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hi Everyone:

Does anyone here have commercials that they don't like? Well, I've got a couple that I don't like.

I don't like the new Stanley Steemer Commercial, and I never have have liked the Orbitz gum commercials.

Care to share your dislikes.
For me, it's more difficult to find commercials that i LIKE than I DON'T like.

It's hard to like something when you see right through it, and see the brainwashing and misinformation on products. All the sexuals involved in selling, and misnomers. There's very little I watch on tv these days, and I certainly don't like ANY of the commercials.
Yes, I know what you mean at the very minimum the commercials are insulting to your intelligence, at very most they are way out there, and ridiculous. I still watch tv, though, a Tivo, would certainly be worth its weight in gold in our house,unfortunate finances are sressed and can't get one, so, I try to ignore, all the hype, lies, from the advertisers. Just being aware that theeir ads are false, and phony help me to make fun of it during the program. Maybe one day interactive commercials, I'd like to give them just a small piece of my mind, it wouldn't be that far of a stretch, that's fer sure.
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I hate ALL the commercials! They're all trying to portray information as truth that is not true, just to sell their products. My problem is I make fun of the commercials in front of my relatives and they hate it as they are enjoying the commercials or I just point out all the flaws.
any commercials I don't like? yeah, um....all of them. Turn off the T.V.
i agree lol.. :) but i feel that shows should go on with commercials at the beggining and commercials at the end.. but all in all i hate tv and commercials lol :)
Sounds like a plan to me but unfortunately it'll never happen because a good portion of tv watchers would switch channels at the end of the program and go on to something else, either that or they would know when to mute it.
There are a few redeeming shows on tv, notice I say few, it's the lowest cost form of entertainment we have here, unfortunate in that respect also. Like to read, but reading too much can get me blurry eyed, even with glasses.
I still advocate interactive commercials so these idiot advertising people would know how we feel if we could talk back to commercials. Might make tv a bit more interesting. Sounding off on stupid commercials. Yay!
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Commercials are so laced with lies and are legally worded so that they can get away with their lies. You need only take for face value to see the truth sometimes.

Children's product commercials I think sicken me the most. They're filled with sexual content and that is just WRONG on soooo many levels.
Commercials are so laced with lies and are legally worded so that they can get away with their lies. You need only take for face value to see the truth sometimes. Children's product commercials I think sicken me the most. They're filled with sexual content and that is just WRONG on soooo many levels.

so true thats why I rather my daughter be outside and play or something or read a book thats more stimulating that watchin tv thats laced with negative messages.. really
You're a good parent to teach your daughter not to be so dependent on the boob tube (so aptly referred to now its scary) especially since (I don't watch any of them, the hyped commercials for them turn me off, but with comedys that are more offensive then they could possibly hope to be funny) unfortunate that when I was growing up we didn't know any better, but I don't think it was so bad as it is now. Watch even though I think theyre merely be used for ratings gimmick a few of the reality shows, those are at least clean for the most part. Dancing with the Stars, American Idol,etc. But I think the networks use these shows to give them idea as to how many people watch their network.
I think it's important to teach your children by example, what they see you do they gonna want to do. So if they see you watching TV all the time, that's what they are going to grow up and want to do. So if you want them outdoors, you need to go outdoors and lead by example. Remember Gandhi said be the change you want to see in the world. Your actions are the only actions you can actually control on this planet, so you must lead with them.
Yes, I agree, There's a good saying that follows what you said Actions speak louder then words.

Too many parents are setting a bad example for the kids at an early age. I think they don't pay enough attention, just recently I heard in Illinois, parents of an 18 month old girl, noticed portion of her finger missing, and thought the pit bull had done this turns out their pet piranha( I kid you not) did it and to top that off the parents aren't facing any charges.
Can you believe that what imbecile keeps a piranha for a pet and then leaves it where an 18 month old bay can put her finger in the bowl.
Yes, I agree, There's a good saying that follows what you said Actions speak louder then words.

Too many parents are setting a bad example for the kids at an early age. I think they don't pay enough attention, just recently I heard in Illinois, parents of an 18 month old girl, noticed portion of her finger missing, and thought the pit bull had done this turns out their pet piranha( I kid you not) did it and to top that off the parents aren't facing any charges.
Can you believe that what imbecile keeps a piranha for a pet and then leaves it where an 18 month old bay can put her finger in the bowl.

True true and omg wow for real seriously.. a pet piranah.. thats just weird really
Yes, its really weird and whats more weird, is the couple aren't going to be charged for it. I wonder if Child Services will investigate, it seems to me the baby is endangered by having them as parents. Unbelivalbe that they would have a "pet" piranha, then they had an audio clip of the of an attorney defending the piranha, if you can believe it. "Fish get used to being fed from the top of the tank (not exact quote) if you stick your hand it in the fish is going to think its food" Who may I ask defend a piranha? Boggles the mind. I want to bring back an old tag line from a commercial, here it goes "Stop the Insanity"!!!! It'll date me but in a situation like this can't help but remember and quote it.

I'm sure if you Google pet piranha and Illinois you can find the whole story and where the couple live in Illinois
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Unbelivalbe that they would have a "pet" piranha, then they had an audio clip of the of an attorney defending the piranha, if you can believe it. "Fish get used to being fed from the top of the tank (not exact quote) if you stick your hand it in the fish is going to think its food"

lol an atorney for a fish?? wow you know they arent going to get anytime in jail because they are probally well to do and you know that this country thrives on the well to do people... i mean they had enough money to throw away to pay for an atorney for the fish like really? this story to me is just another distraction
That is just too ridiculous for words. A lawyer for the fish for F**k sakes!

I hope that baby is ok.

You're right, it's another distraction. Give us news about this kind of stuff instead of what's more pressing and actually NEEDS our attention.