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In my previous post, I quoted Jewish journalist Alex Joffe with the Jewish Ideas Daily complaining that there was no justice for Jews in United States. Here is an interesting twist to the truth. On January 1, 2013, New York City police reported they found bomb-making material and a “Terrorist Encycloprdia” at the home of rich Jewish couple, Harvard graduate Aaron Greene 31 and his pregnant girlfriend Morgan Gliedman 27, daughter of Dr. Paul Gliedman, director of radiation oncology at the Beth Israel Hospital, Brookyln and Susyan Schops Gliedman, a top realtor.

Police also discovered a flare launcher that replicates a grenade launcher, a modified 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun, ammunition and nine high-capacity rifle magazines, reported by the New York Post.

The police entered couple’s apartment at 8 West 9th Street with search warrant steming from a case of credit card-theft which Gliedman was allegedly wanted for.

Now if police have found all this stuff in the possession on a Muslim couple – what you think they’re upto? But since the two culprits have the “privileged background” – the Jewish-controlled media came-up with conspiracy theories blaming NYPD for harassing innocent young Jewish couple. The Post quoted a neighbor calling the couple just “hippie types”.

Alexander Abad-Santos claimed that the two dudes were not terrorists in his investigative report from Jewish The Atlantic Wire: “The case really does have all the makings of a tabloid reporter’s dream: a super-privileged mom-to-be, living in one of the cushiest neighborhoods in Manhattan, apparently devising bombs with her OWS boyfriend“.

Michael Daly and Lizzie Crocker at the anti-Muslim The Daily Beast, gave their ‘fatwa’: “The couple arrested for possession of weapons and explosives don’t appears to be terrorists, just privileged kids drug habits“. What it means “the kids” collected all those weapons and explosives to rob some drug-dealer gang!!

British anti-Muslim Daily Mail claimed that the FBI deliberately creates terrorists.

According to American Jewish writer Max Blumenthal, NYPD and other American domestic security services are totally Israelized (Al-Akhbar, December 2, 2011).

NY Jewish couple with explosive, are not terrorists! | Rehmat's World