Billy Graham: Only Christ can save Canadians


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One of America’s top TV Evangelic preacher, Rev. William Franklin Graham 93, will be descending over Canada soon to save us all by invoking mercy of his Lord Christ on Canadians. According to his Canadian ministry’s website, 5% of Canadians suffer from depression, even contemplating suicide, 11% sexually abused or addicted to drugs or alcohol, 6% are unemployed and 60% rarely or never attended church services.

On February 11, 2013, Israeli Jewish TV show host, writer and author, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, in an article published by The Jerusalem Post, wished for a “Jewish Billy Graham” to help counter the delegitimization-of-Israel. “In mid-century America evangelical Christianity was seen as extreme, fundamentalist, unsophisticated and backward. Evangelicals believed in a faith-filled revival, but the results were dismal. Then, a great charismatic spokesman arose in the son of a dairy farmer named Billy Graham. The focus on communication, messaging and massmarket public relations turned the tide. Today, an astonishing one out of every five Americans calls themselves a born-again Christian,” he wrote.

Some people would not agree with Shmuley Boteach. For example, according to Wake up America website, Billy Graham is one of the greatest religious conmen. In 1992, Billy told Americans they need to embrace the New World Order. Billy is also on record stating that people can receive Salvation through paganism.

Billy Garaham was chased by Jewish groups after 1972 Nixon Tapes exposed him telling president Richard Nixon the Jews control the American media, calling it a “stranglehold”. The conversation went as follows:

“This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country’s going down the drain,” says Graham.
“You believe that,” says Nixon.
“Yes, sir,” replies Graham.
“Oh, boy,” replies Nixon. “So do I. I can’t ever say that but I believe it”.

Billy Graham’s son, Rev. Franklin Graham, is a welknown Islamophobe and blind supporter of the Zionist entity. Last week, Franklin who heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association wrote a letter to Barack Obama, complaining that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was targeting his “non-profit” organization – which is “immoral” under Christian faith.

Lori Lowenthal Marcus, president of Jewish organization Z Street, also made a similar complaint to Barack Obama. Interestingly, former IRS commissioner Douglas Schulman, with links to AIPAC, is Jewish – So is the new IRS commissioner Daniel Werfel.

Last year, Franklin Graham told CBN News that Islamists coming in power in Middle East worries him. “The Christians in the Middle East are afraid. I am afraid for war, I believe that Islamists, when they gain control, they will line up against Israel and we will see another round of wars like we saw in ’67 and later in ’73,” he said.
Last year, Franklin Graham said he doubt if president Barack Hussein Obama is a Christian.

According to USA TODAY Rev. Billy Graham is worth $25 million. His son, Rev. Franklin earned over one million in 2009 – $633,722 as President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and an additional $483,000 from his second job as President of Samaritan’s Purse, both listed “charitable organizations”.

Evangelicals see their foes only ‘unGodly’, not Jews or anything else. Very few see what Graham and Nixon saw. Even Larry King (a Gentile Jew) expressed shock that a famous actor like Marlon Brando would say that Hollywood is run by Jews; but Hollywood Jewish figure, Rob Reiner, quickly set him straight, letting the TV talk giant know the Hollywood is certainly a Jewish industry. Read the rest of article, entitled “Billy Graham’s Problem: Jews or Something Else?”, here.

I bet, during his Evangelic Crusade in Canada, Billy Graham, will avoid fellow Christian preacher, Bishop Bernard Fellay, who called Jews enemies of the church.

Billy Graham: Only Christ can save Canadians | Rehmat's World