinds of false to me. It sits so wrongly with me that I was prompted very strongly to stand up and shout how wrong it was. Someone is spreading lies disguised as the truth and it’s being spread by people who claim to be able to channel angels.

In other words, I reacted quite strongly to it, and my strong reaction frightened me. I had to ask a very good friend of mine why I was reacting that way, and she told me a few things that led me to follow my instinct. I am a harbinger of truth. I am a lightworker. Michael told me this morning when I asked for his guidance that speaking the truth and spreading God’s light is my life’s purpose. So, here I am. I need to share the truth. To dispel the myths being touted.

In doing my research about this ritual, I came across another facebook page dedicated to it. It describes the ritual in detail. According to the page I found, this is how the ritual got started:

“The Gift began with a women named Irma from Germany; she is a medium. The Gift consists of a group of Angels who were channeled to her after she watched the movie "Pay it Forward", which came out in 2000. The movie is about a boy who receives homework from school to change the world. After much contemplation he decides to help 3 different people do something that they could not deal with alone. When he has finished his homework he refuses payment and instead asks them to do the same thing for 3 others.

"Pay It Forward" demonstrated how 3 gifts can multiply and influence many lives. Irma said that these Angels are very special. They were chosen to assist those who choose to receive them by accelerating their personal growth and awareness via their sacred requests. By them sharing the gift of these special Angels with your chosen friends and family, you will take part in raising the consciousness of the planet, "paying it forward," beginning with stating and honoring your innermost sacred desires. The Angels ask you to be ready to greet them and to accept their gifts of accelerated transformation for 5 days and then to send them forward to the next 3 chosen recipients.”

SIDE NOTE: In re-reading this I've decided to add something here. I'd forgotten to note something. She says here that these angels promised to accelerate her personal growth and awareness. This was part of what raised red flags for me. Angels cannot accelerate your growth. You see, your growth is entirely up to you. Angels simply hold your hand along the path. They are there to assist and support. The hard work must be done by you and you alone.

I read this and I’m at once frightened. Whatever came to that woman…is not of the light. Of that I'm certain. Now, I know from experience that there are things out there, very dark things, Satan’s minions as I call them, that will and can and do pose as archangels. I won’t pretend to understand why, it’s a tad beyond me, but I know that darkness wants to gain a purchase in the physical world. To reach as many people as possible. I’ve watched friends get taken over by something calling itself an archangel, posing as Michael himself. They ignore the senses that God gave them, because they allow the doubts satan whispers in our ears to convince them that those senses are wrong. That they’re “confused.”When in reality, Satan is attempting to stop them, stop me even, from spreading God's light.

And my friend this morning said that I’m likely being prompted to post this because someone needs to hear its message. So I’m here to tell you the truth about angels. You don’t need a ritual to call them. They don’t need offerings or candles or anything else. All they need is for you to call them. Everyone has a guardian angel who's assigned to you for the duration of your life. Some have two, some only have one. I don’t know why some people have different. I only know this is what the angels tell me.

Your guardian angel is there for you, for whatever you need. He loves you very much, and you have only to ask. Which is the thing. He’s bound by God’s will and God says that his angels cannot interfere with your free will. So before he can act, he needs you to ask him to come forward. Tell him what you want help with, he’ll gladly step up. Ask him for a sign of his presence, but keep your mind open. He isn’t going to magically appear in front you. An angel will also never prove himself to you. That’s ego speaking, it comes from a place of darkness. But he will gladly give you a sign of his presence, to reassure you that he is indeed there.

What are those signs? You will know. It’ll hit you in the heart, will stand out to you like a ten foot blinking neon sign, but the exact sign itself can be just about anything. Because I’m empathic, aka a feeler, my angels touch me. When I need to feel their presence, I often hold out my hand and ask them to take it. I have to tell you, this is very terrifying for me. It’s very powerful for me to lay my hands on someone, because I feel everything within them. So holding out my hand to something I can’t see, can be very frightening. I’ve experienced darkness, of the spiritual variety as well as the human variety. But I’m never disappointed when I reach out. Archangel Michael is one of my guides. He is essentially my “muscle” but also my guide. I also consider him a friend. Ask him for protection and nothing—NOTHING—gets through, even if your fears manage to convince you otherwise. So when I reach out my hand asking that an angel take it, Michael assures that nothing else steps forwards to trick me. Whether I have faith or not.

This angel hosting ritual also states that the angel stays for five days, from 10:30pm to 10:30 pm. That’s just nonsense. An angel stays for as long as you need him, and he’s never very far away. He will continue to watch you long after you ask him to leave. He will never fully leave you alone, but he will step back. He simply waits in the wings for you to call him again. Mine are with me 24/7. When I shower, my shower is surrounded by them. When I go to the store, Michael travels with me. And so do yours. Your guardians go wherever you go. The only time an angel can act against your free will is when it comes to your life. If it’s not your time to go and you end up in danger, he will step in and take you out of harm’s way. But…how he does that depends. It’s not always an obvious thing, like some stories you here about. Sometimes that dead battery in your car in the parking lot of the grocery store happens for a reason.

The ritual states that you must pass on the angels to three other friends. In reality, you can’t do that. You can ask god to send your loved one an angel to protect them, because it’s the intention that counts. God knows when you ask that what you’re really asking is that you wish to send love and protection and sometimes healing to your loved one. But in truth, he cannot send that angel until and unless the other person invites the angel him or herself. Because again, an angel’s cardinal rule is never go against man’s free will.

The ritual also states that it takes the angels five days to get to the other person. Again, wrong. Angels travel by the power of thought, and they exist on the other side. They are not trapped by the physical world, travel happens instantaneously. You call Archangel Michael and he’s there before you can even finish the thought. Because angels hear our every thought. They know us better than we know ourselves, and so they know you’re going to ask before you do. They’re only waiting to hear you ask the question.

This ritual, I feel very strongly leaves the door open to darkness. That nothing good will come of it. It’s in the very specific ritual and the exact wording of it. It prays on the fact that most people aren’t really sure what’s truth about angels. It’s like church and worshiping God. You don’t need a church to speak to God. Nor do you need a ritual for his angels to come to you and help you. Open your heart. That’s all you have to do.


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Sounds like the same way demons are invoked. I don't know. I'm not sure I want these beings in my home. What are they really?
It just seems odd that another being to provide us with "gifts".

I read a book once (I don't remember what it was called) were person die and they went to a very dark and evil place and when they got there there was Angels shining with bright light doing evil things to souls that were supposedly there for leading bad lies on earth and are being punished. After he was shown this a messenger of God came who was also an angel and looked identical to the Angels punishing the souls. And the message was be good on earth or you'll suffer like the other souls are suffering via the evil angels.

I don't think these angelic beings are necessarily good or evil, I think they're just at a different frequency than we are at and that does not necessarily make them better than we are. They are just another being capable of making choices just like us, they can be malevolent or benevolent just as we are.
It just seems odd that another being to provide us with "gifts".

I read a book once (I don't remember what it was called) were person die and they went to a very dark and evil place and when they got there there was Angels shining with bright light doing evil things to souls that were supposedly there for leading bad lies on earth and are being punished. After he was shown this a messenger of God came who was also an angel and looked identical to the Angels punishing the souls. And the message was be good on earth or you'll suffer like the other souls are suffering via the evil angels.I don't think these angelic beings are necessarily good or evil, I think they're just at a different frequency than we are at and that does not necessarily make them better than we are. They are just another being capable of making choices just like us, they can be malevolent or benevolent just as we are.

true and understandable..
I have a massive distrust for these kinds of things. It does not sit right with me, and never will.

It is important to be widely cautious when dealing with any sort of energy beings.