China bans crime shows and soap operas to make way for ‘Red’ TV


Truth feeder
Peter Foster
London Telegraph

May 6, 2011

Television bosses across China have been ordered to clear their schedules and broadcast improving ‘Red’ television as the country gears up to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Communist Party this July.

Popular low-budget crime sagas, romantic soap operas and spy thrillers that entertain millions of Chinese every night have been ordered off the airwaves by central government TV regulators to be replaced by improving, patriotic content.

The decision, which has caused widespread disgruntlement, is the latest example of a concerted attempt by China’s ruling Communist Party to use so-called “Red” propaganda to bolster what it calls “social unity” and old
“revolutionary values” in modern Chinese society.

The news of the three-month ban on what authorities have labeled frivolous or vulgar television has provoked a wave of discussion on China’s online bulletin boards and discussion forums.

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