Christmas Terror Attempt May Open Foor for Military Action in U.S. Cities


Truth feeder
Jim Kouri
December 28, 2009

Some Obama critics believe the president may attempt this alleged attack as a rationale to increase his power and might within U.S. borders.A passenger onboard a flight from the Netherlands to the United States allegedly attempted to blow up the aircraft as it was landing at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, according to a source with the FBI-NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Within minutes of the news breaking about the attempt, an NYPD detective told that the suspect-passenger claimed to be acting on behalf of al-Qaeda in the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight #253 from Amsterdam-to-Detroit.

The suspect attempted to detonate a device as the plane landed at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, according to the official report. While the details are still sketchy, the NYPD detective said that when passengers observed the suspect attempting to detonate the explosive device, they subdued him and held him for law enforcement. Flight #253 was carrying 278 passengers and no one was seriously injured during the incident.

The White House immediately labeled the incident “an attempted terrorist act.”

Some Obama critics believe the president may attempt this alleged attack as a rationale to increase his power and might within U.S. borders.

For example, when the Obama administration announced that enemy combatants and terrorists will be given Miranda Warnings when they are captured, many Americans wondered how that would improve war fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq or other terrorist havens. However, upon examining this latest directive by President Barack Obama, perhaps there is an ulterior motive for his directive.​

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