
March 18/09

Big Pharma Conspiracy: Baxter Vaccine Contaminated

Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries

* Is Big Pharma trying to heal us or kill us?

Toronto Sun reports :

The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses.

And an official of the World Health Organization’s European operation said the body is closely monitoring the investigation into the events that took place at Baxter International’s research facility in Orth-Donau, Austria.

"At this juncture we are confident in saying that public health and occupational risk is minimal at present,” medical officer Roberta Andraghetti said from Copenhagen, Denmark.

“But what remains unanswered are the circumstances surrounding the incident in the Baxter facility in Orth-Donau.” The contaminated product, a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company.
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Original post:

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Mainstream Media Ignores "Accidental" Bird Flu Contamination of Baxter Vaccine Shipments

* Despite reports that Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. somehow managed to distribute flu vaccine contaminated with live bird flu virus to Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany
* Despite the report that this only came to light when a subcontractor in the Czech Republic inoculated ferrets with the product and they died
* Despite the report that Baxter confirmed the contamination, and the World Health Organization is "closely monitoring" the situation
* Despite reports that mixing the two viruses would make them extremely potent and contagious
* Despite reports from the medical community that the contamination could not possibly have been an accident
* Despite speculation in Czech newspapers that the contamination was a deliberate attempt to create a pandemic, for which Baxter would stand ready to profit through their vaccines
* Despite all these reports that have been circulating since March 3rd or before ... I cannot find even one major news outlet that's covering this story.

I normally avoid the "conspiracy" word, but ...
can you spell c-o-n-s-p-i-r-a-c-y???

Posted by akaGaGa at 6:49 PM
yet people continue to trust these companies and their governments and their doctors and just like the sheep they are, continue to go and get their contaminations, i mean, vaccinations.

Absolute conspiracy! Genocide!

How do you wipe out the population without anyone knowind it or even thinking to question it???? Vaccinations!!!!!!!! One of many scams going on.
OMG! Well, I'm not getting my flu shot this year, that's for sure. Not after reading this! I'm sorry that I had been getting them every year.
OMG! Well, I'm not getting my flu shot this year, that's for sure. Not after reading this!

Probably a good idea. i haven't had a flu shot for many years now and i haven't gotten sick at all. Everybody always feeds you the same bulls**t line of how it makes them 'less' sick if they get the shot. "When in doubt, leave it out." Why let others risk YOUR life! Take control and say NO when you feel it's right. And THIS IS RIGHT! SAY NO TO SHOTS!!!!!!
I'm getting my flue shot! I always feel great after a nice flu shot. And if they offer that swine flu shot again, i'll get that too. Again! It hasn't messed me up at all. Everyone should get their shots and should be fully vaccinated!
I'm getting my flue shot! I always feel great after a nice flu shot. And if they offer that swine flu shot again, i'll get that too. Again! It hasn't messed me up at all. Everyone should get their shots and should be fully vaccinated!

You're just acting like an idiot! So you're telling me, that you would seriously get injected with something that has been tainted with poisons? And it's not just been reported in the alternative news, but it has hit the main stream media? You are either stupid, ignorant, or a liar. Or maybe it's all 3?

Sounds like it. But you know what, everyone has their own opinion. As I heard it said in a movie: "Opinions are like assholes; everyone's got one, and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."

Agent or not, I choose to egg him/her on. Who knows, it might just draw more attention to the site!
If Doubter is really bugging you consider using the "Tachy Goes to Coventry" or "Global ignore list"

go to your control panel and add them to your ignore list and you will not see anything he post or does on this site again.
The fact of the matter is that they got caught. Thanks greatly to Jane Burgermeister. Her website used to be theflucase.com but now it seems to be a big ad for TD. Too bad. What happened to her anyway?

Jane Burgermeister distances herself from theflucase website

Jane Burgermeister was born in Switzerland of an Irish mother and an Austrian father. She is a dual Irish/Austrian national and lives in Vienna, Austria.

Email: jmburgermeister@gmail.com

With an MA Honors degree from Edinburgh University, Scotland, she has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, The Scientist, Reuters Health, and The Guardian among other publications.

She was European Correspondent for the website of Renewable Energy World, a position from which she was suddenly dismissed in July 2009 after filing a series of criminal charges against Baxter, WHO and others.

She started up the birdflu666 blog to alert people about the fact that Baxter had contaminated 72 kilos of seasonal flu with the bird flu virus in an Austrian lab in February 2009, nearly sparking a global bird flu pandemic, according to the Times Of India.

Shortly after that episode, the swine flu broke out in Mexico in April 2009, and she covered these developments on her birdflu blog, then switching to the www.theflucase.com website after Johan Niklasson offered to set one up.

Full article below!!
Jane Burgermeister distances herself from theflucase website « Case About Bird Flu