I will show you that the outcome, no matter whom you vote for, is already thoroughly outlined and predicted; not by the politicians themselves, but by the real powers, the "Shadow Government", invisible to the general public. The political decisions they make are not in our best interest, but in theirs only. The tax money you are paying to your government so they can work on accomplishing our common goals actually go towards accomplishing their goals, which are very different from ours. This Power Elite is deeply into the occult and black magic, which I also will show on this website. The rituals are practiced within secret societies, such as the Freemasons and others.

So who are those people I am talking about? They are basically 13 super wealthy families and their off-shots, with the European Nobility on top, and their fellow travelers are the International Bankers. Their bloodlines go back in time - way back to old Babylon and further. They are the same families, but under different names, that have influenced history almost since the beginning of time. It is mind-boggling, but hopefully this website will prove my point without any doubts.