Chilling Video -100's of Tanks Passing Through Burbank California on Train?

Really scary times we're living in, what is it they're planning? What did we do to deserve this from our "leaders"?
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I never thought that this would happen in this country. It's inconceivable what TPTB must be plotting. It's also sad that this is happening to this country.
That's just messed up right there. that's an aweful lot of tanks for nothing. Where are they going and what will they use them for?

It would seem to me that they are planning something big and are expecting the people to react in a manner in which they would need that kind of force.

Keep your eyes peeled people, there's more going on out there than we can imagine.
Yes, I know. The world economy (us included) crashing comes to mind. That would definately be mass panic there.
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This is just scary, what do they need so many thanks for? whom are these tanks going to be used on?:suspicion:
I don't know, so many different scenarios, one I just mmentioned previously, EMP attack (whther real or false flag), Project Bluebeam, I guess I'm not thinking anything (I'm sure TPTB have enough ideas of their own). But I've had a feeling or a year now , ( I should add I never get that type of feeling) if not 2012 (Mayan calendar) then something will go down, where and when I don't know, if it's in this country or elsewhere, only time will tell.
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I'm starting to think some sort of false-flag event that would cause mass hysteria and lead the people to believe there is an invasion going on, whether by another country or another planet. Either way, that IS a scary sight and it's not for nothing. I highly doubt their planning on shipping them overseas. It's most likely domestic, whatever the plan is.
Seems like you might be right what with all the agenicies gathering the bullets and everything. Might be a new angle for Project bluebeam.
Seems like you might be right what with all the agenicies gathering the bullets and everything. Might be a new angle for Project bluebeam.

It could EASILY have something to do with Bluebeam. You know their gonna throw that in whenever they can.
Oh, come on. Those tanks could be headed anywhere! They could be going overseas, most likely though is that they are just being moved to another place, being stored somewhere else for any reason! You can't just see tanks moving on a train and think "well, it's obvious that the government are going to use them against us" because you can't think of any other reason for there movement, it's just silly!

Also, project "Bluebeam"?! The one where NASA is trying to make a super religion to rule the world? ... That's what my research came up with. I really do hope I was misled and shown to another part of the site, and not some crap about NASA and ruling the world. Also, have you noticed that whenever a new conspiracy emerges from the depths of stupidity they always seem to reward those who believe it with a sense of higher moral standing and scorn those who think it to be made up non-sense implying that they are stupid, or unable to understand foe whatever reason?

And finally, why EXACTLY would the government want to slaughter thousands of people (as you said yourself) just for some minor victory over the population?

This site is devoted to finding the truth, that is good! But what truth are people finding here? A hollow Earth? A government that acts in a strange, dictatorial way? Think about it! There is the truth we can observe with the use of science, and then there is the truth we can read about on a self-proclaimed scientist's website where he also talks about his abduction experiences. So ask yourself this, what really makes sense? What is more plausible, fact, or fiction?